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  1. L

    What do you watch on T.V?

    Mail Call The Shield 24 Lost
  2. L

    Honest question - dilemma I'm grappling with

    You're right - I haven't fully embraced the site. I probably answered my own question when I noted how miserable my fellow men seem to have been when they went for the "sure thing" marriage-wise instead of going for someone they were really attracted to. Funny, I also know a cute Latina woman...
  3. L

    Honest question - dilemma I'm grappling with

    Met a nice gal last year - first time in a long time that I bonded with someone roughly my age (nearly all past GFs have been older). I think that I fell in "like a lot" with her, rather than love. And I was never that strongly attracted to her physically. She had some health issues, too -...
  4. L

    Guy takes knife to a gunfight

    LOL... that would be pretty interesting. Mugger: I see you're hiding something under your shirt there... must be pretty valuable. Give it to me or else! Terrorist: As you wish... Well, if there's any "good" thing about suicide bombers... you can only use 'em once.
  5. L

    Guy takes knife to a gunfight

    Most assaults and robberies "succeed" because the perpetrator is prepared to inflict violence, while the victim isn't prepared to receive violence or to dish any back. A former Marine, the defender was trained to fight/kill efficiently, and the four who attacked him most likely cooked up this...
  6. L

    Business Gurus explain please

    Steel is an industry that goes through dramatic boom and bust cycles. Mittal clearly benefitted from overcapacity, and bought up idled mills. Right now the world economy is firing on nearly all cylinders and demand for iron ore, and finished steel products is at record levels.
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    Vigilante Justice

    Governments are already in the business of meting out punishments that far exceed the crime committed.
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    Vigilante Justice

    I think increasing the harshness of the penalty is only window dressing by politicians to make it seem like they're fighting crime. It costs almost nothing in tax dollars (except perhaps the printing costs of updating some gov docs like sentencing guidelines). What I think really cuts crime is...
  9. L

    The Creepy Loner

    Do you go to school in the US? If not, where? And if so, which state, because it is my understanding that just about any sort of gun-related programs have been totally eliminated from schools here.
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    "To Catch A Predator"

    Stupid, or simply lacking in any self-control?
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    how do you negotiate for salary raise?

    You have to ask yourself for it first... You need to honestly ask yourself if you deserve it. "The Price of gas has gone up" or "I'm buying an HD TV and would like to be able to more easily afford the payments" don't really cut it. Think like the owner of that business and ask yourself...
  12. L

    help!!!! what does meth smell like?

    Meth users also seem to get purple blotches on their skin that look strikingly similar to HIV sarcomas. Never mind the Meth usage, you start showing those, people will really start to stay away.
  13. L

    Inspirational Quotes

    "He that takes a life, kills the world... he that saves a life, saves the world"
  14. L

    Hacker finds cover up info about aliens in NASA and US military

    I think this hacker is really just a publicity seeker. While I do believe that the odds are great of alien intelligences existing outside of our solar system, I think so far the UFO phenomenon is comprised entirely of freakish atmospheric conditions, space debris re-entering and burning up...
  15. L

    how you treat waitstaff tells a lot about character

    Not really a food service situation, but when I spilled coffee on myself on a commuter train a few months back I asked the train personnel for some napkins to clean myself up and "make sure no one trips on the liquid I spilled." The ticket-taker and the other riders all heard me say this, and...
  16. L

    how you treat waitstaff tells a lot about character

    And the inverse... A server should pay equal attention to everyone at the table. It drives me crazy when a waitress asks my friend and I if everything is OK, do we want anything else, and just looks at him, as if I don't really exist.
  17. L

    Craigslist, Is it Bs

    The ratio of women to men on Craig's looking for a casual hookup is very, very low. Most of the women are escorts, people of either gender trying to drive traffic to paysites and 1-900 numbers, or men just looking to goof off. You're better off placing an ad or responding to an ad in the...
  18. L

    Drunk & disorderly conduct on an international flight...repercussions?

    Usually these things are dealt with swiftly and harshly. I don't think this friend is in any danger of arrest, but she *may* be on a list of people to be more intensively screened or even on a "no fly" list. Your friend got really lucky she wasn't arrested. In the new...
  19. L

    Inspirational Quotes

    "Don't be a minor character in the story of your life." - me
  20. L

    Mexico legalizes drugs... sort of

    Apparently Vicente Fox (why does everyone pronounce this guy's name with an "n" that isn't there???) won't sign this into law, because of pressure for the US. However, Mexico's lack of law enforcement resources hasn't gone away, and it wouldn't surprise me if Fox has actually given the bill...