The Odd Catch-22 of Dating Sites.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
The veterans and seasoned visitors know this. Newbies, and those still feeling as if they're AFC, don't.

The odd catch-22 of dating sites, such as this one, as helpful as 'info' topics are, is that when you post asking for feedback, you've already killed it and revealed your hand. Asking for reassurance in a world of uncertainty is akin to chopping off your balls and handing them to the women you're seeing.


God gave you a brain, or at least some higher being did, realize there's more depth of knowledge locked away than you will ever discover. Soak up what's useful from this and other sites and get to practicing. I realize people want advice and reassurance, as well as confirmation of actions, intentions, interest, etc, but such things are not quite as possible to foresee, that by the time it's asked, the answer is completely different.

The minute you think you've mastered the game, they flip the script and give you a new one to learn.

The only way to master it is to truly play it and come up with your own rules that suit your life and goals.

Alot of times friends ask me for advice, but as previously stated on stocks, in the purest sense, that's impossible.

First off...what I would do is different than what he would do.
Secondly...she will react to what he does differently than if I do it.
Third, by the time the plotting is over, it's too late to have acted on what was a passing thought.

In the military, the first few weeks of bootcamp are meant to break a cadet down. They're MEANT TO FAIL, to realize they must work TOGETHER to succeed. The same applies here, REALIZE TO SUCCEED, YOU MUST FAIL, YOU MUST FEEL PAIN, YOU MUST FLOUNDER, CRY, STRESS, WIMPER, and BECOME FRUSTRATED, until all the dormant Testosterone comes to life and your true self-contained inner being springs forth.

Muscles don't grow and change without repeated exposure to stress.
The same applies to ANY strong force you can dream of in nature. Do you believe your personality, self-image, body, and habits are any different?

Using the guide posts of the best advice on this site, your BRAIN/MIND, and action, you'll be unstoppable. And do yourself a favor, make self-image improvement and physical/body improvement priorities. Yes, women will go for a guy, NOT always based on looks, but in the experiences i"ve seen, it's rare, and sometimes the relationship is alot weaker than it appears. Sometimes he's a bit more AFC than you realize. So why go that route?

Get ya azz to the gym for the following reasons...

1. It makes life easier when approaching women. Being in shape separates you from the others.
2. It balances bad genetics which will end haunting up you down the road.
3. It's your body, is there ANYTHING more prized than your vehicle for life-support, aside from your brain?
4. It gives you confidence in yourself, in addition to that which you have over your life, completing the confidence sphere.
5. Something to do with that XBOX, TV, DRINKING, SLEEPING-IN TIME.

Need I go on?

Guys, there's no secrets, no short-cuts, very few super masters. Life is all-perception, and with so many distorted realities, there are those of you beliving you're AFC, and aren't, and even those out there who purport to be "Masters" are only full of hot air. Your minds and bodies took upwards of 16 years to be shaped in such a way, without focused attention deep passion it will be impossible to get anywhere other than where you are.

1. Asking for confirmations, reassurance, etc, is weak-old school stuff you should be draining out of your systems.
2. A Straight answer indicates that the person wields no power.
3. You can't know what attracts a person. It's a response, but who know's what they're responding to at that moment? Looks, money, images, fame, social-proof, drugs, states, sex, motivations, intentions.

When you're dealing in a game of evolving players, all wielding hundreds of volatile chemicals, the game is hardly black and white, but it is life or death. The life you choose to lead, or the death of the person you could become.



Don Juan
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score

In the military, the first few weeks of bootcamp are meant to break a cadet down. They're MEANT TO FAIL, to realize they must work TOGETHER to succeed. The same applies here, REALIZE TO SUCCEED, YOU MUST FAIL, YOU MUST FEEL PAIN, YOU MUST FLOUNDER, CRY, STRESS, WIMPER, and BECOME FRUSTRATED, until all the dormant Testosterone comes to life and your true self-contained inner being springs forth.
dude, i love your posts


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Poetic and true.

Consider the magnificent feats of our armed forces, or of the country's athletes, or the corporate raiders who rose up from ranks of poverty. If their metal wasn't tested, they wouldn't be the men they now are. If they backed down at their weakest moment, they wouldn't exist, they would have been defeated.

It always blows me away when guys, our age, are fighting, and dying overseas, yet here many people, myself included sit, and complain such trivial issues. In some cases, guys had no other choice but to go fight, for their backgrounds afforded them no other opportunity to better themselves than through the military.

A local friend from my childhood was featured in our local paper for having saved his troop of 30 soldiers, risking his own life to do so. That amazed me. Here was a guy, only 21, a few years younger than me, who braved RPG's, bullets, death, and survived. Can you imagine the confidence he now has coming back to the US soil?

When you reframe in such a way, you realize the problems we have are only very minor, as they're all relative. If you're in school, the worst problem you face is failing a class, unless you MAKE problems for yourself. If you're working in the real world, the worst problem you face is NOT paying bills to keep your apartment and eat. After that, it's all details.

The only thing that separates those who do from those who don't, is that those who "do", made a decision to "do it." Those that don't, never make a decision to do any one thing.


One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
I thought this thread was going to be about how the people who write long, drawn-out posts and appear to know a lot actually are probably internet losers since they had time to write so much.
Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by A-Unit
When you're dealing in a game of evolving players, all wielding hundreds of volatile chemicals, the game is hardly black and white, but it is life or death. The life you choose to lead, or the death of the person you could become.

did u make that up urself ?
Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by One on One
I thought this thread was going to be about how the people who write long, drawn-out posts and appear to know a lot actually are probably internet losers since they had time to write so much.
jealous ?


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
A way of gaining the confidence and empowerment you speak of without risking life and limb would be a more practical solution.

How are you so sure that a man, once broken, will not simply stay broken? The "AFC for life" went through suffering close to the levels you describe and did not come out better for it.

The military has ways of putting the pieces back together - ordinary civilian life does not.

Silquee Smoove

Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2003
Reaction score
Jax Bch, FL - 3rd Street Crew
2. A Straight answer indicates that the person wields no power.
You're on-point once again, A-Unit.

But I need clarification on the above quote. Maybe I'm looking at this out of context, but I've always seen a direct, straight-forward answer as a sign of decisiveness, and strength, with a plan behind it.

This is especially encouraging if the person is leading and trying to encourage and take away the doubts of those he is leading.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
What a nice surprise - I was about to leave for the gym right now. Thanks for the inspiration! :)


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score


I'm not the one with 1,111 posts. If you don't like what I say, don't read them. Applies in RL, too. I state what I believe, see, know, feel, experience, and am taught by various peers and mentors.


Were a person to resolve to an existent of failure, lack of happiness, and lack of goal-success, they'd die. If not physically, mentally.

Few people want to accept mediocrity, and yet, nobody has to. You accept your own reality. If you believe life is bad, and you can't succeed, you'll find everything you need in the world to support that fact. If you believe life is good, and look forward optimisitically, then you'll keep a keen eye on those opportunities that will better your life. It is what you make of it, and you reality is merely a focused version of your beliefs.

I used the analogy of the armed forces, even though they have a long-standing tradition of molding boys into men, our peers make magnificent changes all the time, so why shouldn't you?

On the a point.

Consider the example of "needy" friends. A few of my friends ask questions like "where have you been" or girls, with the presumption you're playing them. Would they consider your answer valid anyways? They've already presupposed that you were doing something else, they're merely asking a loaded question to ignite an argument.

Typically, in those cases I've said:

M: Where you been lately?
A: I've been around, just not available.

Pure truth of what in fact I've been doing is mere details. The fact is, if a person/thing is important you MAKE time, if it's not, you don't. Sometimes priorities take the place, so what. Specifically OUTLINING what it is you've done generally doesn't help.

How many has a girl asked, after a week or so of no contact, "where have you bee?"

Often. She's loaded the question. You could say any straight answer, and odds are, she'd nail your azz to a cross anyway.

No, to diffuse it, I'd be more apt to say.

Fem: Where have you been?
A: Out sampling other women on dates, so I had a basis for comparison. See, I'm calling now?
Fem: Oh really?
A: No what do you think now?
Fem: Well I don't know.
A: If you know me, and what I do, you have no reason to mistrust my intentions. And if you don't trust my word now, then we might as well end here, because I don't want to have issues with trust over bigger issues.

I wrote 100% of what you read. If I quote, I'll note the source so those who desire to, can go to it and use it in their own lives.


One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
Contrary to what you may think about my posts, I tend to keep them short nowadays because the one thing I have learned is that there are no answers in this game. Dating is an art not a science. That is not to say this or any other tips aren't good, but I've read 'em all and there isn't anything new.

The point of my original reply in this thread was basically akin to the following: "who could explain how to play basketball better? Michael Jordan or John Wooden?" The same probably goes with this DJ thing....the John Woodens aren't the Michael Jordans and vice versa.

Mr. Mystery,

As for you, I can hardly remember corresponding with you (that isn't a good thing or a bad thing, but I just don't remember your posts that much). I do, however, remember that you had one of the best pieces of advice on this forum that basically amounts to "Have fun." I try to do this now more than ever. I don't worry about getting women as much and I'm happier for it. The fact that I usually post short, shallow replies as of late is not indicative of my current mood at all. It's just indicative of the fact that I don't care to disect this stupid game any longer. I'm taking your advice and just having more strategies, games, etc.


I have no personal vendettas against anyone here. When I actually do choose to write (as in this reply), you'll see I am very reasonable. Your tips are good and the replies you get should confirm this for you. But, like I said, I've been here for a long while and I've read 'em all before. After about a year or so, nothing on this forum is new material. Everything is re-hashed. When I first read Pook's posts, they were great and really explained a lot. I gained greatly from them. However, reading those posts again is boring. Keep up your posting, though, because there are a lot of new posters here that haven't read it all already and you are skilled enough with the written word to really teach them the game.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

I agree's an art, not a science. There's no structure, and as much you try to apply that, be prepared to lose opportunities to it. Jackie Chan once alluded that the best form was no form. And he's right, having no form is what works best.

In my opinion, on a grander scale, people's minds are so preset and built with structure that that's what they see. Present roles.

"She's a HB10 so she needs a jacked dude."

Well, in my belief system, that guy is jacked, or makes money, or has nice clothes BECAUSE he goes for the things in life he wants. You can't have anything great without really going for it no matter. A beautiful woman is no different. They're just another target in the goals of a man's life.

I'm getting jaded to the point where posting isn't quite what it used to be. In reality, there's more than enough posts here to make a serious improvement in a guys' life, yet the unimportant ones continue about little things. If you're so focused on the little things, you're missing the BIG PICTURE. That being, you're confidence isn't where it should be if you're requiring so much feedback. Feel good that you're life is going the way you want, or that you have the ability to change it if isn't.

I've talked with a few of the guys off-board here and you can tell the difference between those who get it, and those who don't. You sense "life" in those who get it, and you can sense the confusion in the rest of them.

As you noted, there's no "specific" strategy that "gets girls," for if there was, everybody would prepackage it, sell it, and competition for women would be even fiercer, but it isn't. Every person here is unique and different, in turn, laying out one-size fits all strategies is saying there's only 1 way to be a millionaire, to swing a golf club, or one way to Florida. We all know those answers.

I could go on, but I won't. Bottom-line, contained within these archives exist the short-cuts for men, who are willing to put in the work, to get farther in life in shorter time.

That's leveraging the experience of past masters, and the true value of history and experience.
