If an ugly Mofo like J-Dog can get laid, anyone can.
Mostly, it's about having confidence and the right attitude.
Look at the guys that went in the bar first - they were coming from a position of neediness, had no social skills, and that one poor bastard who was a decent looking guy stood on "Death Row" all night and didn't even approach.
Now, contrast that to when Mystery, Matador and J-Dog entered the Venue.
You could tell that as uncomfortable as the first group felt, they felt exactly the opposite in the venue. They had the attidude like "This is my house, and every piece of ass in here is mine"
Much of that comes from experience, and from the confidence that successes brings.
Women can smell desperation and geekeness from a mile away.
It's about confidence and having the stronger frame.
And that comes from experience and of course, success, and not watching TV shows or reading PUA forums.
Get out there and approach.
Crash and burn and learn.
And to repeat what I said earlier - I would rather become the type of Man who seduces women, as opposed to learning tricks and tactics on how to seduce women.
There is a clear difference between the two.
If watching the show helps you, then watch it. If not, then don't.
Mystery has game, and gets results, but I think there are better ways than his method, and that is the direction I've taken and it's been very rewarding to me not just personally, but professionally as well.