Good pointer on changing your mentality.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Changing your mentality, your thinking structure is alot like reprograming a computer. Simply install new programs and update those programs regularly. While I think the analogy of a computer is a bit simplistic when drawing visions of the brain, it's the best we know of right now.

Some steps to truly change your thinking.

1. Buy books that enable that.
2. Take notes from the books.
3. Place key quotes in your room, bathroom, bedroom, wherever.
4. Listen to programs that facilitate that thinking. [DD, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, etc]
5. Visit sites that promote forward thinking and movement. Criticism only holds you place DISCUSSING THE ISSUE, NOT FIXING IT. Women discuss issues, men fix them. Don't be a woman.
6. Watch BETTER TV. Yes negative, deprogramming images, more motivational, inspirational, or upbeat ones.
7. Read sources that stay abreast of important issues.

For every 20 topics on typical news stations, 19 are generally negative, with 1 one semi-positive story. Hearing bad things can never make a person think the world is place where good things happen.

Our brain picks up programming through our sensory based systems:

In our daily life, everything we feel, see, hear think, is filtered through these channels. If you predominantly favor one over the other, then whatever you're viewing gets dumped into it.

Case-in-point. is generally a very AFC, bytching kind of board. Though there are some posters who make efforts to provide value, most of what goes on gives you the impression NO ONE IS HAPPY. Afterawhile, you feel it. Then believe it. Then become it.

Many of you READ good books, but like me, can't input it into your thinking until you've written the quote down, and then spoken it aloud.

We come to believe, be, and feel, that which we truly experience and shake through our emotional being. Saying an emotional or motivational phrase inputs it into us after several attempts. Repeated exposure will peramanently etch it into your brain. And to see the effects of listening to powerful audio, just consider how well you retain songs you listen to frequently. Odds are you can repeat most of them word for word. I know I can. Good tapes/cds are no different.

I don't have specific tapes or books now, because each of you are at a different point in life, and each of you have different goals. Suggestions would be quite general. Besides, if you can make it to, then you can find and find the resources you need to reach your end-goal.

Alot of people haven't discovered how to utilize the wealth of information that we have present and how to "upload" it like NEO into your brain, use all the 3 methods until you get it.

Writing it.
Speaking it.
Reading it.

Some point will click where you're sitting there realizing some of your thinking changed, where you want to feed more and read more off what you can do.

The other point to realize're not wrong, or defective, or mal-programmed, just that, you've traditionally been on one path of mental program and action. To succeed and get elsewhere, change course. Do something different. You'll become those you surround yourself with. You'll become your most dominant thoughts. Design your reality and program, work it everyday, even more so when you're feeling weak, and you'll be the happier for it.



Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
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So you would say that deprogramming the loser/AFC and reprogramming yourself as DJ is pretty much just the natural result of constant exposure to the new programming?

That would mean all I would have to do is just surround myself with DJ programming and then sit back and let the change happen.

Eliminating the weak links in the system - faith, desire, and consciousness - is a great idea.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Having not experienced abuse as mentioned by the previous poster, I don't know, and wouldn't comment.

What I do know is, where you are now is the result of "programming" and "imaging" in your life. Deep down, there's more desires.

Consider this example...

A child, even myself, hails from a family of hard-working blue collar parents. Neither had college educations, but both worked extremely hard in their lives and carried themselves on values and beliefs longstanding. They took an active part in your life, but never taught you more than what traditional schooling taught you. Nothing about money, or sales, or business, or women, they never gave you the programs to develop actions, strategies, opinions, or feelings. You merely adopted what's around you as a child. And as a child, there's a lot of conflicting information to digest.

On the one hand, someone says "Be nice to women, and respect your mother."

On the other hand, a divorced uncle says "They're all scheming hoez, screw 'em all while you're young."

On the one hand, your father says "Rich screw people and big businesses are out for corporate profits." [Yet he works in one of the largest corporations around.]

On the other hand, your uncle, who owns a multimillion dollar operation, and is very philanthropic says "Go into sales and finance, learn business, and I'll teach you the rest. You'll be a star, and i'll cut your time in half to success."

Who do you "know" is right, the father you've always had or the uncle who appears happy and successful? Who's values over money do you adopt, or over women?

Many people don't get where they want because the beliefs and programming they have support the reality they live in. What believe and do, is what you're getting. To get something different, believe and do things differently.

Where we are is the result of ONE FORM OF PROGRAMMING. Some of us hail from that, so it's easier to get ahead quicker. Some don't, BUT CAN CHANGE YOUR THINKING to make dramatic gains in life.

*Listen to guys like David D, or Ross Jeffries. Hear their mindset on women, dating, relationships.
*Read stories and autobiographies of famous people and successful people to gain insight into how they think.
*Associate with people who support you.
*Take notes on stuff you like.
*Do activities you enjoy, that build up who you truly are.

You know, when we're kids, life's all play. The friends you have you have because they're fun, but not necessarily a positive influence on life. Maybe they have bad habits, are incredibly negative, relentless, or untrustworthy. Whatever it maybe, as you get older, you only have you. The parents are gone, and you don't have a guidepost to help you decide right from wrong. Bad, deconstructive friends only give you what they got.

And on another topic, in no time in history has information been so critical and helpful. We've come to realize our boundaries are not curtailed by lack of capital or parents, but by knowledge. Previous generations could never have dreamnt of the gains we're making through all their efforts.

Consider how much more muscular we can get? All thanks in large part to people who'e failed and succeeded before us.

How about investing, wealth, and success? It's cut down the timelines where even a 16 year old can learn about the stock market, when before, even the middle class couldn't afford 1 share!

When they say people really don't get what we have, they're right.



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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Bump on the positive stuff.

I notice on days I listen to self help tapes, I am way more motivated and energetic.

Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins.

Listen to them. They may seem cheesy at first, but they are alot better than all the negative stuff you hear on TV and Radio.