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  1. I

    We have a traitor in our midst . . .

    <deleted on edit>
  2. I

    We have a traitor in our midst . . .

    Granted. But anyone worth their internet / networking salt can work around that with anonymizers and such...used to do it at work all the time. This iqqi person means nothing to me, but I detest herd groupthink and we have no real way of knowing that the iqqi on loveshack is indeed the lush...
  3. I

    We have a traitor in our midst . . .

    All so lame. Neither of these sites truly screen each and every person who joins. I could open up an account anywhere and call myself pook or gunwitch and no one would know any better. I really don't see why iqqi or Iqqi, whatever, would create an identical screenname at a forum which is...
  4. I

    can you imagine

    I'm convinced this trait is strictly biological. I've noticed that after I get my nut off, there is a real unmistakable urge to shake off the shackles and flee, if not physically, surely emotionally and mentally. Even with women I ostesibly had an emotional connection with. Kinda like a...
  5. I

    Maybe the Ugliest City in the Country

    This is funny. L.A. (where I live) is such a large city, population-wise and geography-wise that you get areas that are much like you describe in Pittsburgh, and there are also areas that completely live up to the stereotypical L.A. glamor HB10 scene. Being surrounded by hot chicks is not what...
  6. I

    Structural balance

    My rows suck. I would say my BP is about 20% stronger than my rows. I've tried to accelerate on my rows recently and ended up with a tweaked left elbow to show for it. Either 1) a bodily imblance or 2) bad form. I'm going to step back and work on my form, and I know for a fact that my left...
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    Don't get married

    Lame. Apples and oranges. To put that in perspective, my last failed approach did not involve hiring lawyers, mediators, or visiting the beautiful county courthouse in downtown L.A. :nervous:
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    How can I get more calories?

    ah typical went over the top a few times. i semi-agree with him on some stuff and at the risk of derailing this post, i'll not go there, but if you have an externally-imposed restrictive diet which is basically at odds with the concept of bulking and lean weight gain, you're just going to have...
  9. I

    Most cops are alpha males?

    Precisely. Your post pretty much sums up some of the juvenile thinkers around here who are still hung up on the 'if an a-hole, then an alpha' mentality.
  10. I

    Feeling drained and tired after work

    Ha, welcome to the real world 8-5 rat race dude! Is your job giving you extra stress, do you dread going to work? Maybe it's time for a change there... Otherwise, just get your ass up early and exercise. You'd be surprised how quickly your body and mind will adapt. The notion of working out...
  11. I

    A 10 would become a 5 if I started dating them

    This sounds a psychological pit of hell dude! I think the causes and reasons lie entirely within you. Not sure what they are. Could be you're reflecting, perhaps you don't feel you, yourself, are truly worth knowing.
  12. I

    It's us vs. them

    Therein lies the truth. Raising the value of women in not instrinsically bad...raised their value undeservedly is the key. Especially religion, which in our world, unfortunately, seeps its poison into society at every turn.
  13. I

    Most cops are alpha males?

    OK, this alpha thing gets used way too much around here. Does anyone even know what it means. It's a chicken or egg thing. Does that power breed alpha-ness, or does alpha-ness breed the seeker of the cop mentality. For a cop, he must learn to ACT alpha if he is to survive, especially the...
  14. I

    my noob plan

    Good luck AZ, I won't pretend to know much more than you :up: I'm a noob, grade 2! I'll tell you what I do know: breakfast cereals are more often than not just sugar-laden crap....eggs, cheese, that's good. I like to throw in meats often. Sausage, bacon, chorizo, they all go good with...
  15. I

    my noob plan

    I think you definitely gotta check out both Stickies on this forum...the Vault, and Mike's Food Journal is turning into a really good source of nutritional info. You'll get lots of good feedback here, but I think you have to be more specific. What about vegetables? A bowl of cereal...
  16. I

    O...M...G... hottest chick ever?

    Dude, blondes = not my thing. And this one is typically blonde. 5.85!
  17. I

    The Sound of Silence.

    OK, now this one is quirky and...personal I guess. "Dear Mr. Fantasy" by Traffic (Steve Winwood). Nothing to do with the End Times, per se. Everytime I hear it however, I think of the End.
  18. I

    Why it is hard NOT to INITIALLY put an attractive woman on a pedestal.

    I would suspect there is some misunderstanding in the concept of "pedestalizing" (what a word). My concept of pedestalizing is when a guy will cluelessly and blindly elevate a woman to goddess level despite the fact he may have only traded a few words with the said woman. If a woman...
  19. I

    For anyone here who uses, or is thinking about using drugs

    Yes, my drug and weakness of choice is alcohol. I've only done pot, that's the extent of my drug use... However, this is how booze can really mess you up if you're not careful: I went to a Hollywood bar the year before last and had a couple of martinis. Couple of martinis...I'm feeling...
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    No Country For Old Men

    Interesting tidbit from my days in the slaughterhouse.... Livestock has to be alive when it is slaughtered to enable to bleeding out process and hasten the hiding and cutting of the animal. If the animal were dead, the blood would escape the body very, very slowly, and time is money... So...