Never Give Up!


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Somewhere in Europe
Never give up!

I want to tell you a little bit of my story, so you know where I'm coming from, and why I am posting this.

I'll skip the little details that won't help us here.

Last year I was a total wreck! Arrogance, which lead to unmarveled insecurity, I thought I was so incredibly smart, so I didn't need to talk to anyone.

Little did I know that this was an excuse! I started up in the wrong foot. The first day at that school, not knowing anyone, I aquired that motto, and became the most anti-social creature in the entire premise.

So insecure about my communicative skills that if someone as much as said "Hi", even if it was a family member, I would freeze up and enter an almost state of shock.

I'm sure some of you are feeling consoled knowing that there is someone out there just like you, well I was much worse.


BUT THEN, I found

Read the bible, and thought:

Hey, it's not so bad! I can change!
Relax, there's nothing to worry about, I can get it. I just need to try, when things get hard, I'll just relax and try harder. It's all cool, I've got this!


So there began my incredible journey.

First step! Change my belief system. I was believing in obviously incorrect stuff, so time to change that.

- Parties are so fun!
- I love to talk to people!
- The more people the better!
- Everyone has problems!
- I love to go out as often as possible!
- I love to meet people!
- I've got what it takes!
- I can speak perfectly, and just as good as everyone else!
- I'm funny!

So, there I went. Everytime someone asked me to go somewhere, my brain would give me the inicial response "people, yuck! they don't like you, you suck, you can't talk to them!", but then I'd remember to NEVER GIVE UP, so I would go and KEEP ON TRYING until I got some fun out of the place.

And so on.

Whenever in a social setting, I would notice that I'm not saying anything. So I would think JUST DO IT and start talking. People would mock me at first, since I was still learning, but I'd shrug it off and think to NEVER GIVE UP! Remember, you are improving yourself, not others, so they don't matter.

From 0 friends, being considered a sociopath in need of shock therapy, I went to extreme popularity.

Before, family members would call, since I had no friends, and I would freeze up. But now I remember that I love to talk to people, regardless of how good I think I am, and I'll get it eventually if I JUST KEEP TRYING. Now I've got four people calling me a day to go places, and I run to the phone to answer!

From not even looking at a girl in the eye, by just KEEPING ON TRYING AND NEVER GIVING UP against all odds, I made out with 15 girls in a 9 month period, and many left wanting for more.

But then...


After a year of acting, of pretending, I thought that I was inferior so I gave up. I dropped my belief systems, I wen't back to the OLD, FAKE ME.

But then I thought: Wait a second, I may feel like crap inside, but I'm ignoring the results.

Before I started trying, how did I feel inside? Like a huge pile of dump. If someone else saw my life, how would they see it? Like a huge pile of dump.

But after I started trying, how did I feel inside? Not so good. If someone else saw my life, how would they see it? Like extreme excitement, lots of girls, lots of friends, lots of places to go. Lots of things to do, and overall fantastic.

Which is better?


I haven't found happiness. But there's pleasure. It's a start! Keep at it!

You say that you're not getting it, well that's one more reason to KEEP AT IT! It may seem like you'll never get it, but if you keep it, there'll be much more results than if you don't.

Look, we go around in social soroundings and we see a bunch of BETAS TRYING, they're laughing, they're talking (clumsy, but they're trying). Now image how they would be if they weren't trying to get what they want. Trust me, they'll "get it" eventually.


Let's look at insecurity a little bit. A person who is insecure cares way too much about what other people think, for a person to care about what other people think they must first care about themselves, right?

In a way, it's a sign of SELF LOVE. You love yourself so much, so you care about what people think because you want to succeed.

This is one more reason to NEVER GIVE UP! You love yourself, you want the best for yourself, and you will work hard to achieve that!



Relax. It's a difficult journey. What will cause you to give up is most likely a form of ANGER.

What happened to me was, I was at a social setting, and then I felt that I wasn't being accepted. I didn't get the acceptance I wanted. So I was overcome by anger.

Now when this happens, take a deep breath, put a smile on your face, and remember that there is much more to the world than this.

There are many more important things in the universe for you to worry about. World hunger, wars, spirituality, the universe. Why are you getting worked up over nothing?

Relax, take a deep breath, and just start up again.



I'll complement this post later. Good luck!


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Wow thanks a lot, that was incredibly relevant for me right now. I was kind of 'shunned' at the office party this year which left me feeling a bit angry with people and empty inside, but your words have inspired me to go out there and keep trying. Good post!


Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
los angeles
I can share that experience. I was born shy and antisocial. I was short, skinny, lack social skill, not speaking enlish in beginning. I notice myself when I get to college. I was determined to overcome this weaknesss. So I started my journey for change.

Shy in public... I started teaching... I did culture dance to perform in front of public...I ran as secretary in a club... In class I force myself to raise my hands to ask questions.

Interpersonal communication...I read books on starting converstaion. I go to parties and asked girls to dance and start flirting with them. I started conversations with strangers..

Self image. I read book on self improvement and self help. I learned to accept who I am. I become more confident who I am over time. Now I read don juan bible and discussion posts, I go even higher. Disciple and Mr Finger give great posts.

I learned sense of humor. I've read books on humor and jokes.
I've join Toastmasters so I speak and communicate better.

I smile more when I'm around people. I careless what people think, so careless to criticism and I love people more.

Along with it, I become more successful in my career and education. I find more people are attracted to me. I find myself surrounded by more friends. I have more friends than I ever use to. It's all about realizing your lack and work on it. I believe anyone can do it.

You can be a better conversationalist. You can be more funny and loveable. It has happened to me.

Never give up. If you're shy and anti social, keep working. In time, you'll hear compliments from surrounding people of how more open you've become. How much more fun you are to be with. You can be who and how you want yourself to be.

You will be if and when you want to be.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
New york, New York
The path toward self-improvement is not an easy one.

The path toward greatness is not an easy one.

That is why many start out but few stay the course.

The few that do become the wonder and envy of the masses.

A man is defined by what he does so therefore a loser does loser things, an average man does average things, a good man does good things, a great man does great things, and a legendary man does legendary things that will cause his name to sound throughout all posterity when the deeds of men are spoken of.

I sound like freakin master Yoda from Star Wars or Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings.


Master Don Juan
Apr 27, 2003
Reaction score
This is so relevant to me at the moment.

A post hasn;t hit me this hard in a long time. :)

Thanks man.