look to nature - evolutionary biology appraoches to dating - master the hunter gather


Don Juan
Oct 12, 2001
Reaction score
**be prepared for a detailed read which could change your perspective on love and life.

Okay before I start I will simply relay to a lot of principles of evolutionary biology and then try to demonstrate how it applies to human interactions. When i first started on this website, there was a lot of disinformation from a scientific standpoint. This post is intended to clear those up and perhaps offer you some advice without adding too much anecdotal evidence. My statements can all be supported by research papers and should hopefully guide your spreading of the seed.
*I would cite websites for every pt. but that would be a huge undertaking and If you trust my distillation to be accurate than you will benefit from my research.

First - what women search for in a mate - the example of the bullfrog
When studying bullfrog behavior - which is similar to the behavior of a number of other animals in nature, selection of males is based on three factors

- frogs with large territories had an obvious advantage over those with smaller territories. This can be compared to the accumulation of wealth in humans. Some women will always search for rich guys. It is a fact, but in many species animals will cheat and try to make it appear as if they have more resources than they actually have. Some guys do the same thing, it is an effective strategy for passing on your genes.

- healthy and large males are preferred. This is fairly straightforward the better you look the more attractive you will appear. Most women prefer facial feature which are moderately masculine. Your jaw line chin and cheeks are good indicators of overall testosterone and have been selected for as attractive traits. In women, facial features which indicate high levels of estrogen are considered most attractive. Large breasts aren’t considered attractive in all cultures though indicating how attraction can be fairly culturally subjective. Also do not mix up intrasexual competition and intersex competition. Large muscles generally intimidate other males, but can be useless with many women and will actually turn off many women. This can be seen anecdotally where if you ask a friend about some hot girls boyfriend that they don’t know, they will give the stock response of “I don’t know but I bet he’s huge.” Muscles scare off other guys don’t mix it up. Also have a flawless clear and symmetrical face. This has been proven to be most attractive as it indicates few genetic deformities and beauty in facial structure is based around symmetry. All facial symmetry is actually an indicator of averageness. In studies using composite images of many faces, those that were the most average were also the most attractive. Also women selected more masculine appearing males while in estrus as opposed to the rest of the month. They also selected more masculine men when questioned which they preferred for a short term relationship.
All of your mental characteristics are encompassed by this rating. It is theorized that humor and personality merely serve as an indicator of overall intelligence. It is a way to show your intelligence in clever wordplay. Also smarter women would be better at identifying such an adaptation. This would select for both smarter women and smarter women having an advantage and further propagating. This explains why women generally find funny guys attractive, but not necessarily book smart males

Parental investment
– this is why AFCs get married. Women want males who will care for their children. This is a risky because women cheat and in a later example I will explain why and its effect on how you should present yourself to women. Women who chose men who appeared more likely to stay around and care for their children have been very successful in raising successful children. Women generally search for this because their commitment to the child is 9months at minimum whereas males are free to go on as they like. This is dangerous because women have been selected to cheat in order to better pass on their genes.

All of your traits were selected for biologically. They all offer some advantage in some ways. The issue is that there are no population constraints on humans so evolution will not select. Thus unfit characteristics may persist. All of your basic traits and instincts were however evolved under population constraints
If you find this terribly interesting, take a course in evolution, neurobiology, cognitive psychology or evolutionary psychology. These topics will not be the focus but will most likely be touched upon.

*the rest of the topics are just areas of interest which I felt I should touch upon

Cheating women
-cheating can be most clearly illustrated with song birds. Due to migration, females will often select partners based on urgency as if they arrive at the breeding grounds late, they may not reproduce at all. Thus the females will select partners hastily, but later they will want the more fit genes. The females then copulate with the more fit males as well in order to combine the parental investment of their current male with the genes of a more fit male. In the examples of birds, this has been found to be 40% - 40% of all children were being raised by fathers who had no biological connection. In a test in a random Canadian town, this was found to be 15%, but this was found as a side note of a different study and due to the sensitive information, it is hard to get other definitive measurements. Just rest assured, focusing on merely parental investmen will result in your genes having a lower probability of being passed on, this however may be beneficial to the population as a whole, so it remains a trait of males.

-You’v seen the ads and in truth they are mostly unproven as far as I have read in reputable journals. There is reason to believe however they do exist due to emerging research. Using other animal scents will be ineffective as they are species specific without a doubt. The research I found which most closely related was that women preffered the scent of mens of different ethnic backgrounds. This has to do with the possession of contrasting antibodies and a more fit offspring. This can be popularity understand by the fact that dogs of mixed breeds are the healthiest. This same idea is evolutionarily advantageous to humans. Also women are turned on the scent releases by lactating women. It makes them want to reproduce and it is a good indication of plentiful resources and an environment in which children could be raised.
-This is the topic which gets mangled enormously by a lot of people on this website. Here are the facts, most animals do not mate for life and most primates do. Since we are most closely related to primates they deserve the most attention. The best indicator of whether or not a primate will keep a mate is body mass vs. genital size. In comparison to human body mass, they can run the gambit from peanut size to the size of grapefruits. We are right smack in the middle. What does this mean? Well it appears logical that you must ask yourself that question. Do you want to stick around with your kids or do you want to plant your seeds all over. The answer to that lies within yourself as you have the ability to shape your decision in this category not nature. Both strategies are effective in humans and thus we are predisposed toward neither. Anyone who tells you different is merely ignorant, make this decision for yourself.

Self improvement – Do not limit yourself
I repeat, do not limit yourself.
So many guys just assume that hey I’m not as handsome or cool or rich as the other guy and that’s why he is getting chicks. If people insult you its because they are threatened by you – they can see you have full faith in yourself and it scares them. It took one of my friends pointing out how a guy we knew was limiting himself and not going for the best he could. I then realized what my problem was, I was letting people of poor quality influence me. Trust yourself

Be yourself – don’t be fake, women are very good at sensing insecurity and false pretenses and if they are not, then it’s going to be a girl with issues. This is personal opinion, but I guarantee you’ll find it helpful. If you don’t put on a show you won’t have to learn a set of techniques. This is the most important idea I could tell you. If you are confident, you wont have to think whats the confident way to respond, it will simply flow from your essence and the girls will be driven wild. You will have a lot more fun too because then youll just be yourself and not regurgitating a bunch of techniques, trust me your success ratios will go way up. Just keep your body in shape, keep your relationships healthy and assertive and tell your mother you love her. Everything else will fall into shape.

I hope that helps someone else out there because it really breaks down the game in my eyes.


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
You've described the genetically gifted man and his advantages very well.

Now, perhaps you would be so kind as to tell me how any of this does the genetically inferior man any good?

Relying on Nature only works for those whom Nature has blessed.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Virtú
You've described the genetically gifted man and his advantages very well.

Now, perhaps you would be so kind as to tell me how any of this does the genetically inferior man any good?

Relying on Nature only works for those whom Nature has blessed.
Use whatever nature has blessed you with. Develop your skills and talents.