Yep, there you have it. Lets add this piece of evidence to the giant list of evidence that support the theory that looks do matter. This piece in itself is compelling. Add it to other observations, such as many shallow women sightings we've all wittnessed, and the common place model guys who get...
Radiation can fvck your sperm count up, but only if it is a certain kind. Tanning beds dont give off high frequency radiation like X-rays and and radioactive radiation. It is this kind of radiation that lowers your sperm count. Since tanning beds dont give you this kind of radiation, you have...
How about you go contridict yourself again. oh, I know. How about you state how there are no strategies for getting women, and then turn around and tell someone a strategy to get women!! Genius!!!
Speaking of trolls. You have already been banned several times before for trolling this forum...
This is exactly what I am saying. This is an argument about how and why looks are without a doubt definitely a factor. Yet these "looks DONT matter" Henchmen like Deus always try t point out why personality is such a big factor. Yet, no one contests that, and this is a discussion about weither...
This whole thread here just proves how much in Denial you are. It proves it!
If thats not the case, then you seriously must have a low IQ. Like Delta says, theres no way any logical person could truly beleive the kind of things you are beleiving.
why dont you go join Deus, and argue how looks matter as much as blue pants do?
Too bad for Deus, he has you on his side. Id be embarassed if I had a blundering moron like you arguing on my side. You know theres something wrong with your argument when a moron like you is siding with it.
Thats great. Thats not the definition we are talking about here. We are talking about the scientific version. You know the one about applying theories where thery shouldnt. Here is an example: Extrapolation would be trying to apply Newtonian Mechanics to objects of very large masses traveling at...
Thats not extrapolation man.
And defining an unknown variable from existing facts is called inference. You know, the thing that many scientists do. THe thing that many homocide detectives do to figure out what happened etc.
And extrapolation is when you try to take a theory and apply it...
What he is saying is still a strategy. Its still a procedure that can be followed, and yield an outcome that may or may not cause one to be successful with women. Thus its a strategy!
a strategy is a procedure that can be followed that may or may not achieve a goal. If its is a procedure...
um, no extrapolation here. (do you even know what extrapolation means?) I have statistics on my side in this assumption. In your post, you say women have told you that they slept with ugly guys. Well, statistically, most women arent hot, so Im more likely to be right if I assume them to NOT be...
if so, then Rico needs to be banned FAST!!. Becuase El Febreezy Da Beez was actually that c0ck sucker martinshernwood; the biggest piece of sh1t to ever post in this forum!!
in one of your earlier posts, you made a reference to Occams razor. Yet this theory you present here contridicts following such a principle. Instead of just accepting the simpler one that "its the looks that got her", you now want to go on and say "yes, theyre good looking, which made them...
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