Search results

  1. M

    Tabula Rasa

    French Foreign Legion.
  2. M

    Raped... kick his ass?

    Here comes Captain Save-a-ho. Anything that happened before you met her is not your responsibility. Also, women lie. Regretted sex is often rationalized as rape after the fact, especially where it is socially inconvinient to admit the affair was consensual, e.g a woman from a racist...
  3. M

    Why are men so emotional these days?

    The ability to control your emotions and master your composure is part of manhood, to cry for trivial things suggests that you have no self-control and limited life experience. There are other societies around the world characterized by grinding poverty, astronomical crime rates and constant...
  4. M

    Has anyone here ever gone skydiving?

    first jump is always tandem. Federal law.
  5. M

    Has anyone here ever gone skydiving? in New Jersey I did it. It was a lot of fun, but not a life-changing experience. It wasn't as though by doing it I had mastered all fear and become Lord of the Universe. If you really want to enjoy the experience, get it videotaped. The camera crew that jumps with you...
  6. M

    Staleout - The Graveyard of Promising Phone Numbers

    The vast majority here are newbies and keyboard jockeys. That I must admit.
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    Staleout - The Graveyard of Promising Phone Numbers

    Weeks, maybe even months have passed. You flip through your little black book or electronic equivalent, and while perusing your successes and reminescences, you realize that there are some phone numbers that unaccountably amounted to nothing. The sarge itself was excellent, you felt that...
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    A day with Pook

    What the fvck, people! Technically 'Pook' does not exist, cease the idolatry! Take what you need for your own development and move on, don't start a bloody cult.
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    the Sorcery of Becoming

    This sounds like semipsychological mystic babble.
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    Guy takes knife to a gunfight

    I'm going to create an archive for articles like this, like the one where this guy had his arm trapped under a rock and he cut if off with a dull penknife. Very manly! HUA! P.S I still think Joe the Homophobe is Henry Makow.
  11. M

    Don't think the illuminati exists? read this

    I suspect that Joe the Homophobe is none other than Henry Makow.
  12. M

    Learning how to invest: Where's a good place to start?

    Thanks! Keep it coming...
  13. M

    Vigilante Justice

    Those who say that extreme punishment will make crime go down do not know history. In England, at one point in time, there were no less than 300 capital offenses. That's right. 300 different ways to lose your head. The medeival world featured punishments the likes of which the world has never...
  14. M

    Ive asked this before. Joining the Army

    To enlist now is to go to Iraq. Would you really become cannon fodder for the war machine simply to reinforce your sense of masculinity? To risk death and grevious injury for a cause that is dubious at best? Courage is admirable when it is in the service of a clearly defined cause.
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    Learning how to invest: Where's a good place to start?

    I have given it great thought, and realized that I have spent exorbitant amounts of my discretionary income on luxury items that actually depreciate in value over the past few years. I speak of colognes, designer clothes, jewellry, and the like. All within my budget, but in retrospect I wonder...
  16. M

    Vigilante Justice

    There is no statistical correlation between severity of punishment and reduction in crime rates. To recommend extravagant punishment based on emotional response is ignorant, ineffective, and barbaric. Many prison systems around the world make the problem worse, not better. The 'lock em up and...
  17. M

    B-Lemond's Stock Predicitons

    Interesting. Are you using any Decision Support or expert software, or are these manual calculations? I am starting a thread about reliable sources of investment information and opportunities. You seem to be a fellow business head, so feel free to weigh in.
  18. M

    What are the consequences of a country that keeps printing out money?

    An excess suply of US currency on the international market devaluates the value of the American dollar against foreign currencies, reducing its buying power. However, this devaluation also makes US goods and services more affordable due to the more relatively favorable exchange rate. In the...
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    Be careful how you treat women

    I don't see enough justification for genital mutilation.
  20. M

    best move when sleeping with a woman

    To establsih emotional connection, if she has a flaw on her body that she is particularly sensitive about, such as a scar, or such, look at them with a blank expression, then kiss them tenderly.