let me rephrase.
Guy A is looking at a mazda 3. he goes online, knows what the retail vaule is, the trade in value is, knows what fair market is, knows about what he can realisticy get knocked off. he goes to he dealer and says, look this is what i can get, i want the car, if you can give it to me for this, we have a deal
Guy B goes to the lot and tells everyone they have one shot to give them their best price.
Guy B can go to hell. Guy A I would sale all day long.
As I stated, there are going to be some times when well... you dont' have a choice if you are smart.
What i am saying is, there is a difference bewteen trying to ge the car down to 23k becuase that's what he knows he can go elsewhere and get the car for if need be, or becuase that's just what he has in his head he wants to pay.
Usually when a guy says he wants a car for a certain amount, what he is really saying is he can only afford X amount a month. he's done the numbers already and knwos he can afford X amount a month of car.
I dont' do car payments, I fi can't write a check for the car I dont' want it. But if were to buy a car today, I could honestly give a flying **** about the price of the car beucase i'm not writing a check for it.
In fact you'd save more money if people put that much thought into the interst rate you are getting, as there is ahell of alot more markup in that than the actual car itself. usually 4 to 5 points.
What i am saying in a long winded way is, what is his reason for wanting to only pay 23k.
If it's becuase he knows he can get that car for 23k and that's the fiar market value fo rthe car by all means he's right.
If it's because that's what he wants to pay and has no rationale other than he doesn't want to pay over 23k, he can go find antoher salesman who will slave himself over a mini deal. I'm would not be the one wasting my time.
If it's a use car most have about 4500 in market give or take, but it does vary. that's cutting it close.
basically unless my GM told me orther wise or i had extordnary circumstances (i'm at 19 cars for the month and need 20 for a 5k bonus) I asically sold cars for what they were honestly worth. I didn't ***** cars out. not worth my time, becuase I know I could eventually sale that car and make money off it.