Sup All.
So I wanted to add some value to the process and path of becoming a Don Juan. I've been implementing a certain technique for awhile now that is very powerful and has tremendous value towards implementing desired change. So... I wanted to share it.
I've found the ego (your mind's image of self) to be the AFC.
And your core, your being, your spirit, your heart... to be the Alpha DJ.
So this technique is about reconditioning the energetic structure/shape of your mind, into the designs of your choosing. For the purposes of becoming a Don Juan... allowing the greatest self expression of your core.
(Disclaimer: for the lazy fvcks. This is insanely redundant and wordy. For both the reasons that its damn difficult to express multidimensional understandings through flat words. As well as, my inention of having you thoroughly understand it, through all your senses)
Now for explanations, in regards to the energetic mechanics of conciousness and mind. Imagine reality to be an energetic dream or movie (which it is, ). Now formless energy (conciousness) flows through your mind's shape (whoever you are as a person) and that is your energetic relation to life... the movie. The physics of this pre-determines your role in this movie. Its an energetic phenomena, in infinite proportions... but nonetheless perfectly as it should be! So its a matter of re-encoding yourself energetically (into the person you want to be in this movie). Once again, for the purpose of this forum, that person happens to be a DJ. The most developed and powerful you, as a man.
Onto the technique.
I usally do this whenever I'm going to sleep, or waking up. As my time, awareness and focus can be devoted totally towards the process. Also... the last thought you go to sleep with, influences your entire night's sleep. Thus if its one of a DJ nature... its going to have a beneficial impact on your subconcious. (Granted we're trying to enlighten this subconcious... but in the meantime, having apertures that point into the direction of being DJ is better than our normal directions). So back to it.
Breathing is a huge part of this. So while watching and guiding your breath... use your intention to grab hold of DJ state of mind. Grab hold of "cool" or "attraction" or whatever... and hold that state of mind. Feel the quality of its energy. Feel its vibration, all the while continuing with your breath. What your doing is energetically grabbing a hold of an "essence" (so to speak)... and integrating its frequency into your body/mind. Your attuning yourself energetically to this particular resonance, thus conditioning yourself into a new roll in the movie.
The interesting part about this is... you can actually feel the energetic resistance in your body while doing this. Cause, literally your going to be re-attuning the "AFC" energetic structure thats currently in place... into a new energetic structure: the DJ.
Some points to note now:
1.Use your breath to control the encoding. Always take special notice of the areas in your body giving resistance to the new quality, being integrated. Halt your breath if need be, grad ahold of the essence afresh again (with your mind/intention), and feel the new resonances into that area. Continue until the new frequencies are accepted/encoded.
2.Feel the the feelings of the new state of mind as deeply as you can. The more intense and deeply you feel the resonances of the concept/quality in mind... the deeper and quicker it will be encoded into you.
3. Do it for as long as you need to. Try picking one quality, theme, concept to work of for a week. And continue to channel and integrate it into yourslef, in this manner. You'll feel if your body has taken to the new encodings, and the more you do one particular quality... the more vibrant and strong this essence will resonate through you.
(Example to illustrate this. Try thinking of an issue you have. For example, maybe being rich, having lots of money. As for the most part we've all been taught "money is the root of all evil", blah blah blah. Now grab ahold of the quality of abundance/wealth... and while breathing, hold this state of mind, and feel its feelings/particular-frequencies into your body. Notice if any part of your body clenches up. Maybe your leg, etc. This will be your body/mind showing you, your still have issues with wealth in your subconcious. I'd suggest working with this technique with such concepts. Money/Wealth/Abundance/Success,etc. Through this technique though, you can encode through your intention any world you want for yourself. Any self you want for yourself. Anything!)
4. You want to become the man that would seduce a certain woman. Grab ahold of her essence and the feeling of what type of man it would take to attract her, together as one concept. Now hold that state of mind, with those feelings and breath yourself into that energetic roll. Energetically encode yourself into the DJ that would pull her. And you will feel just that, on your exhales. The reality of the energy that would PULL her. From there on, its just a matter of continuous energetic reconditioning. Integrating such resonances into yourself. Voila'
Once again... you can use this technique in any way your imagination can fathom. I wanted to share an actual technique, that someone can implement towards their desired change. Reading is excellent, but this is an entirely unique process and tremendously effective. I hope you can see/feel/know the benefits of this, in regards to channeling whatever it is you want into your life.
So I wanted to add some value to the process and path of becoming a Don Juan. I've been implementing a certain technique for awhile now that is very powerful and has tremendous value towards implementing desired change. So... I wanted to share it.
I've found the ego (your mind's image of self) to be the AFC.
And your core, your being, your spirit, your heart... to be the Alpha DJ.
So this technique is about reconditioning the energetic structure/shape of your mind, into the designs of your choosing. For the purposes of becoming a Don Juan... allowing the greatest self expression of your core.
(Disclaimer: for the lazy fvcks. This is insanely redundant and wordy. For both the reasons that its damn difficult to express multidimensional understandings through flat words. As well as, my inention of having you thoroughly understand it, through all your senses)
Now for explanations, in regards to the energetic mechanics of conciousness and mind. Imagine reality to be an energetic dream or movie (which it is, ). Now formless energy (conciousness) flows through your mind's shape (whoever you are as a person) and that is your energetic relation to life... the movie. The physics of this pre-determines your role in this movie. Its an energetic phenomena, in infinite proportions... but nonetheless perfectly as it should be! So its a matter of re-encoding yourself energetically (into the person you want to be in this movie). Once again, for the purpose of this forum, that person happens to be a DJ. The most developed and powerful you, as a man.
Onto the technique.
I usally do this whenever I'm going to sleep, or waking up. As my time, awareness and focus can be devoted totally towards the process. Also... the last thought you go to sleep with, influences your entire night's sleep. Thus if its one of a DJ nature... its going to have a beneficial impact on your subconcious. (Granted we're trying to enlighten this subconcious... but in the meantime, having apertures that point into the direction of being DJ is better than our normal directions). So back to it.
Breathing is a huge part of this. So while watching and guiding your breath... use your intention to grab hold of DJ state of mind. Grab hold of "cool" or "attraction" or whatever... and hold that state of mind. Feel the quality of its energy. Feel its vibration, all the while continuing with your breath. What your doing is energetically grabbing a hold of an "essence" (so to speak)... and integrating its frequency into your body/mind. Your attuning yourself energetically to this particular resonance, thus conditioning yourself into a new roll in the movie.
The interesting part about this is... you can actually feel the energetic resistance in your body while doing this. Cause, literally your going to be re-attuning the "AFC" energetic structure thats currently in place... into a new energetic structure: the DJ.
Some points to note now:
1.Use your breath to control the encoding. Always take special notice of the areas in your body giving resistance to the new quality, being integrated. Halt your breath if need be, grad ahold of the essence afresh again (with your mind/intention), and feel the new resonances into that area. Continue until the new frequencies are accepted/encoded.
2.Feel the the feelings of the new state of mind as deeply as you can. The more intense and deeply you feel the resonances of the concept/quality in mind... the deeper and quicker it will be encoded into you.
3. Do it for as long as you need to. Try picking one quality, theme, concept to work of for a week. And continue to channel and integrate it into yourslef, in this manner. You'll feel if your body has taken to the new encodings, and the more you do one particular quality... the more vibrant and strong this essence will resonate through you.
(Example to illustrate this. Try thinking of an issue you have. For example, maybe being rich, having lots of money. As for the most part we've all been taught "money is the root of all evil", blah blah blah. Now grab ahold of the quality of abundance/wealth... and while breathing, hold this state of mind, and feel its feelings/particular-frequencies into your body. Notice if any part of your body clenches up. Maybe your leg, etc. This will be your body/mind showing you, your still have issues with wealth in your subconcious. I'd suggest working with this technique with such concepts. Money/Wealth/Abundance/Success,etc. Through this technique though, you can encode through your intention any world you want for yourself. Any self you want for yourself. Anything!)
4. You want to become the man that would seduce a certain woman. Grab ahold of her essence and the feeling of what type of man it would take to attract her, together as one concept. Now hold that state of mind, with those feelings and breath yourself into that energetic roll. Energetically encode yourself into the DJ that would pull her. And you will feel just that, on your exhales. The reality of the energy that would PULL her. From there on, its just a matter of continuous energetic reconditioning. Integrating such resonances into yourself. Voila'
Once again... you can use this technique in any way your imagination can fathom. I wanted to share an actual technique, that someone can implement towards their desired change. Reading is excellent, but this is an entirely unique process and tremendously effective. I hope you can see/feel/know the benefits of this, in regards to channeling whatever it is you want into your life.
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