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  1. M

    Be Vulnerable: Advice on how to progress past attraction

    This is true wisdom that I can actually use right now. Also, it is good to hear from an old-timer. Respectfully, Marlimus
  2. M

    Anal sex advice request

    If you like anal too much, you are probably a homo.
  3. M

    Girls you NEVER want to date post

    Women who were 'women's studies' majors in college (feminazi alert) Women who have three or more pets, especially cats IF A WOMAN HAS THREE CATS OR MORE, RUN. women who complain that they are 'real women looking for real men' or that they 'can't find a decent man nowadays'. Flee while you...
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    underarms smell

    Speed stick 24/7.
  5. M

    How long before a woman would feel that she is pregnant?

    you're going to come to a forum ful of guys to ask how does a woman know she is pregnant? Ask a woman.
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    2 beat his A$$ or not???

    To kick his ass is exactly what your ex wants you to do, it is possible that she unconsciously chose him because she knows you might recognize his face. You will feel like a man but look like a chump, because she will feel as though your jealousy at seeing her with another man, her power was so...
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    Ironically, self-mastery, in "The Game" by Neil Strauss, Style the pickup artist meets Tom Cruise and refers to him as his last guru, because he was the ultimate AMOG.
  8. M

    how do you negotiate for salary raise?

    Good lord, a 16 year old giving a grown man advice. What do you know bout the corporate world, boy? Picard, never indicate that you are looking around for another company unless your actually giving them your month's notice. Indicating that you might jump ship would make the management of any...
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    A poor Austrian immigrant who barely speaks english becomes the best bodybuilder in the world, becomes an action hero icon for almost a decade, makes hundreds of millions of dollars, has sex with the most beautiful women in the world, and becomes Governor of a state that, if it were to secede...
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    wearing neck tie & shirt with suit

    Surely someone of your age and experience need not ask such a question...?
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    Why men are losing interest in women

    Good to hear such intellectual debate, particlarly regarding the many fallacies of feminism. It appears I have more comrades-in-arms than I thought. If you would like to actually do something, or join a community that actively seeks to address men's issues, please go to, it...
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    Met new chick after 4 1/2 year LTR - Feels GOOD!

    nice job, but don't get too excited just yet, lest you lower your guard.
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    books to help with your game

    Look man, I fell into the trap of studyitis when I first got into this, but I never had any problems approaching women so I was still in the field. Let me spare you a lot of time and effort. The only thing you need to read are Double Your Dating, Carlos Xuma's Secrets of The Alpha Man, and maybe...
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    women tend to over analyze everything?

    Women don't analyze, they obsess over feelings, and how things make them feel, which sounds like analysis, but isn't.
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    Oh, please. If you're by yourself and outnumbered, or the other guy has a gun, you could be Arnold himself but your chest can't deflect bullets, and real thugs know that. I don't know what world you live in, but its obviously very different from mine.
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    That was a great story, man, I don't know what next I would do in ur position, but that was great!
  18. M

    School of Phenomenal Memory

    Stealth marketing is not encouraged here.
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    Virgin by choice

    Okay, if you are a virgin by choice, and could have sex if u wanted, why do you feel the need to proclaim this fact unprovoked, and why do you do so, of all places, on a dating website? I smell a slight wiff of eau de bull****, the newest fragance from Hypocrisy.
  20. M

    Damn I got flaked on......

    Short term advice: Flowers was a bad idea. In addition to the fact that you should not be giving her flowers at all, you offered a mysterious gift as incentive for her to show up, subcommunicating that you have to bribe her in order to win her company. Flowers and other such tokens should only...