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  1. V

    Sociopathic tendencies??

    A "Whatever..." attitude towards people and life in general is definitely not a good thing. Whenever I think about it (rarely), it confuses me - am I AFC or unmasculine or do I just not care enough? With me, it has more to do with detachment and a lack of awareness of the world around me...
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    Inexperienced girls are picky, what do you think?

    Apparently women can be AFCs too. Whodathunkit?
  3. V

    When did you realize that you were an AFC

    I didn't start to care about girls and my sex life until my freshman year in college (2002), but I only came here to do something about it one month ago. Unfortunately, after reading some good posts, I realized that my problems went far beyond socialization and sex. They, and every other...
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    alpha male vs. beta male

    Dance, my puppets, dance!
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    I Have Gotten Too Big

    Are you trying to piss us all off, Disco? You're lucky this is the Internet, because all of us who would kill to get bigger would do horrible things to you if this were real life.
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    THIS IS SO BIZARRE Read at own RISK>

    Now I have to worry about people using telepathy to control me :rolleyes: Definitely BS. There are no such things as "Thought-Waves". Thoughts manifest themselves in two ways; first as neurotransmitters, chemicals produced and released by neurons, which are contained within the brain and...
  7. V

    Happiness is not a result

    Damn those ***** voices in my head; kill them all! Don't ask a psychologist how to do it, though; they won't tell you. You mention the voice of security, possibly of fear as well, but there is another dangerous voice as well. It is called the "puer aeternus" or the "Eternal Child", a...
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    Fountain of Youth

    I was never like any of that when I was a child. Can I still benefit from this? How?
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    Smiling, good or bad?

    IMO, don't smile (or laugh) if you don't do it very well.
  10. V

    Are you happy? test here.

    How is wanting to get things, do things, and go places a sign of unhappiness? If I woke up one day and felt compelled to act, to "carpe diem", I would call it a major improvement and thank God that it finally happened. I think you've got it backwards, not wanting to get, do, and go...
  11. V

    The Key

    At last, help for the pathological introvert. In my own defense, a lot of what you mention is almost instinctive, that it happens by itself, out of my control and regardless of anything else. Something will happen, or need/want to happen, and my mind will go inward first to develop a plan...
  12. V

    look to nature - evolutionary biology appraoches to dating - master the hunter gather

    You've described the genetically gifted man and his advantages very well. Now, perhaps you would be so kind as to tell me how any of this does the genetically inferior man any good? Relying on Nature only works for those whom Nature has blessed.
  13. V

    The official feminism thread [Merged threads]

    The benefit of feminism that I see is the creation of a generation of women that aren't parasites. They earn their own money. You don't have to take responsibility for them. They don't want children. Helplessness and neediness are not attractive traits, and feminism has gotten rid of a...
  14. V

    reading to much could fuuucked up your game

    Reading only gives you a process; it does not and cannot give you the will and desire to use it. No process, however comprehensive or foolproof, can work with a weak or nonexistent will.
  15. V

    Why Understanding Hormones Can Help Men Logically Succeed.

    Life would be so much easier if we were. Eat, drink, mate, sleep, repeat. No conscious intellectualizing BS to bring fear and hesitation, drive you crazy trying to figure things out, and keep you awake at night chattering to itself.
  16. V

    The Odd Catch-22 of Dating Sites.

    A way of gaining the confidence and empowerment you speak of without risking life and limb would be a more practical solution. How are you so sure that a man, once broken, will not simply stay broken? The "AFC for life" went through suffering close to the levels you describe and did not come...
  17. V

    Good pointer on changing your mentality.

    So you would say that deprogramming the loser/AFC and reprogramming yourself as DJ is pretty much just the natural result of constant exposure to the new programming? That would mean all I would have to do is just surround myself with DJ programming and then sit back and let the change...
  18. V

    I dont understand it, i do not mind sitting at home by myself

    I know that there's an unwritten rule against bumping up ancient threads, but this one really speaks to me. This thread reflects my situation exactly: I am a quiet, introverted guy whose life is in no way unpleasant, much less painful. I enjoy the undemanding nature of a quiet and solitary...