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    Stop Analyzing and Start Acting. My Way by A-Unit.

    *resurrects* this should be required reading...hell, all of his posts are great...
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    Is it possible to get back with exes?

    oneitis is a *****...i had it bad...3 years...ugh it much time wasted...never waste so much time on a woman...there is always another one a few feet away :)
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    Killing the Art...

    This paragraph hit me hard...I've been an avid reader of this forum for the last two years...I read every freaking post in this place and it did not get me anywhere...why? Because I spent most of my time sitting in front of the computer reading and never ACTING...Finally, I started college back...
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    yodoso's boot camp journal

    good luck man...we should have a boot camp forum (hint, hint)
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    a suggestion

    just out of curiosity, who has the power to add a forum?
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    a suggestion

    I've been noticing alot of bootcamp threads it possible to have a seperate forum for them? It would make the threads alot easier to keep up with, especially with the tons of stuff being posted lately. Anyway, thats my suggestion...thanks for your time *just noticed its been...
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    I speak to you from experience...

    yeah..this is a good one...
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    Duke Progress Journal (DPJ)

    i really like this thread :D
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    Pug's 100 approach journal

    pugs, nice job with the date...however, u did make some mistakes which you are already aware of...dont talk about deep stuff like religion...thats definitely something a little too personal for the first date...thats also prolly why u have onenitis...when you're with a chick, focus more on...
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    Never Give Up!

    good post <3
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    Pug's 100 approach journal

    Sheepster, I like that approach...alot...i'm so using it
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    Pug's 100 approach journal

    yeah dude....its a numbers game...not everyone is gonna respond positively to a great guy like yourself...its a fact of life...dont let that discourage you're doing great
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    I'm winning

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    Pug's 100 approach journal

    the 2nd approach was gold...nice job
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    Sammo's 8 Week E-course

    I'll stick with it...If I get picked, I will not waste Sammo's time =)
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    Sammo's 8 Week E-course

    Sammo, I'm very interested...I'd love to be a part of this transformation
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    Pug's 100 approach journal

    hmm u inspire gonna start doing 100 approaches too now...keep up the great work...mad props to ya
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    The Odd Catch-22 of Dating Sites.

    hmm dude, i love your posts
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    Listen Up.

    nice post...too bad some people still won't go out and risk failure after reading this...
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    *bump*...what a great post...