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  1. I

    Gym likes/dislikes

    There is nothing a gym can do to make me want to join. I lift weights in my apartment in the middle of my small living room. When I lift I need to concentrate and direct my full attention to what I'm doing...that seems difficult as hell if I have to wait for an area to be free or if there are...
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    I have f***ing weird body proportions!

    Uhm, I don't know, my instincts tell me this is a put-on. Where'd you get those pictures? I doubt that is you and I doubt that is your family. Do you have a grudge or something? Dragging in a bunch of innocent people? You've been absent since you started this strange thread. Show...
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    London is relatively close, is it not?
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    Life without alcohol?

    Each one of us here is affected differently by alcohol. You can't generalize much about booze and apply the rules that apply to you specifically to everyone else. It's not quite so simple. Myself: I drank for most of my 20's & 30's...I probably drank more than a lot of you young dudes...
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    Dealing with aggressive women

    Yeah, you get old enough and have enough interactions under your belt, you will eventually run into aggressive women. And let's not lie, it's a pretty good ego stroke. Thing is, you don't really have to be some great-looking superstud to experience this...if you catch a woman on a good day...
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    Good essay about marriage and prostitution

    I loved the scholarly aspect of discussing *****s. Good stuff. If anything, feminists would have to face the fact that in the profession of prostitution, the famed "glass ceiling" is reversed with women making much more than men.
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    Don't ever become this guy.

    What the hell man, 11 pages, I haven't the patience to read them all, so I will toss in my comment a little blindly.... But so much of this could have been avoided if Keto would learn the fine art of narrative. The OP sucked and I would not have read further if not for the endless responses to...
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    Chinese Food = great for losing weight.

    Interesting. I too love Chinese food, but the take-out American style loaded with corn starch & fried to the bone :up: You are right though....I follow the spirit of Chinese cooking so much in my own diet. I am a simple eater and I don't need complex tastes or elaborate sauces to satisfy...
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    Petition to ban wutangfinancial

    I think the fact he has the whiny *****y "woe-is-me" pseudo "that's-reality" act going constantly brings me to discount much of what he has to say. I like keeping people around who make me realize my mind isn't so phucked up LOL. Don't ban him, please! And Maxtro, I hear ya, I'm...
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    Bigger ass and legs - squats - HELL sore back?

    Not more to add here wanderer....the guys have been giving you good advice, and despite the fact you think you may have good form, you most likely don't. Persistent aching in one spot during an exercise is not normal and means something is being done wrong. Recently I began experiencing...
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    THE key is masculinity!

    My take is that he is talking about processed food. White rice is not natural.
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    Girls are actually crazy......

    Yeah man, there are some real nut jobs out there. I think paranoia is one of the most undesirable qualities a person can have, man or woman, but women wear it really badly. There is an element of feminine helplessness which just fuels the fire of paranoia and it's like dealing with a live...
  13. I

    ProDJ26's Workout Log

    Very good work DJ. I'm just curious about your deadlifts vs squats. Are you holding back on the deadlifts for any particular reason? Is 185 your real max? If you can do 3x5 255 squats, ATG, it seems almost a given that you should be deadlifting well over 200 lbs.
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    How to Increase Weight for Busy Guy?

    12:30 to 9:30? I don't call that "busy" in the sense that we do in the overworked U.S. :cuss: Kerpal's advice is very good, listen to him. You have so much time in the morning, you have no excuse. 5'10" and 130 lbs?????? Dude, all you have to do is breathe heavily and you'll gain weight! I...
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    married AFC with a 24 yo chasing me

    " This temp is the least of your concerns. It's time for you to stop escaping. You're 33, married 2x, and viciously unhappy with the structure of marriage. Well guess what...I am too, hence my divorced status. You think I plan on getting married anytime soon with my mindset...? Don't...
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    Hey Rollo

    I've used that reference several times with people not privy to this community or forum and they seemed to know exactly what I meant :up:
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    Be like Stone Cold Steve Austin

    This "tip" was resurrected??????? :crackup:
  18. I

    Front vs. Back Squat

    Interesting. I've avoided front squats because I have a hell of a time resting the BB when doing them. But if it tightens the abdominals and core as much as Fugly says, I can't not give them another shot. My lower back is strong and has never had any problems (knock on wood) so I've never...
  19. I

    Looking away from Eye Contact with UGLY chicks

    Alrightie then! How lame and shallow and *****y is this thread. Just stare back. If they are ugly, they probably won't make a move. And at the very least, you have made her day by your attentions. Maybe she'll go home with a smile and think better of herself. It is such a common...
  20. I

    So I find myself sitting at home, with no desire to go out.

    If you weren't 17, I would let this one pass. You're 17 for chrissakes!?? When I was 17, and my entire 20s and into the 30s, you could not find me home on a Friday night. You're acting like someone my age :D Now I don't give a flying phuck about Friday nights. I go out any night of...