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Unfortunately I just deleted the emails, so I can't quote them exactly, but basically:
4 months ago I met a very fine, beach-blond, tan, gorgeous girl. We're both 18. We started immediately flirting, and I just figureed she was a fun person but I wouldn't see her much. She called me up a day later and asked me if I felt anything for her. I was surprised, but answered, "sure." What did I have to lose? A little sudden, but not neccessarily unwelcome. Then she admitted she felt something for me. Shes been going steady with a guy in New Zealand for 2 years.
I found this out, knew it couldn't go anywhere with her, so I stopped. She kept on though, flirting when I would not, and always asking me if I liked her. And if I did, why. I got the idea, and basically told her that if she were single, i would go for her. If not, no way. So she began to tell me about her terrible relationship with her boyfriend, and that she was going to break up with him. I fell for it. We hung out, talked on the phone, emailed, but never actually started going out. I figured, as soon as she frees herself, then I can move in. Not so. She was schedueled for a missions trip to NZ for a year. She insisted she was not going to see her boyfriend while there. I thought that unlikely. Still, I believed her. She had me going pretty good, with both of us saying before parting, "I'll wait for you." I cringe when I think of it.
I wrote her some mushy emails while she was gone. <---Mistake. Then, of course, I got the Big One, an email thats like, a MB in size, explaining how her boyfriend had changed and is so wonderful, how we should just be friends, how she "feels really independant right now and doesn't want that to change" and that "I'm sorry if I've hurt you but that was not my intention," and "I'm sorry, but I DO have a boyfriend, and I have to be faithful to him, just like you would want me to be for you if we were going out" and that "I really care for you as a person, and I don't want that to change!" and again, "I'm REALLY sorry if I've hurt, you, but you know me, and I'm not that type of person to hurt somebody!"
Ok! Of course I felt bad. But, I got rejected before anything even started, so I didn't mean as much as it could have. It did take me a couple days to write in reply. When I did finally clear my mind to write, I discovered another e-mail in my box. One with a title of "???" Apparently, I didn't answer fast enough, and she assumed I was never going to answer. Her e-mail went along the lines of, "Wow! And I thought we could really be friends!" Then I wrote a reply, assuring her that there were no problems between us, and that I trusted her to choose the right way. She answered with, "So then if you really trust me to make the right choices, then why do you sound so mad?? Like I said, 'I'm SORRY if I've hurt you!'" I thought this was odd, since my email had no tone of anger whatsoever. But...
Her missions trip ended early by chance. She came home, and promptly called me to say how wonderful her boyfriend was, and how much he had changed. I said I was glad for her. By this time, I was over it, and just wanted things to smooth out. I figured they would. I treated her exactly as I had known her before.
Just got an e-mail the other day. She asked why I was acting weird and trying to avoid her. She wanted to know because "I still care about you, (in a friendly way) so why are you avoiding me??" I wasn't avoiding her. She sent 2 emails, one right on the tail of the other, giving me less than 24 hours to answer the first. The 2nd said, basically, "You still haven't explained why you're avoiding me!! And I really thought someday that we could be friends !! You know I wouldn't hurt you intentionally, (I told her 3 times I wasn't hurt) because I'm not that type of girl! Because I really care about people, I don't throw away friendships, and that's like what you're doing. .If you knew me you would know I wouldn't do that! I''m saying this because I CARE about our friendship! If you can do one thing, PLEASE at least tell me if you still have feelings for me. I need to know. If you don't answer, then I'll know."
What do you think is going on in this girl's head?

4 months ago I met a very fine, beach-blond, tan, gorgeous girl. We're both 18. We started immediately flirting, and I just figureed she was a fun person but I wouldn't see her much. She called me up a day later and asked me if I felt anything for her. I was surprised, but answered, "sure." What did I have to lose? A little sudden, but not neccessarily unwelcome. Then she admitted she felt something for me. Shes been going steady with a guy in New Zealand for 2 years.
I found this out, knew it couldn't go anywhere with her, so I stopped. She kept on though, flirting when I would not, and always asking me if I liked her. And if I did, why. I got the idea, and basically told her that if she were single, i would go for her. If not, no way. So she began to tell me about her terrible relationship with her boyfriend, and that she was going to break up with him. I fell for it. We hung out, talked on the phone, emailed, but never actually started going out. I figured, as soon as she frees herself, then I can move in. Not so. She was schedueled for a missions trip to NZ for a year. She insisted she was not going to see her boyfriend while there. I thought that unlikely. Still, I believed her. She had me going pretty good, with both of us saying before parting, "I'll wait for you." I cringe when I think of it.
I wrote her some mushy emails while she was gone. <---Mistake. Then, of course, I got the Big One, an email thats like, a MB in size, explaining how her boyfriend had changed and is so wonderful, how we should just be friends, how she "feels really independant right now and doesn't want that to change" and that "I'm sorry if I've hurt you but that was not my intention," and "I'm sorry, but I DO have a boyfriend, and I have to be faithful to him, just like you would want me to be for you if we were going out" and that "I really care for you as a person, and I don't want that to change!" and again, "I'm REALLY sorry if I've hurt, you, but you know me, and I'm not that type of person to hurt somebody!"
Ok! Of course I felt bad. But, I got rejected before anything even started, so I didn't mean as much as it could have. It did take me a couple days to write in reply. When I did finally clear my mind to write, I discovered another e-mail in my box. One with a title of "???" Apparently, I didn't answer fast enough, and she assumed I was never going to answer. Her e-mail went along the lines of, "Wow! And I thought we could really be friends!" Then I wrote a reply, assuring her that there were no problems between us, and that I trusted her to choose the right way. She answered with, "So then if you really trust me to make the right choices, then why do you sound so mad?? Like I said, 'I'm SORRY if I've hurt you!'" I thought this was odd, since my email had no tone of anger whatsoever. But...
Her missions trip ended early by chance. She came home, and promptly called me to say how wonderful her boyfriend was, and how much he had changed. I said I was glad for her. By this time, I was over it, and just wanted things to smooth out. I figured they would. I treated her exactly as I had known her before.
Just got an e-mail the other day. She asked why I was acting weird and trying to avoid her. She wanted to know because "I still care about you, (in a friendly way) so why are you avoiding me??" I wasn't avoiding her. She sent 2 emails, one right on the tail of the other, giving me less than 24 hours to answer the first. The 2nd said, basically, "You still haven't explained why you're avoiding me!! And I really thought someday that we could be friends !! You know I wouldn't hurt you intentionally, (I told her 3 times I wasn't hurt) because I'm not that type of girl! Because I really care about people, I don't throw away friendships, and that's like what you're doing. .If you knew me you would know I wouldn't do that! I''m saying this because I CARE about our friendship! If you can do one thing, PLEASE at least tell me if you still have feelings for me. I need to know. If you don't answer, then I'll know."
What do you think is going on in this girl's head?