Honest question - dilemma I'm grappling with


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2003
Reaction score
Muskogee, OK
Met a nice gal last year - first time in a long time that I bonded with someone roughly my age (nearly all past GFs have been older). I think that I fell in "like a lot" with her, rather than love. And I was never that strongly attracted to her physically. She had some health issues, too - nothing terrible like cancer or MS, but still...
So I broke up with her after a few months. But flash forward a year and a half later: her health has improved incredibly, she's lost some weight, she's gotten a spiffy car (she's never had one before), and learned that she'll benefit financially from a relative's business success in about two-three years' time. And I mean benefit in a way that could keep her secure for a lifetime, assuming prudent money management. And she's still a lot of fun to be around, really sweet and helps me with a lot of stuff around my apartment and business unselfishly.
I suspect very strongly that she'd take me back if I sincerely told her that I wanted her in my life in a romantic way.
Assuming that I'm correct (big assumption, I know!) about her, should I choose the "security" of this person, or continue the search for someone that I'm really, really attracted to, that may (or may not) have the other plusses girl number one has? I've worked with too many guys who "settled" in terms of marriage, and it's so sad the way they wag their tongues every time a hot secretary walked by. And when I see their spouses at holiday parties... {{{{shudder }}}}}... yikes!
Any honest feedback from you guys would be great.
Oh, one thing - it's not like this is the first woman I've had more than a few dates with. I've had relationships long and short, and dated women ranging from hb4 ---> hb7.5. I really am just about done with the "playing the field" part of my life.


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
You haven't embraced this site.

You're giving up.

You're making up reasons that its alright for you to settle and be average.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2003
Reaction score
Muskogee, OK
You're right - I haven't fully embraced the site.
I probably answered my own question when I noted how miserable my fellow men seem to have been when they went for the "sure thing" marriage-wise instead of going for someone they were really attracted to.
Funny, I also know a cute Latina woman who's seven years older then myself who I am fiercely attracted to. She's essentially invited me to live with her, and I'd go for it, except: 1. She's had three other kids with her now-ex husband, and 2. She's totally irresponsible with money. I worked too hard for what I've got to have someone fritter it all away. People rarely, if ever, change... anyone here ever tune into the Dave Ramsay (sp?) show on the radio - the one in which callers scream into the phone that they're now "debt freeeeee." Well, I wonder how many of those people have personal balance sheets in the red a few months after paying everything off.