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  1. J

    Example: Don't Take Advice From Women

    The only women you should listen to are your mom and your sister. They WANT you to be successful with women. Your mom wants grandkids and your sister wants a little nephew or niece she doesn't have to take care of. BTW, when I had female friends, I tended to give good advice, usually along...
  2. J

    Anyone here watch the Real World Paris?

    I agree. Adam was totally AFC but at least he wisened up at the end. He was trying way too hard to get laid, especially when he was dancing around in the subway. It shouldn't take that much work if the girl's IL is high.
  3. J

    Unattracted to ugly girls.....

    Re: lesson from the wise Why does everyone always mention the old "treat the ugly girl like a queen to score points with the hot chick" trick. It DOES NOT work unless the hot chick was already interested in you. Otherwise, she will be happy that you and the ugly chick are hitting it off.
  4. J

    I think it's harder to be a DJ if your black.

    Basically. Part of it is the media's fault. The only black women celebrities you see exemplified as sexy are mixed black females (Halle Berry, Mariah Carey, Alicia Keyes, Beyonce, etc.) or black women with caucasiod features (Naomi Campbell, Robin Givens, Tyra Banks, Iman, etc.). Look at the...
  5. J

    I think it's harder to be a DJ if your black.

    I know I'm going to create some tension here but I think that you must distinguish between two types of black women: regular black women and fine-ass-hell black women. Every black guy wants a Halle Berry, Beyonce, or Janet Jackson looking black female and doesn't want to settle for just any...
  6. J

    Female Wingman?

    The male and the female wingman serve two different purposes. The male wingman is suppose to act as the "grenade jumper" by talking to your target's potential ****blocking friends. If these girls are satisfied with the attention, they will feel no reason to hinder your game. The female...
  7. J

    Female Wingman?

    Good idea. I could use a female wingman. Too bad most girls I know are too selfish to help a brotha out.
  8. J

    Problem: no wingman

    A lot of people are saying to forget your friends and to go at it alone. HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN TO A CLUB LATELY???? Every girl is at least with another girl, if not more. You need wingmen to keep the other girls occupied while you work on your target. If her friends aren't getting any...
  9. J

    Anyone here watch the Real World Paris?

    I saw last night's episode and Ace was acting pretty immature, especially when he went ballistic on that cab driver. However, it looks at though his girlfriend (who isn't all that) is about to dump him. Just goes to show that looks aren't the be all and end all.
  10. J

    dumbest and funniest reasons to dump a girl

    I don't have a story but my older brother dumped a 9 because he found out that the girl used to date a hideous-looking guy from his work. He felt that he and this guy shouldn't be on the same level with women.
  11. J

    Nice + indifferent is the key to attraction

    I consider myself average-looking and I think indifference works best when you are competing (or not competing) with better-looking guys. If you overdue the ****y and funny routine, then it may seem like you are trying too hard to compensate for your lack of looks. Indifference shows that you...
  12. J

    Pretty Boy?

    It's usually a compliment disguised as an insult.
  13. J

    Is skinny better then being fast in HighSchool?

    High school sucks for skinny and fat guys, mainly because they tend to be more insecure. I graduated high school 5'9'' and 125lbs. I had been trying to gain weight since I was 12 but it never worked because I wasn't finished growing yet. Three years later, I now have added 30 more pounds of...
  14. J

    other DJ ruining my life.

    I'm sure that if you hang out with this guy long enough, you'll realize that you have strengths in areas that he doesn't. Use it to your advantage.
  15. J

    Can personality change your looks?

    I use to think that but now I believe that personality can change your physical appearance. If a guy has a good personality, then women may start to focus on his positive physical attributes (i.e. nice eyes, smile, etc.) and less on the negative ones (i.e. height), leaving the perception that...
  16. J

    Can personality change your looks?

    Do you believe that a personality can make someone uglier or better looking or do you think that looks and personality are two separate spheres? Or do you believe the opposite that looks change way you look at someone's personality?
  17. J

    Need to learn more about the "power to ignore"...

    I would also like to learn more about this. And how do you do this without coming off bitter?
  18. J

    Being a DJ virgin

    Any guy can have sex but not every guy can have sex with a girl they're actually attracted to.
  19. J

    Why DO women flock to you when you're having regular sex/relations?

    From my limited experience, every time I was in a relationship, I was naturally more self-assured and could care less about what other girls thought about me. Indifference is your strongest weapon, even stronger than confidence. Simply going on a date with another female can get you attention...
  20. J

    Women are so confusing...

    BigDummy, I suggest that you try the masturbation test. If you thought about her while masturbating 5 or more times, then a friendship with her is not enough. Make a move. If she resist, then NEXT!!!!!