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  1. J

    Simple BPD message

    Ok, now I have more time to answer these remarks. I do not, in any way, start argument, anger, and whatsoever. I just want a debate. Show me where I am wrong, and I will be glad. If you will understand me, so much better. Because, I believe, there is logic behind my behaviour and my life...
  2. J

    Simple BPD message

    this is happening simply because in last 3 months I have been overthinking possibilities. I might be diagnosed as a BPD. My point is that this will not stop me from getting myself back on the track, on living happy life. And please, do not stigmatize and stereotype my answers. Because it is...
  3. J

    Simple BPD message

    I know who I am, and for that I do not need professional help. I used to not know who I was, so I searched professional help. - they helped me then. What do professionals know more then myself about me, except that they can put a label on me? It is the results that speak, not the label...
  4. J

    Simple BPD message

    Interesting ****. Those dumb admins from bpdfamily restricted access to the forums from Slovenian networks. Lol. Why? Because they can't handle simple truth. Bpdfamily is just a cry forum, something that this forum became with blaming everything on BPD. BPD is not that hard to understand if...
  5. J

    Simple BPD message

    Mr. Me: nah, it is just about how we gonna contact each other since belko is unable to receive personal messages. ** and by the way, I decided I am not BPD. It might sound crazy or whatever, but that is what I decided. Simply having some defense mechanisms like splitting (B/W thinking)...
  6. J

    is this normal?

    It is normal. She is human being. But consequences of this too good to be true relationship can be fatal. You cannot satisfy BPD. Because you are either too boring (too much in love) or too distant (when she would obsessively try to get you back). It is funny for me because these things are...
  7. J

    I am BPD male !!! Something kinda new to me

    horaholic, yeah I understand your concern about blaming everything on BPD. And I understand you might think I would be attention seeking/hypohondriac/whatever. I have posted this on bpdfamily forum. I have some shortcomings, my life...
  8. J

    Simple BPD message

    zakon. ;) jee en slovenc tu gori ;) ne morem ti pa poslati PM, ker imas izklopljeno. lahko ti samo email posljem preko tega. **** sorry for foreign language. it won't happen again. ;)
  9. J

    Simple BPD message

    hi guys my shrink said, that there must be a reason, why we deal with BPD's. If we fall for a BPD, there must be a reason, because every normal "male" would see there is something wrong with the girl. Don't blame everything on BPD. And if it is BPD, find out why you have fallen for her...
  10. J

    Anyone cathc the Tyra Banks "Womanizer" episode?

    poor woman. trying to weed out a few attractive ones who have balls and play the game. it is the matrix. first matrix is our mind. second matrix is our world. I haven't seen the episode (I pretty much try to avoid any brainwashing anyway.. - so my TV watching is very limited ;) )...
  11. J

    I am BPD male !!! Something kinda new to me

    horaholic: for me it does not really matter. yeah I was stoned yesterday. 1 thing that hit it for me is black white thinking I was discussing with my sister. I know I have mental problems for long time. I am avoidant. In same day I can be feeling very high or low. Let's just wait 14 days so my...
  12. J

    I am BPD male !!! Something kinda new to me

    I just think this is the key of my life long search for "the truth". I am trying to find something missing in my world for all life almost. I think thats the key now. And even if it is not. Man I know how I am feeling whole life. I know I was sickly obsessed always with women and felt very...
  13. J

    I am BPD male !!! Something kinda new to me

    Hello guys Some of you know me for b*tching about my relationship with BPD woman etc. Some of you may have noticed I have wrote some weird crazy posts etc. And some of you probably know I had hard times like so many of us here with BPD woman. Anyway, after seeing psychiatrist, going to therapy...
  14. J

    The official Borderline Personality Disorder thread [Merged]

    hello guys I am currently visiting psychotherapy (just started this monday) and test I have made with psychoanalitic shows that I probably am BPD/NPD/ASPD ~ cluster B male. What my psichiatrist said before I even made these test is that there must be a reason that I have fallen for my exBPD...
  15. J

    marrying a BPD

    all this BPD s*it makes me feel bad so I don't read much about it. don't get involved,...its fun for some time and then its mess.. ;) I don't want to read your posts. I don't want to answer them. I don't want. Its BPD. ... :\
  16. J

    What the hell is wrong with you guys?

    some of us just outgrowed the rules. some of us found out there is no rules. for who I should not send sms to a girl if I find this most convenient way? most easy, least stressful. I live life for myself, and I have own crosses to handle. I came to this place to find the magic about the women...
  17. J

    This Mental Illness thing with women is SCARY

    Just for a note. Very respected therapist here in my country answered some of my questions on email and she said simpy: "Patients with diagnosis borderline I don't treat". She is expert in treating relationship addiction and other non-drug based addictions (like gambling etc.). She just don't...
  18. J

    This Mental Illness thing with women is SCARY

    bars, clubs and internet are great places flooded with such women. :) my share of nuts was found on internet.
  19. J

    Im 27 how many women should i have been with by this age?

    I am at 9 (or 10) at age 25 and I can't be really proud of the quality. But f*ck it, Ima do some quality girls in brighter future that is waiting for me ;)
  20. J

    need help, girldfriend depressed, treats me poorly

    dude, seriously, these women fu*k up your brain. I might be one of the most fu*ked up ppl on this board. Thats why people just say RUN.