So if such a woman happens to meet a guy who happens to own a Rolls Royce, wouldn't this increase said guy's chances with the woman in question? In case you miss it, the connection to looks is the man possessing a trait admired by the woman, such a man's chances with a woman admiring that trait experiencing an increase.I've gone over this literally dozens of times. Women can ADMIRE good looks without REQUIRING them. You know, kind of like they can admire a Rolls Royce without requiring a man to drive one?
Do you honestly believe that? We're talking about some pretty intense pleasure here (think of a female orgasm). Turning a guy down really beats that? How/why is it that women have so successfully prevented the emergence of such pleasure to penetrate common culture in any appreciable way? I mean, it's become well known in the past fourty or so years how intensely women enjoy and desire sex (or romance, at the very least). If rejecting guys was an experience even more pleasurable (therefore desirable) than this, wouldn't this have somehow culturally manifested itself to a similar degree?The pleasure of shooting a man down trumps the pleasure of sex.
Personally, I don't believe turning guys down is much of pleasure for most women most of the time. I imagine they find it a rather unpleasant, though necessary, task. In fact, I can't believe a comparison of which they enjoy more can even be even under discussion; points more to some rather serious psychological issues on the part of the person who'd advance such a claim than anything else, imho.