This site has turned into the biggest crutch for a lot of you. How much time have you spent here posting? How much time have you spent reading posts? How many questions have you asked because the littlest thing had you tripping completely? There are probably very few of you who have not in some way or at some time used this crutch, to avoid doing the hard things, to make excuses and to avoid making tough calls.
There are more posts about Instant Messanger and MSN Chat convo's than there are about face to face convo's. There are more posts about someone wanting to tell a lady how they feel, or ask them out on date but don't know how. There are more posts asking about what someone should do rather than someone field reporting what they did and what lessons they learned. Look at all these posts and you'll see whats really behind them, people looking for what the want, be it answers, success or happiness and they expect it to come from the internet, not there own effort.
I know that Pook says in almost every post he has every written that he would rather you learn from him and avoid the mistakes he has made. The way I see it this is the worst thing anyone could try to do for you. If you're not free to make mistakes, you are not free to live. If all you try to do is follow some formula to avoid making a mistake and blowing it, thats just one step closer to not even trying at all. I can say I've blown some chances, and I've pulled off some of the greatest stunts too. I didn't follow a formula and if you noticed I certainly haven't asked for advice in a long time, and when I find something useful I post a tip here and there. All I did was to be willing to fail and accept it, and to play it by ear. If I felt like trying something out I went with it, but I certainly never ran through dating, women or sex like it was a scripted play that I could just phone a performance in. But things are different for everyone, some this **** comes natural. For me and others it took a lot of work to get where I am at now. Point is we all rolled the dice and played the game. Sometimes we win sometimes we lose.
Look first off can all this techno crap. Get off IM and MSN and phone the gal up, things with a personal touch are better. I want her to hear the rich tone of my voice, I wanna her laugh and I definately wanna her sound excited when I call her up for a date. Don't worry about getting the answers from here everytime you think you have hit a bump. In fact try a couple of times going without advice from here and making some of your judgements by yourself. Trust there are enough women out there for you to learn and to many to know that you weren't some uber-stud when you first started out.
Also realize that you can be your worst enemy. Its not just about using things as a crutch. Its allowing your desire to run rampant. Its allowing yourself to play mind games against yourself too. Think I'm kidding ask yourself how much time you spent wondering what this or that meant when a lady you were interested did something you thought was a "sign." The fear you allow to creep up on you whenever you want to talk to a woman, or the fact that you think DJing means constantly running around trying to score as many numbers as you can and gauging your own worth on your success. Oh yeah and a real big thing you can do is stop think of this as winning and losing. This is not a war, its not a debate and its not a sporting event. Remember the focus is fun like every DJ who ever got "it" realized and told you in a post.
Just go, see and do. Wheither you find success or failure, or whatever. You are at least living a life and not living to simply just die someday.
-Grey Fox
There are more posts about Instant Messanger and MSN Chat convo's than there are about face to face convo's. There are more posts about someone wanting to tell a lady how they feel, or ask them out on date but don't know how. There are more posts asking about what someone should do rather than someone field reporting what they did and what lessons they learned. Look at all these posts and you'll see whats really behind them, people looking for what the want, be it answers, success or happiness and they expect it to come from the internet, not there own effort.
I know that Pook says in almost every post he has every written that he would rather you learn from him and avoid the mistakes he has made. The way I see it this is the worst thing anyone could try to do for you. If you're not free to make mistakes, you are not free to live. If all you try to do is follow some formula to avoid making a mistake and blowing it, thats just one step closer to not even trying at all. I can say I've blown some chances, and I've pulled off some of the greatest stunts too. I didn't follow a formula and if you noticed I certainly haven't asked for advice in a long time, and when I find something useful I post a tip here and there. All I did was to be willing to fail and accept it, and to play it by ear. If I felt like trying something out I went with it, but I certainly never ran through dating, women or sex like it was a scripted play that I could just phone a performance in. But things are different for everyone, some this **** comes natural. For me and others it took a lot of work to get where I am at now. Point is we all rolled the dice and played the game. Sometimes we win sometimes we lose.
Look first off can all this techno crap. Get off IM and MSN and phone the gal up, things with a personal touch are better. I want her to hear the rich tone of my voice, I wanna her laugh and I definately wanna her sound excited when I call her up for a date. Don't worry about getting the answers from here everytime you think you have hit a bump. In fact try a couple of times going without advice from here and making some of your judgements by yourself. Trust there are enough women out there for you to learn and to many to know that you weren't some uber-stud when you first started out.
Also realize that you can be your worst enemy. Its not just about using things as a crutch. Its allowing your desire to run rampant. Its allowing yourself to play mind games against yourself too. Think I'm kidding ask yourself how much time you spent wondering what this or that meant when a lady you were interested did something you thought was a "sign." The fear you allow to creep up on you whenever you want to talk to a woman, or the fact that you think DJing means constantly running around trying to score as many numbers as you can and gauging your own worth on your success. Oh yeah and a real big thing you can do is stop think of this as winning and losing. This is not a war, its not a debate and its not a sporting event. Remember the focus is fun like every DJ who ever got "it" realized and told you in a post.
Just go, see and do. Wheither you find success or failure, or whatever. You are at least living a life and not living to simply just die someday.
-Grey Fox