Stop Analyzing and Start Acting. My Way by A-Unit.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
When I was younger, I was paralyzed by fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of what people would think, or say, or do. Fear of expectations, that I wasn't like I thought I should be. Every imaginable fear, you name it, I had it. Suffice it to say, I did mediorce, met girls, got dates, nothing major. Nothing like what I heard or observed other guys doing.

I was recently asked by a newbie to do some Sargin' with him. No problema. However....I don't like Sargin' for chicks, unless there's plans in the works, a goal. Here's why...

On numerous occasions, I sarged with a best friend of mine, only to find us competing for the girl or have her confused over the introduction. It seemed to invite too many problems, even though we were pretty good at it. Both Boston clubs and local ones, it was easy to get the late nights going. Where I found, personally, the best success was actually doing a 1-on-1 PU, and then seeing if she has hot friends. With that, I've created some wild situations and that opens the door up if you have a wingman willing to join in and play the role.

So...back to my intro. Hailing from many sales jobs, I've realized, it's really a very unpredictable game. You just have to approach your target market, in your comfortable situation, and work it to your advantage. As you mature, advance with it. But first learn the fundamentals. It's as easy as that.

So when I really changed the game around to my favor, I adopted the mantra of:

It's my life. If it's to be, it's up to me. I'm out to meet people, and make friends, and I will treat no stranger any different than I treat my own best friend or family.

A conversation, is a conversation, is a conversation.

So rather than go out with the intention of PUing, while on my errands, it's a normal point of life to meet women anywhere, anytime, anyplace. I had a GF in Texas, fly all the way to Boston, on her dime, to see me, after only meeting briefly over 12 hours at a business conference. I met girls at meetings, upon which I grabbed a number quickly after the presentation was over. And I date often through friends, after familiarizing myself with a girl over a few weeks.

To me, there's no rush. It's prospecting, and once you get the ball rolling it snowballs down hill FAST. Once you build your life for you, it takes a life of its own. You can integrate any technique you like, and I'm sure it works wonders in different situations, but to me, a person of character, charisma, of life, and happiness wins the day over someone loaded with a bag full of techniques any day. They can retire to a life they love, with friends they care about, and know that any girl who gives into that will truly realize they have a prize. She truly gets introduced to something wonderful, and there's NO GIRL WORTH YOUR TIME WHO WOULD GIVE THAT UP, by cheating, by flaking out, or by giving up. In fact, she WILL work harder.

So what should be taken from me?

That a girl is a girl is a girl. It's been said, but get comfortable APPROACHING EVERYONE. Say hi EVERYWHERE. Hallways, professionals, children, your mailman. Read the bible, it works. Realize life is lived through experience, and experience is action. Mistakes are nothing but a result, they're not you. They're not what you're to become, they're just one result, and they're getting you closer to what you desire.

There isn't 1 trick, technique or even post I can think of that will change things. In sales, people always look for the gimmick that will break them into a flood of money. Won't happen. You have to constantly be working it, until one day it all clicks. One day, you've been around so long, it's easy. And it is. One day, you're happy with life, and confident that if HB10 says FVCK off, you're cool with it, BECAUSE YOU REALLY WILL LAUGH. I get a kick out of the better rejections, of what a woman can come up with, because USUALLY, they don't have anything NEAR AS CLEVER to say on the spot as we do. And IF THEY DO, then they really aren't all that great because they've concocting it for HOURS.

Approach because it's your life, and you should have whatever you desire, and the only way to get it is by doing it. There's no other way guys. You'll know if that hottie has eyes for you.

My thoughts on PUing....

1. If you'll never see her again, get what you can. Home number, cell number, email etc.

2. If you will see her again, as in she's a co-worker, friend of a friend, she works at a place you go alot, let familiarity work to your advantage. We like people we see alot. We trust people we see alot. I've landed many hotties this way, because I developed rapport, familiarity, and trust to gain the number. A girl who sits on display on day will likely be propositioned ALOT, so you're better off being someone different, and the only way to do that is ACTING DIFFERENT. To her, you're all the same until you do something about it.

It isn't that hard, only our thoughts make it hard.



Don Juan
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by A-Unit
So...back to my intro. Hailing from many sales jobs, I've realized, it's really a very unpredictable game. You just have to approach your target market, in your comfortable situation, and work it to your advantage. As you mature, advance with it. But first learn the fundamentals. It's as easy as that.

Nice post, SCOTT PETERSON! Just kidding.

So when I really changed the game around to my favor, I adopted the mantra of:

It's my life. If it's to be, it's up to me. I'm out to meet people, and make friends, and I will treat no stranger any different than I treat my own best friend or family.

A conversation, is a conversation, is a conversation.

So rather than go out with the intention of PUing, while on my errands, it's a normal point of life to meet women anywhere, anytime, anyplace. I had a GF in Texas, fly all the way to Boston, on her dime, to see me, after only meeting briefly over 12 hours at a business conference. I met girls at meetings, upon which I grabbed a number quickly after the presentation was over. And I date often through friends, after familiarizing myself with a girl over a few weeks.

I like this way of doing things. I've found that if I go out intending to pick up girls, I bomb out, but if I have a real reason to go somewhere (even if it's not a great reason), I do really well. There's many reasons for this, but it's not important to analyze why (note the title of your post).

Approach because it's your life, and you should have whatever you desire, and the only way to get it is by doing it. There's no other way guys. You'll know if that hottie has eyes for you.

That's a biggie. If you approach well and often, success will come naturally. It makes me laugh at all of these guys who think that learning how to be a better kisser, better in bed, etc., will help them be successful with women, when they don't have a clue how to start a conversation.

1. If you'll never see her again, get what you can. Home number, cell number, email etc.

I don't get a lot of success this way, but it's good to see that someone does. We each have our own style, which I think is important to recognize. Some guys haven't developed their style well enough to be usable, so it's helpful to be able to see what other people do. I believe that these types of articles are, in the end, more helpful than the 'tips and techniques' posts that this forum often concentrates on.

It isn't that hard, only our thoughts make it hard.
I love your style. True gold. It's concise, and I'm certain that guys who are similar to you in attitude and values should be able to apply the information here to immediately improve their success.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Appreciate the Props.

Frankie, thanks for the highlights, my friend.

I guess we all have our 'style', don't we? I hail from someone who puts a balanced approach to life, and in doing so I can be bluntly honest that if a woman wastes my time, I'll next-her quick. She appreciates and it keeps you in the frame of mind to determine interest. The topic of interest is often confused SO much by people, and it's quite easily.

If she advocates going on a date, makes plans with you, or counter offers, then she's down. If not, she isn't. It's no different than friends. Some girls are more timid than other's, but you certainly don't date someone who says:

"I'll call you @___". And then doesn't. If it happens more than twice to me, and doesn't fix it, I'm done. There's other things to do and that to me shows interest. If I was worth her time, then she'd find a way to fit me WITH her schedule and friends.

Bottom line, though, not to get windy, I find it helps to just be a person INTO your life. As was mentioned before, if 2 people are using games or strategies, then no one can penetrate defenses and you'll be at a stalemate. In my experiences, I have the option of whatever I desire, from ONS to a LTR with how I approach things. And it's that comfort in knowing now, a years later I can go out and meet anyone, anywhere, anytime. If you don't meet a cutie @ BN, then perhaps filling up your gas tank, or @ the mall, or at a restaurant. You don't need a line to say hi to anyone, if you do, you're nothing more than a schmoozy salesman anyway. Lines will just come if you're comfortable in your skin. If you're not, learn some basic, interesting ones and use them.

To me, you really just need to reframe life that way...that's it your stage and you'll meet anyone you want. There's no other way to see it. And really, what's stopping you from doing cold approaches is just that, how you see the world. That's what separates my approaching a girl from my brother or my I view it, and almost 99% of the time, a well groomed, upstanding man will have NO PROBLEM getting positive results out of a girl on something that. Believe me...appearance goes along way with women...

And not in the way you think. Just don't look like Chester the Molester. You have to not care about how you look or act, but also consider you're target market. If you're game is to meet hot dancers who teach ballet, and you're a goth kid, it's RARE that a dancer will dig that. No dancer I know goes for that style. Pook was on the money when his article on "The Secret of the Jerk." I believe there is a gradation that women follow, from Extreme Feminine to Extreme Masculine...and the difference between success and failure is merely tapping into that wellspring in each of us and following who we internally desire to be.

Because when people ask for form, and shape, and tactics, I'm remined of Bruce Lee who said the "best form is no form." Your game, your style, will change with every situation, and that's ok, because you really can't hit a club up expecting an LTR, and you can get have great success meeting girls in public looking for LTR's...because they're in the same mindset as you. They're IN LIFE. At a club, its escapism, so your job is to continue that meet her reality and you can land the ONS. But try that in the Real World, and she'll likely reject it sometimes, so you need another way to penetrate her (lol) reality to get whatever goal you have in mind.

1. Approach everyone.
2. Start kino and sex to early, so she judges you only feelings and looks at the glass half full, not half empty.
3. Always remain a man, remain grounded, and know your priorities.

Caveat. Alot of people get hung up on bro's before hoes and chicks before ****s. Not I. I've been screwed over more by friends than by chicks, and further more, presupposing some VALUE system over my life does not provide me with decision making capabilities. That's like putting your car on autopilot in traffic, you have to hope you don't crash, and when it's too late, you do. Instead make whatever decision makes you happy and stick to your word. If you make plans with a girl, stick to them. If you make plans with friends, stick with them unless your courteously reschedule. Be a person about it.



Don Juan
Aug 20, 2002
Reaction score
Nice job A-Unit. I would recommend that you post more often.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by A-Unit
My thoughts on PUing....

1. If you'll never see her again, get what you can. Home number, cell number, email etc.

2. If you will see her again, as in she's a co-worker, friend of a friend, she works at a place you go alot, let familiarity work to your advantage. We like people we see alot. We trust people we see alot. I've landed many hotties this way, because I developed rapport, familiarity, and trust to gain the number. A girl who sits on display on day will likely be propositioned ALOT, so you're better off being someone different, and the only way to do that is ACTING DIFFERENT. To her, you're all the same until you do something about it.

It isn't that hard, only our thoughts make it hard.

A-Unit [/B]
Nice post, i just want to add to point number one, if you'll never see her again, if you are interested, then you have got nothing to lose if you ask for something. Its a good situation to be in, if you new to PU/ always need to hedge.

Create self-fulfilling prophecies. Always assume the positive. Assume she likes you. Assume she wants to talk to you. Assume she wants to go out with you. When you think positive, positive things happen.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Exactly. Live for the Moment.

Thank you. Just what I'm trying to say.

In some sense, in life, the stars, moon, sun, and planets all align that way on that moment. Let the moment carry you. Don't ask questions. Don't employ to voices, the 1st second guessing you and 2nd being your personality. We all have it. The doubts. That second person, acting like a gapstop to prevent whatever FEAR we have. Be it embarrassment, change, success, failure, whatever. That voice seeks preservation.

Well, until it's a cheerleader for your team, and not everybody else's, you should ignore it.

It SHOULD be saying. Go for it. She likes you. She wants to be kissed. You CAN be whatever you want. That voice only repeats whatever you have told it for years. Now, it feeds it back to you on autopilot to make things simpler.

Well, now that you no longer desire the AFC programming you have fed it, you must REPROGRAM IT with new instructions. To do that...

1. Take steps, small ones, OUTSIDE your comfort zone.

The only way to prove to your 'voice' that you're capable is by doing, and doing it repeatedly. Once you reach a success, you know you can repeat that again, and again, and again. Your brain now BELIEVES success is not possible, but definate. So to knowledge is fine, and you can 50% the way there by absorbing so much of it. But to correct AFC actions, or weak actions as they are to me, you must program strong ones. You must do strong things.

*When other's are down, be the lighthouse, the beacon, that guides all others out of problems.
*When you're tempted to give in, push harder.
*Enjoy difficult situations, as a way to test yourself.
*If you do something, do it and do it 100%. There's no middle ground.

When I began pursuing real estate as a side-business, I could go the route of buying books, reading articles, and meeting other pro's, which I do, but to get there fastest, I also employed the services of professional Real Estate Mentor that ran me several thousand dollars. We tend to perform to our abilities, or better, when there's a sense of urgency and obligation, so push yourself by creating a NEED to SUCCEED.

2. Read positive books and speak positive thoughts to yourself.

Never see anything as failure or success. Success is a PROCESS. It's how you live life. You're a success NOW by virtue of taking steps to improve. Being a success it by no means a goal, it's a journey. Think of any person who has risen up from nothing. Could they possibly crush toes as they made their way up the ladder? Hardly. Who would help such a person? And all successful people know, it takes the leverage of MANY people to do something.

*Pastors, priests
*Teachers, Professors

The Patriots, my favorite Sports team, were a Success from the get go. They did not Win the Superbowl upon showing up, they won it week by week, until they garnered strength, respect, and discipline to repeat results on a regular, programmed basis.

I have a great friend, to whom I related ALOT of my dating insights, ups, downs, and even findings have been. He's 14 years my senior, and so has better INSIGHT into the dating world, women, and what I look like operating in it. One thing I used to do was curtail a relationship before it began. Before, I'd jump bones with a girl real quick. In fact, any girl I dated, I never made it longer than 1 month without having sex, so when I began digging in to all this, I started to reverse that game and hold back like I was Mr Cool, as he put it.

Bad move, he prescribes. And in his opinion, why dictate the relationship before it has a chance? Don't pull the...

"Want to be my girlfriend bit?" before sex. It sounds backwards, but in all honesty SEX MUST COME BEFORE the relationship. She wants it that way, and YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT THAT WAY, so do what's natural. She's not going to LOGIC herself into your life, she's going to EMOTION herself into it. So start sex whenever, and if she walks away, at least you learned. Now, if you can't handle that yet, don't. I'm not advocating excessive promiscuity. But...if there's a girl you did, don't hold off for sake of playing it cool.

Most girls go crazy long times for sex...they get bitter over a break up, have stupid, insipid guys hitting on them @ work, and act like camels over their sex drive. I know many girls who'll use a vibrator versus adding more numbers to their slut factor. And I know some who don't care and will bang when they have the heat of the moment. You can tell the difference. I tend to go for the hornballs who wait until they meet me. Then, I feel out what the potential is, and jump right in.

What I do say is, let the relationship go where it goes. Rarely can or will life go according to any plan. Check ANY situation, anywhere. How often do weeds grow through cracks in the pavement? How often do trees wreck sidewalks? How often do bugs over take your home? How often do bees crop up nests somewhere? How often do we hear about animals running wild after years of growing unchecked?

You see, life cannot be held by any chains or shackles. Whenever it is held back, it comes back TWICE as powerful to break free, because it seeks to grow, succeed, thrive, and emerge. There's always imbalance. We swing from one to another. What we do with planning is bring balance so we're on offense, not defense when something happens. Same thing can't know what will happen with Ms. So-And-So. Many girls who I thought looked innocent were hoes, and many girls who appeared dirty, weren't. So it's a fun game!?

Play it while you can, because at some point, you're going to be too old, too ugly, too poor, too married, or too dead to do it. And ask yourself one thing...

What would you do RIGHT now if you weren't afraid?

What would you do RIGHT now if money was not an object or a concern?

These things holding you back are only limitations of your mind. Because quite they also hold your friends back? Or your family? Or me? Or any DJ's on this board? Exactly. Self imposed psychological limitations. We don't know what you can do until you show you can or can't.



Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score

A-Unit I'm so glad you brought this up and I'd like to elaborate on it.

I have recently developed the mentality of attacking my fears and it has set me free spiritually. Once I was walking through the mall and I saw this beautiful, SEXY girl. Now obviously I wanted her because she was so sexy, but something held me back. I finally realized I was afraid to approach her, let me tell you what I said to myself. 'I'm afraid to approach this girl, she's beautiful. Since I'm afraid to approach her, now I have to approach her.' I approached her and while walking over to her I accepted the fact that I was afraid, and the fact that I was going to do this because I was afraid.

I asked her how her shopping had been going. We started talking and she gave me her phone number. We dated for two months and we made love almost every day.

ATTACK YOUR FEARS. God gives you the doors to all you want, you have to open them.

Once I was picked to represent my USMC recruiting station at an event where other polees come from stations all over Southern California to compete in running, sit-ups and pull-ups. My goal: Do the most pull- ups, the most-sit ups and be the fastest runner. Out of 56 contestants, I fvcked them all up. Let me tell you why, because I broke through that barrier! During my ride up I was SCARED TO DEATH. And this made me say fvck you fear! Yes I am scared but I'm going to do it with all my heart because yes it can be done, and I did it. I did the most pull-ups, sit-ups and I was the fastest runner. During my run I called to my God, "I know there is one man ahead of me, about ten feet. I know you will bring forth to me victory because I am not afraid to take the necessary steps. I am here before you now and I am telling you I will do fvcking ANYTHING, now show me what you've got." Next thing you know on the third lap, just before the finish, he starts slowing down because he was too afraid to keep running because he had pain in his side. I slowly passed him, God served me quite well that day as he always does.

He showed me the door, I opened it with speed and intensity. I never lost hope. The whole time I was afraid, yes, but I kept running and I faced my fear.

I say this to you people: GET FREAKIN HARD. We're all men here, you have to have that mentality! The: I WANT IT mentality. I say to you life, I'm right here knocking at your door, because I want all that you have. I want deep passion, I want loving relationships, I want prosperity and richness, and I want to live like a man! God will show me all the doors to all of those things, and I will be afraid to open them, but that fear will make me open them with such intensity! And if I fail at first, I won't be afraid to try again. I will follow my passion RELENTLESSLY, I would die for my passion if I had to.

In conclusion: Attack your fears. Don't let small fears run your life, you MUST attack your fears, and do things the hard way in order to truly live and never die. It’s this simple folks: All that you want is here, inside you. It is nowhere else, do not look to external forces for what you want. If you are ready to accept what you want, then you will have it. If you are ready to do even if you fear it, or to not be afraid at all, then you will have it. What will you accept for yourself.

Remember that Notorious B.I.G. song “Juicy“?
“You know very well, who you are.
Don’t let them hold you down, reach for the stars.
You had a go, but not that many.
Cause you’re the only one, I’ll give you good and plenty”

This song is like God talking to me. He tells me that I know very well who I am because I know what I want. Don’t let others hold me down, don’t let fear hold me down and strive for the best to become the best. I had a few opportunities to do this, but not that many and because I’m the only one knocking at his door ceasing to accept all fears and limitations, demanding vibrant life, God will give me good and plenty. ;)


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score


The power of quieting your mind and focusing in unbelievable!

You see, for you who don't know what I'm talking about, listen up, and for those that do, please elaborate more so others pay heed to this.

When doubts are running through your mind, when you're self-conscious is working against you, HOW can you be creative, courageous, bold, sexy, or attractice?

You can't!

You see...your mind, like any computer, works only with what it's presented. You can ONLY provide it ONE QUESTION, ONE MOTIVATION, ONE THOUGHT, that's it. Try to process multiple things at once, what do you get? Stress. Fatigue. Voices.

BUT...if you tell yourself...I have to do this, and GIVE INTO it, you summon up ALL the resources you have, both conscious and subconscious. This isn't merely happy horse-shyt positive, no, no. I don't focus on that. Motivation is fine...but if all you is motivate an idiot, then you have motivated idiots. You keep running into the same wall.

We're out for SOLUTIONS. Reasons to win. Reasons to persevere. So ask yourself, next time a hottie goes by, pursue her. Not like Chester the Molester, but in such a way to say "WOW, she's unique, she seems interesting, let's go see what's up with her."

You needn't justify your actions. If she's hot, so what. See if she's a cool person, too. I get that garbage from the females in my family about superficiality. In the words of Jim Young from "Boiler Room"...

"We're not saving the fvcking manatees here."

You're a social warrior. Rather than using crude poles and rocks and sticks, you use your mind. We need to train our minds and our bodies, just as we were once trained to hunt. Now, gentlemen, we are social hunters, not pure hunters.

What's created the AFC in all us, or most of us, isn't something we are born as, but it's HOW society in many ways strips us of the inalienable rights and duties we had as men, that now so many of the pundits out there purport we don't need. Yet, look at those who make women wet. Talk to any in power, men of vision, men of determination, men of non-conformism, men of no fear. I know degenerates that tag beautiful women, but those women are quite messed up. If you want that, throw away all your morals, all your ethics, and all your values, and put it on the long.

That's easy.

If you want to be a man of society, of culture, of respect, yet still tag ladies, then travel the hard route to the promised land and become the societal warrior, one who is deft in social situations, one who can and will gain WHATEVER he desires, and will find ways to get it.

If you don't listen to the voices in your heart, in your soul, deep down, those feelings that magnetize you toward something, you surely won't piss anyone off, but at the same time, NOTHING will change. What you want is what you want. You don't have to make ANY bones about it, because it's your life and the only person you answer to is yourself, and if you believe, in your God. That's it. Provided you do this world no worse and only give birth to good, you will in turn see good.

When it comes to your mind, focus is purely looking at it as success...

*What's unique about this girl?
*She's awesome, I wonder if "I" will like her. (Not the other way around). It's you approaching, so it's your life, your question.
*How can I reach my goal, FASTER?
*Who needs me help?
*What makes me happy?

If you think positive thoughts, and constructive questions, all your dreams are possible. If're only going to produce negative results. Is it any wonder that the people who find themselves time after time in the worst situations are there because of bad thinking, bad questions? I feel for them, because alot of them are family or friends, but when I ask them to TRULY see a positive side...they can't, or won't. They're in protective mode.

So ask yourself this...

Who do I want to be in five years?
Who do I want to be in one year?

Then ask yourself...

What do I have to do to get there?
What do I have to learn to be THAT?
Who do I have to know to achieve that?

With the vision of your desire, you can then formulate the plan to achieving all that you want. Without it how will you what it is, how to get there, or when you have it. And if you never pursue it consciously, you won't get there. Don't let them die.




Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
A-Unit! What a great post! Very concise, no-nonsense. Great work. I especially agree that if you will never see the girl again, GO FOR IT!!!

I'll expand more on this post later, but let me just give you a quick anecdotal story.

During the first few days of college (and still), I asked for numbers from any attractive-looking girl I saw. As it turns out, i transferred out of one of the classes I had to begin with. And another girl (the one whose number I got) dropped out of one of my classes. SIEZE THE FUKKING DAY, guys. Even if you THINK you will see these girls again, you could be wrong. DO IT NOW, or kick yourself forever.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go screen the HB9 who dropped out of my class... I'm meeting her at the food-court ;).


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
On the $.

A half-azzed plan put into action is better than a plan not used until it's 100%.

Why is that statement SO true?

Because, life changes. The game changes. Rules change. Situations change. By the time you perfect one skill, another one, more successful than first is perfected, OR, the old one is so tired.

I recall the idea of waiting to a call a girl for a period of 3-5 days.

You know when I call?

When it's convenient for me. If I meet her on a Wednesday, and I have no time to call until Saturday or Sunday or Monday, I call then. I'm not making any bones about pretenses. Based on that, SHE will know I'm busy, I have a life. Likewise, if I have a free moment between appointments in the afternoon, I call then, too.

In my mind, if I'm being all strategic about it, then she'll know games are being played, because MOST WOMEN AND MOST GUYS use that 3 days rule. My buddy and I talked about this little tactic, and he said: "I call whenever I feel like it. If I call her the next day, it's my choice. If she's soft then, at least I know I'm not wasting 3 days of anticipation plotting something that might not even happen. Because I laid back on the defensive, rather than the offensive, I lost opportunities and find myself unprepared.

Why defer interest? This is the point about being mature, having your own life, doing your thing, and being someone INTO yourself. You're not faking the phone call, you really HAVE something important, and then she knows your real. Girls hate games, but they'll WAIT properly for a man they feel is worth it. They want to KNOW this guy is worth something, it's etched into their whole make up to find INVESTMENT VALUE. This goes make to the egg vs sperm theory so often read about here. If they have the most risk, then they have to find the 'right' fit or value.

A few girls I know get edgy about my schedule, about me taking other priorities over them, but they must have interest in me, very high interest, otherwise, why would they waste the breath telling me or even making an issue about it? And when they're done complaining about, the next question the ask is: WHAT ARE YOU DOING TONIGHT?

And you know why that's important? Because the game CAN change at any point. If she walks away tomorrow, and you change your game even slightly to accomodate her...

Do you really own your life or is fake?
How do you reconstruct yourself in the wake of losing her?
What was the purpose of the journey if it was only for naught?

Heck I did it before. I faked business. I faked change. I faked a few days and deferred phone calls only to find she wasn't interested. It really doesn't make them wonder as much as I used to believe. They will start WONDERING about you AFTER a few dates...when there's EMOTIONAL attachment starting to begin, then you wonder.

Have sex with girl, have her open a few feelings on her life, her friends, on her dreams, hopes and fears, and see how she starts wondering about you THEN?

What wondering does she have to do about a random stranger, even if he is good looking? In her eyes, there's more goodlooking guys because she's a woman and they're approached as much as ATMS near a bar.

Just act. When you act, THEN YOU can THINK. Thinking in the absence of action is dreaming. But combine action + well thought plans = dreams come true. The same concept applies to Walt Disney. He could have well wished all day about a grand park cattering to children, and not done a thing. But instead, he acted, made it happen and brought dreams to reality. Don't trick your mind into things, just do it.

A little known stat...90% of what we think DOES not happen as wel expect it to, nor as bad as it would. 90%!!! That means MOST of the time, how we EXPECT things to be, aren't. That just means, try it out, if you don't like it, move on, correct course, and try again.



It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
*resurrects* this should be required reading...hell, all of his posts are great...


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2001
Reaction score
A-Unit is spot on with this post.

Hailing from many sales jobs, I've realized, it's really a very unpredictable game. You just have to approach your target market, in your comfortable situation, and work it to your advantage. As you mature, advance with it. But first learn the fundamentals. It's as easy as that.
You're absolutely right. Fundamentals are where it's at. Getting the mindset and attitude down is the hardest part. Once you master that it's smooth sailing.



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
A Unit this is a golden post.

You are so right about what you focus on is what you get.