Back from the shadows
****, mang, how has it been motherfukkers?? I hope I hear good **** from ya'll
Oh man, I have been learning so much lately.
I've been frequenting ASF recently, and I've been getting a bit more in-depth with this game. Good news is that I'm learning more, but the bad news is that I allowed it to stunt some of my activity because of "paralysis by analysis."
However, I have had some shining moments in my college experience, which I will briefly elaborate on.
I first get to college and I'm an approach machine. I am defeating approach anxiety. I do my first cold approaches and successfully number close them. I do more number closes in the classroom, but most of the numbers turn out to be duds. Avoided calls, disconnected numbers. I'd say I approached about 9 girls in 2 weeks. About 2 or 3 never answered the phone, and 2 straight up gave me wrong numbers (I think I went too CF on them and came off as an ******* oops hehe).
So at the start of college my game is tight and my confidence is unstoppable. I'm walking around late one night heading over to a uni-sponsored party by myself. I see 2 girls sitting on a brick railing, listening to an AFC bore them to death.
I stride confidently with my head held high, with spiked hair and some slick duds. I make EC with the hotter of the 2 girls, and whaddayaknow, she OPENS ME.
Conversation went a lil something like this:
HB: Hey
Me: Hey
HB: Who are you?
Me: Me? I'm a freshman (**** smirk)
HB: Pft haha, I mean what's your name
Me: Oh, I don't have a name. Who are you?
HB: Ha, I'm HB. Come on, you have a name, what is it?
Me: Nah, I kid you not, I was left at some lady's doorstep as an orphan.... no name
HB: (looking to friend) Are you hungry?
Me: Whew, I am, you wanna go to the cafeteria with me?
Her: Ok, sure. (looks at friend) You wanna come?
Friend: Nah, thanks anyway, I already ate.
HB: Okay! Bye!
Things were going super-smoothe and I probably could have fvcked this girl if I hadn't have failed her **** tests!!! (bangs head into desk).
So I'm being naturally CF with her, busting her. Then she tells me that she's going to be a model.
[....Fvck....FVCK, FVCK, FVCK!!!!!! OH MAN. I've never realized it until now, but when she told me that she was a model, she was QUALIFYING TO ME to try to match my value, which she obviously thought outweighed hers. SH!T! I have got so much potential. I had a fvcking model who, by the way, had huge D tits, a tone body, and 2 inches taller than me QUALIFYING TO ME LOL!!!!!]
I scoff as I'm eating my croissant sandwich and go, "What, a hand model?"
She gets this
big "I can't believe you just said that" look on her face and goes "No, a REAL MODEL. I'm in the running to be in next year's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.
I go, "Ohh" pretending to sound impressed. In reality i was very impressed and a little intimidated, but I didn't let it show.
So we get into more rapport, then the chick starts talking about porno, perhaps to see how open I am about sex and also to see if I'd get flustered. Well I don't get flustered and I joke with her about it.
Then the moment comes when I **** up and tease her about her huge tits. I'm in her dorm and shes leaning over to pick up something off the ground, and I told her to stop trying to seduce me.
She goes "Huh?"
I go "Well you're blatantly showing your boobs to me" or something along those lines. Anyways, I made the fatal mistake of "verbalizing the sexual game" which made everything logical and caused her to feel like a slut. Live and learn, eh? But I'm still pumped now that I realize I had a model qualifying to me.
Recently I've been visiting a potential LTR (HB Crazy, remember her?), and I've been making out with her, but she's been giving me mad LMR, not letting me hands wander to her nether regions. She needs to feel more connection, and I intend to (re)build one tomorrow tonight when I visit her again
For a while I got too caught up with her and got one-itus, so my PU suffered. I stopped doing approaches and I basically became a mess, but I kept reading ASF and seduction-related material. I'm much more aware of the mechanics of the game now than I was before. My knowledge should assist me, but it won't do SH!T if I don't get out there and apply it.
I gotta have at least a few back-up girls in case the LTR doesn't work out. I have some chicks in mind.
I have been overcoming a big insecurity of mine, which is my physical appearance. I'm a short guy, and my face can flush pretty badly. Its not roseacea, but its definitely visible, but I haven't been paying attention to it as much, and neither have other people. I actually got a lot of compliments from ppl a few days ago when I was clean shaven and had my hair spiked. LOL I know I sound like a woman, but I can't get in the right state to PU unless I feel HOT haha.
If your face flushes, I do have a tip. Eat anti-oxidants like cherries and blue-berries. They relax blood-flow and your facial tone will even out. Avoid caffeine, nutra-sweet, and heavy carbs like the plague as they will fvck up your tone badly. Cutting out Diet Coke (nutra-sweet) helped the evenness of my facial tone massively.
I also noticed that I get noticed by girls a lot more on first-glance because I updated my wardrobe. My shoes are nice brown Dr. Martins, I wear mostly muscle fit Abercrombie T's, and some nice flair jeans with a belt to match my shoes. I spike my hair and pull off a nice prep-punk look. Its great because I'm totally congruent with it, and the chicks I want are attracted to that "type."
Here are some pics
Something else I wanna mention... about halfway into college my roommate and supposed "friend" got really jealous of the success I was having with chicks (he witnessed me pull the model and get her back into our dorm room) and called me ugly and told me that I don't have a chance to pull chicks since there are guys who are betterlooking than me trying to get them.
Unfortunately, I allowed his scathing comment to creep up into my subconscious and I dwelled on it too much and it infected me with a horrible vibe, and my confidence shattered. I'm still picking up the pieces, but looking back at it in retrospect, my friend was being a MASSIVE AFC. He looks at seduction like a preening contest apparently. May the prettiest man win, eh? **** that.
I allowed his negative comment to fly in the face of MY REALITY-- the reality that I'd made out with a few attractive chicks already and had been complimented a lot during my lifetime... but just one negative comment seemed to flounder all of that. So fvcking ridiculous, man argh.
Now my reality is strong enough to stand up to whatever sh!t comes at me. If I heard a comment like that again or somebody tried to undermine me with something else, it simply wouldn't fly, because I know my reality too well.
Oh, I did direct approaches for a while, Badboy style. They were very congruent and I pulled them off without any hitches, but I got some boyfriend excuses that I think I could have disarmed by going indirect. However, Badboy's bodylanguage advice works wonders, and I've been using it ever since.
Working out seems to supplement confidence a lot. Well, I stopped working out because of time constraints, and I fell into a bit of a slump for awhile, but I'm diggin myself back out of it. Just gotta keep constant goals and keep conquering them. I am going to set new PU goals for the Christmas holidays. I'm going to do PU like crazy during the holidays and totally experiment and be willing to fail and learn. This is for my own benefit.
Mr. T's infamous "No Pain, No Gain" rang through my ears the first week I ever worked out heavy, and I'm sure it will ring through my ears again when I get more fake numbers, flakes, and outright blowouts. But from all the pain, I WILL gain. I've been in the seduction community for too long to just give up and quit... about 2 years now. No way I am going to waste my potential. A model opened me, and average HBs occasionally do. People seem open to me. I evidently am pulling off the right body-language and vibe. And when I talk to girls, my mind goes on autopilot to elicit the right emotions and use the right tonality. Man, it's just all a matter of making the effort to approach and talk to girls. I know I can go big in this game.
BTW, my name on mASF is Chance. Look me up. My AIM is secondton0ne
Cheers everyone!