Originally posted by spanky
I think it is easier to pull women outside of your race depending on the socio-economic status of the broad in question to. What I have noticed is that it is harder for a black man to date a white woman or Asian (including Indians) if the women are upper-middle or high class. Just think about it, how many white and Asian female doctors and lawyers do you see dating a black man? I can’t recall any off of the top of my head. This sort of thing is mostly done on the college or below level.
--I disagree with this point. As far as socio-economic status goes, water tends to seek its own level. Professional women tend to date professional men, as those are the individuals with whom they interact the most. I'm a professional black man and have dated plenty of professional white women. The fact that you don't see many such couples may be due to the fact that blacks are under-represented in those professions.
--Socio-Economic status dosen't really matter for me in terms of DJing white women. What does matter is wether or not she is "primed" to date a black man; usually dictated by her prior experiences and/or interactions with blacks. At every socio-economic level there are white women who are open to dating blacks, and those who are not.
I used to have a friend who would say that he likes to be the only black man in an all-white atmosphere since he instantly becomes a controversial figure therefore, he receives more attention from the chicks.
--Although your friend claims this, I doubt it improves his ability to PU chicks. In interracial PU, I always do best with women who at least have experiences and/or interaction with other black people. He may be mispercieving the attention he is getting.
It seems that if a white woman is willing to talk to a black man it is because it seems to be all about the curiosity, overwhelming confidence on an approach, or fascination with black culture. In other words, if they decide to date a black guy it is because he is a black guy that acts black or into black culture and not a black guy that acts white or is into white culture.
--Depends. There are obviously white girls who are attracted to the stereotypes, and the "novelty" factor. These girls are usually pretty easy to weed out. Past the occasional ONS, I'm really not interested in helping her "get back at daddy" or other drama.
--There are plenty of other white girls who are genuinely attracted to black men for a variety of reasons.
Many Asians women simply stay within their culture since there is an incredible amount of pressure in their culture to do so. If they do decide to say “f-ck what ‘they’ think,” they will usually date white men. Rarely will they date anyone else.
--This is very true. There are a small percentage of Asian women who are "primed" to date a black man (usually Filipinas). But the majority do stay in their culture. Harder to PU than white girls, IMO
Black women are a challenge to pull…period. You have to really be on top of your game no matter which you are if you plan to walk out of a predominantly black club with a few numbers. You simply have to know how to talk to them well, kick your game hard, and don’t show even one ounce of an AFC personality. It takes 100% confidence with them or the only numbers you will be walking away will be the ones you came in with.
Matter-of-fact, I was at a club a few weeks ago and sitting at the bar was a very fine black woman. She was easily the finest woman in the club. And in front of her was almost a line of black men waiting to approach her. The woman would turn one guy down and the next would step right up to the plate for his turn. It was pathetic.
This is why so many people get confused when some black men say that white women are easier. It doesn’t necessarily mean that white women are easier to charm into sex. After all, once a woman is interested in you, sex should be on the way soon no matter the race. Lust is lust. But white women will be “easier” compared to a black women simply because white women tend to be more approachable.
Hot black women are used to being approached all the time by flirtatious black men so they automatically walk around with the shields up. Black men will simply approach them all of the time because it is what they learn to do in their culture but black women will have to weed them out with attitude and only some good game will get them to lower their shields.
--This is the truest thing that you said in your post. Black women are "harder" to PU, in a sense than white women. But I like to describe them as "different" rather that "harder." Many black women are keenly aware of "game" being spit at them. They tend to be much more defensive than white women, and much more skeptical to your intentions. There are all kinds of social dyamics between black men and black women that explain this. i will not bore you with them. Lets just say that black women strong incentives to find a "good" black man , and weed out the "players."
-White women (inter-racial dynamics aside) tend to be more neutral at approach, rather than defensive.
--I will admit that some black men (usually with limited experiences with WW) will say that white women are sexually "easier." I find just as many white men who (very wrongfully, BTW) think that black women are "easier." Both sterotypes are erroneus: there are "prudes" and "sluts" in every race of women.
--However, I think part of the perception may be explained by this: white women, IMO, have more sexual "freedom" than black women. Black women have been cast with the "Madonna-*****" complex. Throughout history has either cast BW in the "maimie", matronly, asexual type role (think Aunt Jemima), or as the *****. As such, BW tend to be very guarded with their sexuality as they do not want to be cast in either role. The BW is in search for "ownership" of her sexuality that WW already have to a certain extent. As a result, they have more to risk by being sexually adventerous or carefree. WW are a bit more free to sexually experiment without the societal baggage. (OK, enough of sociology 101)
Anyone who has black friends that they regularly hang out will have realized at the beginning of the friendship that their black friends do a lot of cold approaches and flirting with women. On the other hand, many white women say that white men rarely will stop them on the street for an approach or ride up next to them in a car and signal to them to raise down their car window so they can “kick their game.” So when Black men approach many white women with this attitude, they are really impressed by it. It is simply not the type of attention that they are used to getting. Several have admitted this to me.
--WW's reactions to cold approaches to back men are, IMO, directly related to wether or not they are "primed" to date a black man. See the above discussion.
Considering this through the experience of my own eyes, I will have to agree with Ashlee in saying that it is much more of a challenge to DJ when you are black. This is so even though many blacks learn to approach women often from their peers and male family members. Many will approach women without concern of their race but it will be much more of a challenge for them to close. Black women will be in big time weed-out mode with them and women from other races will hesitate due to social pressures.