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  1. L

    Best Tip You'll Ever Get

    Different take on tips... :) When I did carryouts of heavy packages at a major department store, I would occasionally get stiffed on a customer tip. If someone who saw the deed asked if I received anything, I'd reply, "I got a tip, all right. He said, 'never build a house near a cliff'."
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    Most People Will Never Get Rich

    There's confusion out there in America... About economic success. They hear "anyone can make it" as "everyone can make it." There's a world of difference, and broken dreams and bad economic and fiscal policy are the result.
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    Inspirational Quotes

    "whom the gods would destroy, they first make angry." Euripides "When you're wounded an lying on Afghanistan's plains, and the women come out to cut up your remains, just reach for your rifle and blow out your brains, and go to your Gawd like a Soldier." - Rudyard Kipling
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    What do you think of the new James Bond?

    Yup... he sure did... was just about the only scene in which he used or wielded a gun in that film... and his character stated his aversion to guns, too.
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    Best DJ movies!

    The Rich Connelly character from a science fiction show on ABC called "Surface." He doesn't take any BS from anyone, is an excellent fighter, unafraid to use a gun, and makes much better decisions than his attractive female costar (and never gets suckered in by her looks). It's all too...
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    Inspirational Quotes

    "... boldness has genius, power and magic. Believe it now." Wolfgang Von Goethe. "have more than thou showest, speak less than thou knowest." William Shakespears.
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    Mexico legalizes drugs... sort of

    No they're not... although they've inflated their claims, they have certainly helped Border agents apprehend a lot of illegals. From the outset, one of their stated goals has been to bring attention to the issue of illegal immigration, and I think they've succeeded. I'm proud of them (in a...
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    What do you think of the new James Bond?

    RE: Gadgetry - For Your Eyes Only and From Russia With Love were more about espionage and intrigue, vs. gadgetry and action. Goldeneye was kinda like that, too. Michael Caine was a great understated secret agent in the Ipcress File. My biggest problem with Daniel Craig is his stated...
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    Mexico legalizes drugs... sort of

    Strict gun laws, too Mexican gun laws are very harsh. There are American citizens languishing in Mexican jails because of a single round of ammunition left in a duffle bag accidentally. And there are some areas where there are no fences, through which Americans cross the border...
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    Never happened to me, hope it never happens to me. Still not sure if I'd comply or immediately begin fighting, since complying doesn't guarantee you won't get hurt anyway.
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    Moving to Manhattan

    Suicide, Check out for apartment listings. On a less probable note, you may want to find professional housesitting services - perhaps you can find a situation in which some affluent person is going away and is willing to let someone do a "house sit" live-in.
  12. L

    A Message from STYLE defending the community

    I think a lot of people who are opposed to the Game and its teachings are closet Social Darwinists, who think if someone isn't already skilled in dealing with women, then they don't deserve to date, mate and marry.
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    Need some advice on how to deal with attempted robbery case

    >The problem with the gun is that after they are dead, you look like the bad >guy. The more I learn about the practical implications in the legal system (I am >no lawyer either, btw), the more I am attracted to the idea of weapons that >don't look or seem like weapons. There's always the...
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    Need some advice on how to deal with attempted robbery case

    I'm in favor of the buy a gun and carry it idea but... 1. Keep in mind that Maryland's CCW application process is very cumbersome. 2. Train yourself to be proficient in its use, and be truly ready to use it if your life is in imminent danger. Someone holding a gun or knife to you -...
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    Anyone here following American Idol this year?

    My friend has been out of work for five years... He's intelligent, healthy and has access to a car. I feel like telling him to audition for "American Idle"
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    Backbreaker, I want to open a store.

    This computer likely: 1. Isn't brand new (a couple of my clients have been sold crummy used pcs with the claim they are new or nearly new) 2. Is brand new but not working or stripped of all internal parts 3. Is brand new and working, but "fell off a truck."
  17. L

    Need a new job!

    Definitely in agreement on the waiting tables thing, especially at a high-volume restaurant. Great way to earn better than min wage, and definitely good for polishing the ol' social skills. One hint: think hard about how you'd like to be treated as a customer, and do exactly that for the...
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    Fvck I got centipedes!

    Most insects and insectlike creatures can slip through tiny crevices far smaller than their exterior dimensions. Count on the damned thing escaping eventually, unless the cage is hermetically sealed.
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    As a business owner... I've been reluctant to take on even a part time employee, let alone make other people "partners" or give away opportunities in any other fashion. So keep in mind that any legit company brings on new employees with reluctance, and offers "opportunities" to share their...
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    Picking Locks...

    Word to the wise... It wouldn't hurt if you either become a locksmith first, or at least start taking a Foley-Belsaw correspondence course on locksmithing, and keep proof of same with you. The reason: If you're ever stopped by police and have lockpicks on you, you can be arrested for...