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  1. M

    Women Fvck Beliefs, Not Techniques

    Women **** other human beings, the last time I checked. Whats all this nonsense?
  2. M

    would u approach without making eye contact first? why or why not?

    Most of my approaches have been without prior eye contact. If I see a chick that makes my d!ck hard, I go over there. its that simple.
  3. M

    Complains about David DeAngelo!?!?

    He doesn't 'hide' it from his male clients. Since when does David Deangelo have to give the community advance notice before he takes a piss? Secondly, doesn't Deangelo say to us men to avoid crazy and immature women? Thirdly, to say that he bashed his male clientele by saying don't date immature...
  4. M

    Complains about David DeAngelo!?!?

    If he wants to help women who are having trouble with men, and make a considerable amount of money on the side, good for him! I don't feel threatened, what's the big deal?
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    keeping cool vs getting angry

    Spoken like a 15 year old. Anyway, displays of anger are generally seen as signs of frustration and helplessness, not power. If you have a legitimate reason to be upset, air your greivance in a cool, controlled manner. Assume the air of the annoyed aristocrat; the lion who is annoyed by the...
  6. M

    Brief Online 5am FR. hb9?

    Talking online does not constitute a field report.
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    Guys I really need your help...

    Read the fvcking Don Juan Bible. There is a reason that the acronym 'rtfb' exists, because noobies like you think that a quick fix can cure what is in fact a lifetime of poor social conditioning and dating myths. To give you some practical advice, by calling her all the time, spending...
  8. M

    Appearance, and Clothing; A question about one of the most important factors in PU.

    As a general rule, look at what every other guy is wearing, and then DON'T WEAR THAT.
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    An Ancient Greek

    If you think I am lying, read The Symposium in The Dialogues of Plato.
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    An Ancient Greek

    :crackup: he's right! homosexuality was perfectly acceptable social behavior in ancient greece. Socrates was a pedophile by modern standards, he had a clearly stated preference for young boys, and in those days, an 18year old was considered a man.
  11. M

    Bad skin condition

    Tell them it was part of a gang initiation. When she asks further questions, say it was a part of your life that you are still trying to forget, and that you appreciate it if she doesn't ask any more questions about it. appear deeply traumatized then change the conversation topic quickly.
  12. M

    mind games

    don't apologize. wait her out.
  13. M

    GF going out to bars

    at least twice a week she goes to bars you're not old enough to go to to get hit on at least 5 times a night? er...Mystery said it best. I'm sure she was just going out '...just to dance"
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    difference between PUA and Don Juan

    This topic has been beaten to death.
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    For all the castrated men who can't deal with the stress of life

    That guy was a fvcking fag.
  16. M

    have you ignore women completely yet.?

    See a therapist.
  17. M

    meeting women in raves?

    In an informal, dance-club rave environment, NEVER ASK. Simply grab them and start dancing. They'll either push you away or grind on you. When u get eye contact in this environment, you have 3 seconds to get your ass over there, and do not break eye contact or else it will seem asthough you are...
  18. M

    So i look at this HB9...

    Bites her lower lip? She wants to fvck your brains out. If she looks you up an ddown in a quick vertical glance, by the time she's done, you'll be bruised and dehydrated.
  19. M

    Deep sh1t - Our lives and

    Read psychocybernetics by Maltz Maxwell. It takes at least 90 days to implement a life-changing habit, and in order to do so you must change your self-image. Believing that it is possible to grow and evolve is what made me the man I am. If you believe you cannot change, or grow, then you won't...
  20. M

    How do you respond when stood up?

    When stood up, call seven days later, and apologize for standing HER up, and say that something very important (work-related) came up, family emergency etc. In other words, you insinuate that you never showed up in the first place. Tell her you will make it up to you when your schedule...