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  1. S

    HOW TO LOOK LIKE A ROCK- tip compilation

    a modified ketogenic diet. it will look something like this monday,tuesday - 2000 calories protein (65%) + fats (35%) , no carbs wed - 3000 calories protein(50%) + fats (20%) + carbs (30%) thursday,friday ,saturday- 1500 calories protein (65%) fat (35%) sunday is a cheat window, you...
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    total AFC or true love?

    oh ... i *fvcking the girl in the video while her hubby is at work* ive fvcked girls who were on their honeymoon. case closed.
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    HOW TO LOOK LIKE A ROCK- tip compilation

    about YOGA : yoga is for the following people: women retards gay men closet homos bieber women women ^ unless you are any of the above, stay away from that crap.its a fvcking disgrace, whats mmore is that your parents will thank you for it bcuz they dont have to open their veins bcuz their...
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    Critique my workout program

    dont fret the details just do it. aim for 220lbs on the squat in 6 months time.thats all you need.
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    F*ck you wheelchair ,lifting log

    went to the new gym :D squats 110 x 2 X3 140X5X5 Db rows (they got some big ass dumbells going up to 50kgs! (120lbs) ) 30kg X5X 4 sets on each side bench 70X8X3 80X3X3 90X2 close grip bench 70X3X3 pull ups 5X3 shrugs 110X5X5 i dont really feel anything from 140 anymore,i could jerk...
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    HOW TO LOOK LIKE A ROCK- tip compilation

    how to spot a sh!tty gym in 1,2, 3 a sh!tty gym has : 1.medicine balls and light 2kg kettlebells 2. yoga mats 3.ab machines 4. has "planet fitness" written all over the gym
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    HOW TO LOOK LIKE A ROCK- tip compilation

    so i thought of making a thread in which everyone could write their lifting/nutrition tips in one place. anyone can post his/her idea, but keep bedroom arguments out of this thread because you can always measure your d!ck size by using the PM function in your user control panel. ill start...
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    F*ck you wheelchair ,lifting log

    yeah me too, ill be squatting all day on saturday!
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    Critique my workout program

    deadlift from the rack till you can pull about 80kgs, then switch to deadlifting from the floor. the bold stuff on friday? you dont need it. isolation movements are used to help any muscle which is lagging behind others in terms of development, a beginner will never benefit from them. first...
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    Are American men this desperate - pay a pro for a hug?

    do i want my kid to grow up in this world? No. *runs to get a vasectomy*
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    i bet you heard those stories from ripetoe right? well he is fvll of sh!t. proper form can never be achieved under 220lbs. read that again. as you use heavier weights and go beyond 220lbs, your own body, will find out the right form by has no choice, because if it doesnt,the weight...
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    Critique my workout program

    klokov press its basically a snatch grip- behind the neck push press.the klokov press blasts every living...
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    Critique my workout program

    i modified your workout , cut the crap and went for the cream the modified is in bold these are all unnecessary horsesh!t. all you need to remember is to go brutally heavy. the catabolic response is pure horsesh!t spewed by faggots who like yoghurt enemas. the pull=push thing is also a...
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    Great places to travel in Europe after high school?

    danzy.. . please dont add more "backpack" asshats to the tourist waves that are coming
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    Rejected 3 times because of my height!

    im a 5'8" half asian midget, dating a girl 1 inch taller than me. go out and get some pvssy.
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    F*ck you wheelchair ,lifting log

    LMAO ,i printed that , and mailed it to my ex gym. :crackup: squats 80X8X4 , the 80 now feels like..a light breeze,i could do it while jerking off. bench 70X8 70X2 - got some lack of motivation here so stopped military press 50X8X4 shrugs 70X8X4 sit up 8X4
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    F*ck you wheelchair ,lifting log

    will go to the new gym next weekend. busy with work these days meanwhile ill be using my homemade set of ... weights my weapons: sandbag - 80kg 1 18L bottle filled with sand 2 18L bottles with sand , connected together with a big bamboo palm tree in front of my house (to climb) some random...
  18. S

    Dropping pounds.

    i predict a skinny fat , bellsprout body in less than 6 months :yes: your interest in women is going down because too much cardio has resulted in a surge of cortisol in your body , hence fvcking up your entire hormonal balance. your testosterone goes down, you lose more muscle and end up...
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    Accountability log

    i know how that feels man, its like you just wanna stare at a wall, or just sit in a these times i just go and eat something that i like, it really helps. as for the deads, i can do deads after or before squats ,no problem as i dont get DOMS from anything other than sit ups or...
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    Why are female sex tourists worthy of movies while males are considered "creeps"?

    whatever you do,dont go to africa. especially western africa.