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  1. T

    What would you say to an EX ?

    You know it's a test--of sorts--she's jerking the chain and checking to see if you'll still perform tricks for her. She wants to know if she still has influence and control over you. Question: where in your contract with her does it say that you have to answer every question she asks you...
  2. T

    I got played I THINK..Well i did

    Right on iqqi! That needed to be said. Usually I put it as "you know all you need to know" followed by "and now you know what to do." Yanqui--AFC, sure, cutting you some slack, but why the excessive focus on one girl--??? Dangerously close to one-itis if not there already. She goes to...
  3. T

    Women sizing you up the first moment she sees you and puts you down.

    Yes, you need to come back at them fast and hard with something--nasty business, but you have to do it. A low blow (if it's the only thing that you can grab in the moment) is to take a vicious cut at some physical imperfection she has. All women are are sensitive about their real and perceived...
  4. T

    Why are my friends such chumps?

    We can all understand your pain here (they are friends, right?) But--to answer you point by point--this is what I hear: paragraph 1: why am I wasting my time? paragraph 2: why am I wasting my time? paragraph 3: why am I wasting my time? Notice that you are wasting your time? Asking...
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    So SAD

    Shouldn't this be in Anything Else...? Or the bizarro files...I dunno. These questions weren't asked to be answered. What kind of response were you looking for really?
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    Greatest Book About Marriage

    You're like, what? 18? Check back in 3 years and let us kow how that virginity thing is going.
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    How Women Attract Men

    Not much different from the unintentional ones. Frankly, I'm not sure I see the distinction. Most of the tips here are for spotting the intentional signs.
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    NO company is better than BAD company

    Tell me you didn't drive down... And if you did <sigh> I hope you reamed out dumbass for interfering.
  9. T

    Why are my friends such chumps?

    Industry, man, you sound so primed for breaking out--- Consider this--your current friends aren't putting up. If a date gave you the lame time that your friends are giving you, you'd next them. But these are friends, right? Different set of rules, right? To a certain point, sure. I...
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    Woman A lover A gardening tool A Blow to my ego

    She's competing for your attention. No one around: no competition. Others around: competition. Insecurity + interest. Nothing new.
  11. T

    analyze this girl

    Just to carry forward some of the other ideas here, ID the mistakes you made. Do a post mortem. You're pretty clear headed about this already and seem to have a sense of where it went wrong--I'd suggest that you want to really hammer it home by going over where you got played and how you...
  12. T

    Does she has low IL if she asks you.....

    Most definitely PROBABLY. But you never made a move to test it and find out. You and us will never know for sure since she will NEVER be candid whether she was or not. It's a pride thing (and is quite healthy and natural)--it makes her look like an undesirable loser. She'll stick to the...
  13. T

    signals from a sunshine girl

    Agree---prove up time here. Be confident and bold. Ask her out. See how she responds. If she can't handle it or flakes or evades, shrug your shoulders and next her. LJBF her in your mind. My guess is that she wants you and is getting nervous around you.
  14. T

    The impossible

    Hope your friend enjoys this 8.5 chick while she lasts. She's doing too much and moving too fast IMO--she must have issues--possessiveness, impossible intimacy fantacies, self-esteem problems--who knows? This sounds like the making of a "we were SO close, like immediately, and then it all...
  15. T

    Does she has low IL if she asks you.....

    If she was interested she has decided you're a sexual dud or not interested in her for not having made a move (regardless of her 5.0-ness, you know.) This reflects badly on her powers of attraction (well, not necessarily, but you know what I mean..)--the unhealthy ones will take it as an insult...
  16. T

    wanna put her in her place

    I'm with Xblitz on this--I'm not seeing why you would want to be with this one. She's hot or special isn't excuse enough, IMO... She comes with issues that you can't win on. If you don't do her bidding, 20 other guys will. She knows it and actively seeks it out. How can play against...
  17. T

    Should I or shouldnt I?

    Never give a girl a gift or flowers on a first or second date. Heard this from a girl. Both the apology and the rose giving are bad ideas. I don't see any "special case" provisions here, either.
  18. T

    Would you dump a perfect girl if the sex was bad?

    I had -- well, not a perfect girl, but one that was amazing. Except in bed. She was sensual, but I had a feeling similar to when you're very hungry, eat a big meal and somehow something wasn't satisfied even though you're stuffed. I had that same feeling regarding sex with her. If we stay...
  19. T

    How to test a woman on the first date

    I've heard from women friends who also had a former date be obnoxious to the wait staff. I don't understand it what these guys are thinking--anyone care to elaborate? Anyway, WT--I'm curious how you did the ending after appetizers and how he responded.
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    Interesting take on that...I can't say it's wrong. I'm reading the situation as he's: a) AFC; b) uninterested; c) unresponsive (needs to liven up a little or a shot more testosterone, actually.); d) all of the above (not quite enough here to determine.) Next him, 32swf--you can't...