Your not going to get good at it over night. A good read is The Complete Guide to Lockpicking, or look on the net. It takes lots of practice. I think im going to be buying a Pick gun since its so much faster. They have adjustable tensions, and can throw the pins up fast.
On a side note, I bought padlock shims from southern ord, when i was in 8th grade. Now suprisingly these ****s really work. There was 5 of 4 sizes, A, B, C, D. Now with them you could open any ****ing combo Masterlock. In my school, like every other skool, uses them for gym lockers. So when people would piss me off, i took off gym padlocks, and put them on the *******s hall locker. It takes me 2 seconds with the padlock shim to open about any masterlock. Well after lockin peoples lockers at least 40 times, sometimes up to 8 times for 1 person, i finally got caught... well actually my friend did and he ratted me out. Got 5 days at home suspension. But now that im a senior, i look back and laugh at them days. I still got my pickset, with rakes and tension wrenchs and balls, and diamonds.. i loved them.... But to get good takes a lot of practice, theres no fast learning.. And the anarchist cookbook has been outdated for mad years.