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  1. S

    This is wrong on all levels...

    lol i love to see the guy's face when he finally realizes that his "soulmate" was raw-fvcking another guy just before sunday's sermon ,or giving bl0wjobs behind wall-mart for free, or acting as "oral fluffer" for the local shoe shine boy... :D
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    HOW TO LOOK LIKE A ROCK- tip compilation

    Diet , part 1 1. eating excessive amounts of protein is safe, it wont kill you , it wont bring cancer and you wont get a shriveling ****or!s either. 2.vegeterians should be purged.i hate them. both my exes were veggies,i fvcking hate them too. i also hate gossip girl, and any christian priest...
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    Jim Wender: Weight loss/Strength

    jim wendler , producing fat, extremely weak "mediocre" lifters since 1882. look he even confesses himself so basically he is telling us that we SUCK, that we can never be anything but mediocre and we should accept our limit and become a mediocre fat ass.... i hereby apologize if i hurt...
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    Fat Girls?

    being fat is due to LAZINESS. every fat fvck is fat because of their laziness.nothing else. im praying for a plague that will wipe out these size XXXL creatures off the planet, anyone with me? CLEANSE
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    Post Dbol Training

    i heard that craze contains crystal meth....
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    F*ck you wheelchair ,lifting log

    1.made a pair of new cargo pants by cutting my old jeans,way more durable than the crap i see in the shops IMO. 2.had a look at the local newspaper today, "new powerlifting record broken" i was like "oh someone did something in this sh!thole" ilooked at the figure, it was a deadlift of . . ...
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    HOW TO LOOK LIKE A ROCK- tip compilation

    how to reduce love handles : well i have devised a one -fits all, cookie cutter program to erase those nasty love handles....... not. the only way to get rid of them is to reduce your body fat %. what is an ideal bf%? i dont know, its an individual thing. side bends wont do a damn thing...
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    HOW TO LOOK LIKE A ROCK- tip compilation

    how to get a V taper yes we all want a V taper,because thats what chicks like as well as assorted homos and closet faggots in leotards. anyway there are basically 2 ways : 1. lose fat. yeah reduce your Bodyfat % , however this usually works for guys who already have some decent amount of...
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    F*ck you wheelchair ,lifting log

    squats bench triceps biceps i did the 21's purefilth was talking about in another thread and well... my biceps are swole! :D i will add them to my routine from now on. busted another cargo pants on the squats.
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    HOW TO LOOK LIKE A ROCK- tip compilation

    hahahahaha im sorry i hurt your little have a biscuit :crackup:
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    Fvcking ads on Youtube

    even with adblock i get ads sometimes, but yeah its mostly effective
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    HOW TO LOOK LIKE A ROCK- tip compilation

    meh im too lazy to argue. but if people are too stupid to understand that i meant partials as an assistance exercise, then be it. i usually full squat b!tches otherwise how m i gonna compete at a powerlifting meet? i rest my case and move on. im actually losing faith in humanity...... i wish a...
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    Are American men this desperate - pay a pro for a hug?

    beta? at least the betagoes for punany , these guys are like omega lol
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    Been cutting hard the last two months and....

    1. stay away from long distance cradio (jogging, marathons,cycling ,running) 2. eat lots of fats and protein especially red meat. 3.masturbate 4.go grind some chicks in a club an action movie 6.listen to some deathcore 7.start a fight with a stranger
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    HOW TO LOOK LIKE A ROCK- tip compilation

    anyway since some of us are really interested in my "credentials"i have to say ...i have none. except for a personal endorsement from ron swanson for the invention of bacon wrapped shrimps,which still hangs from my life's greatest accomplishment. also i tend to ignore anyone who...
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    HOW TO LOOK LIKE A ROCK- tip compilation

    as for biceps,i will do what stig and purefilth said, always nice to do something new. :rock: EDIT:reached post limit. MODS please remove any post that has arguments in it.i want tokeep the thread clean., its derailing the thread.i posted at the beginning that arguments should be kept at a...
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    Do married guys here get punany

    why in the world would you wanna marry? its a pain in the ass and pointless in this era. marriage was a guarantee that she wont fvck anybody else,but in this era,she can fvck whoever and get away with it. so whats the point?
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    HOW TO LOOK LIKE A ROCK- tip compilation

    The forbidden exercise, PARTIALS half reps & quarter reps The internet's very own gustapo has arised! , led by asshats such as the faggot at stronglifts and ofc mark-himler-ripetoe with their own army of self appointed experts on youtube and message boards , the ****tapo has long named half...
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    HOW TO LOOK LIKE A ROCK- tip compilation

    good point, ill make a post about neck harness and calves, i dont train calves either bcuz i have genetically big calves:D ill make a postr about cardio as well. very good points, unfortunaely ive never done olympic lifts solely due to the fact that i lifted in a sh!tbag gym.the new gym...
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    HOW TO LOOK LIKE A ROCK- tip compilation

    Squat for big arms = 10"inch arms HA HA squat for big arms ? we see this term being thrown around way too often. while it may hold some truth, it however doesnt mean that you should neglect direct arm training all together. this is the primary reason for the rampant disease known as "dildo...