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  1. G

    Deep Dish Dials For Telephone Telepathy

    lol, where in any of my posts did I say QM is flawed? if anything, Im saying its a perfect explanation of what science has seen so far. What I actually said if you read was that many here are scientifically iliterate (including you and bonhomme et al.). You have reading comprehension...
  2. G

    Deep Dish Dials For Telephone Telepathy

    But ITS NOT going around in circles. youre clearly losing the argument, and running away. Deep Dish has you OWNED!!!!!!!
  3. G

    Deep Dish Dials For Telephone Telepathy

    jesus christ has already done this; we know he had no magical powers. um, no. That would be ancient philosophers that laid the foundation. Get it right. Do your homework.
  4. G

    Deep Dish Dials For Telephone Telepathy

    um, Occams razor is like totally NOT flawed. sure, the simplest explanation isnt always the best. Occams razor in no ways say that it is. Occams razor says that the simplest explanation is MOST LIKELY to be the best. If you choose the explanation that isnt the simplest, your far more likely to...
  5. G

    Deep Dish Dials For Telephone Telepathy

    I have always said there are tons of people on this forum that are "scientifically illiterate". This post and a few others in this thread and the one that led to the writing of this thread seem to prove my point very well. Its no wonder so many buy into the dogma of the DJ Bible. You...
  6. G

    Here's why "DHV" and "Negs" lower your value, not raise it.

    The Mystery Method is severely flawed
  7. G

    Fvcked a cop (venting)

    is this a fvcking joke? cops DO NOT HELP EVERYBODY! They help only those who they feel like helping, and this is one reason of many why cops are peices of sh1t. Remember my story on why I commited street justice becuase the cop didnt do his job? I had to take matters into my own hands...
  8. G

    women bothered by her boyfriend being short

    I came across this discussion thread and found it to be very interesting and decided to share it. Basically, a woman is in a relationship with this awesome boyfriend (she admits she has amazing experiences with him) but is so bothered by the fact that he is only 4 inches shorter than her that...
  9. G

    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    You Raise a very good point. This is compelling evidence in favor of a "fake TV show" theory.
  10. G

    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    okay, I asked you to back it up, all you have done was point me in the direction of some videos of him picking up girls. GREAT, AWESOME, a video of mystery getting a girl. Getting girls is a pretty nromal thing to do and theres nothing amazing about getting girls attention in a bar and her phone...
  11. G

    Are women unattracted to guys who have acne/red marks?

    Um, this has been talked about over and over in the looks matter threads: all available evidence to date strongly suggest women place a strong importance on looks when it comes to who they have sex with (the more attractive she is, the more this applies). You can use your arguement that "men...
  12. G

    the bonus effect of looks

    despite the self evidence of his revelation, many guys on this forum cant seem to grasp the fact that looks are not negligable when it comes to getting hot women. So you actually need to remove the sarcasm here, becuase this is not only a revelation, but its apparently a controversial...
  13. G

    Asked 29 year old hottie what she looks for in a man

    I keep hearing "oh this is such a clieche thing for her to say, it means nothing" and I also here "women will say they want one kind of man, then date a different kind of man". here are my responses: men say such cliche things as "I want a girl whos hot blah blah etc." since its cliche, does...
  14. G

    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    thats a pretty big claim youre making right here. Care to back it up with some evidence? extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence :D
  15. G

    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    exactly. Peacocking, as with many of mystery's tactics are just theory that they would work. But in reality, they dont work in practice and are flawed. looking rediculous doesnt attract women, it justm akes them luagh at you and can actually be counterproductive. Like you said, dont try to...
  16. G

    Do women ever catch guys who lie about their height?

    just a side note, women prefer guys who are :::taller::: than them. ITs a relative thing. You dont need to be 6'. You can be 5'6" and meet a girl who is 5'4" and your height will be acceptable to her. And NOT ALL women care about height. some dont mind dating a guy who is an inch shorter...
  17. G

    Do women ever catch guys who lie about their height?

    um, this describes the typical hottie pretty well. :rolleyes:
  18. G

    Do women ever catch guys who lie about their height?

    yes, women catch guys who lie about their height IF their claimed height is unreasonably taller than their true height. you can add an inch and be okay, but adding several inches is unreasonable, and youll get cuaght as a liar. if your going to lie about your height, be reasonable about...
  19. G

    Are women unattracted to guys who have acne/red marks?

    correction, when it comes to who women will have sex with, looks are primary. However, your personality matters too, so just becuase you look like a male model doesnt mean your guarnateed sex. You have to have the behavior to go with it or else. Thats the sucky thing about women, theyre worse...