To Karma all I can say is I've made it clear in the topic thats now been deleted that my posts do not apply to people I am cool with from both sites. Its a small number on NLG that I'm cool with. The rest are people that were banned here and sycophantic trolls that fingz keeps around to worship him and to them and fingz my posts do most definitely apply.
I know the guy is one of your heroes Karma but he shamelessly took part in the bullying and banning of reset from his site and he's bullied a ton more people on this site with alternate accounts.
The guy is scum in my book and sure I can respect your right to disagree with that even if I don't understand it.
I mean come on if you are going to be an admin and take part in that shameless bashfest of reset Senor Fingerz should then take it upon himself to post proof of his own "game". Lets see multiple photos of him and this "wife" of his. Lets see the same for posters that called reset out over there. If that site is going to call reset out for having no life lets see them prove they have a life especially your admin.
I believe 100% you are genuine Karma but the rest of that site? the trolls and sycophants on it I'm not cool with and Senor Fingerz? Not at all bro. Not at all.
"LDR's, Sleeping with WAY Older chicks, texting as primary communication? Aren't all of these buffers? Is this what's come of things? Where's VU and Rollo when you need them? I mean really men? What has gotten into you all."
Most of the posters creating these topics are either new or guys that came back as they didn't learn their lessons during the Pook era.
Apparently Bible quotes, Shakespeare and the mindless fake it till you make it positivity can only get you so far.
As for where those of us are who can set things straight?
Why bother?
Some NLG moonbat is just going to arrogantly stroll on in and call us "negative", "bitter" or someother shaming term or they're going to b!tch about most of the advice being "next her bro" even if its repeatedly warranted due to all the n00bs and people from the Pook era coming back.
Never mind giving their own stirling advice we're NLG we'll just b!tch and moan and hope that changes something when it hasn't the last 50 billion times we tried it.
We're too lazy to make topics and posts bringing the change we'd like to see so we'll b!tch and whine and cry and retreat to our own forum and b!tch and moan and cry about how bad this place is yet we'll keep coming back to it every day using up all our 10 posts its so bad.
"Most of the people on here now are more interested in being the next Pook and coming up with some deep philosophical insight from their dealings with the ladies than actually DEALING with the ladies."
No, its your admin fingz who wants to be the next Pook which is why when he got his opportunity via Allen's unpopular 10 post rule decision he swooped in to save the day and made his own forum where finally he can be the center of attention and whats great for him is most NLGers are clueless to his real motives for making the site and think he's a genuine swell guy who just did you all a favor. Wake up already. The guy is a bully who removes good people like reset from his site for not improving the way he'd like him to improve all the while leaving trolls like skip the pimp and all those other scumbag clowns unbanned who participated in that shameful topic of lets all humiliate and bully reset under the guise we're doing it out of good intentions and for a good cause.
Who you NLGers trying to fool?
You did it because you needed something to unify behind, something to hate and push you forward since the lets all hate Rollo bandwagon ran out of steam.
Seriously stop bullying people to take your advice, stop banning people for not taking your advice and just do the hard work of coming up with some new g0ddamned ideas. No more of this lame ass utterly transparent preying on people's sense of tribalism my team is better than your team type of bullsh!t.
Grow up already.
And though I've replied to a specific post in here from an NLG member I'm moreso talking to the 90% rotten core of NLG as a whole than simply him with this post.
P.S: Even if bullying seems warranted for any situation its still not going to change anything in a poster's life so there's still no legitimate reason to do it other than to get that old tribal group feeling going of we're better than so and so. Its stupid and unproductive and doesn't lead anywhere good.
It makes someone thats already in the gutter feel even more like sh!t and they'll self destruct even more.
Again it doesn't lead anywhere good to bully or humiliate people you want to help.