A perfect example of women being more emotional then logical.
Not watched the films, I hate that mushy stuff with a passion but I know the jist of them, i.e Twilight.
In twilight, the main guy apparantly has not had sex for 100 years, still looks young, even though he is officially an older man, and still goes to high school.
It's just a emotional attraction switch flipper for women, that when you actually try to apply logic to it, makes little sense at all.
If you actually tried to reason the thought behind such a film, you'd probably give yourself an headache.
But women love it, if you pointed out the shear madness of a 100 year old guy, going to high school, who had never had sex before, falling for the 'one' girl, to a girl. I'd bet she would dismiss your objections, then sit do-eyed watching the film, then turn around to her friends and say 'Wow that film was so good'.
All it is, is the writers know what emotional attraction switches to pull and have done so, to create something that defies logic and is just menstal mush.
Though the Ask men part is pritty good in breaking down the types of guys the vampires always are - I.e Alpha model types, with a soft streak for women.
Owwww aint that cute.
I have no problems with girls wanting this stuff and film companies churning it out, but any guy who watches this stuff, I'd think he'd need a ***** slap and pritty sharpish.
Though I once walked in on a male friend watching Bridget Jones, with a bottle of rosy and a box of tissues. Scarred me for life that did.
One will notice a trend in this mushy stuff - the plot lines are weak, the story does not have to make too much sense, all it needs to to is provide those emotional switch flippers and BOOM instant female mushy hit. Also just to point out, I have had many girls, known many girls and I can count on one hand the amount of women who could sit though something like usual suspects and enjoy it, or any other film that required even a shred of logical thought. I loved the matrix films, how many girls can sit through them, never mind know whats going on them? I could count on one hand! Stick Twilight on though and you wont hear a peep. I've known this from women in really good jobs, intelligent women, managers, teachers, legal secretaries, the works.
Nothing better then to fire up some real scary horror shi* and make your women watch it after she has bleated to watch bride wars!
Never allow your women to make you watch any of this stuff, it's a serious loss of man points.