Where i live the white girls all want black guys , every race of girl wants black guy,
maybe im saying that because i picked up girls from ANY race,
Experience and true understanding of females , will definitely help you realize how women think. if your at a college or in a nieghborhood that is mixed culture you can pick up any race chick that you want !!
but if your out and in an exclusive racial group and you are the only black person, you better not be a follower ! or looser type.
you better not be weak, dont even let the slightes bit of disrespect come across from anybody in the group, you must be an ALPHA MALE that every one knows if they give you bull**** you will slam them on the drop of a dime , without thought, even if its just with your strong wits, women respond to this no matter what your race
but if your just the tag along "Other guy"
. a girl will play it safe and not go with the outsider,
she will be thinking about her own social position !
I have seen both sides ,
i have seen some black guys be the only black person in a white social group and bone every girl in the social group, even other guys chicks
and i have seen a black guy be the tag along "black kid " that white girlds wont go after.
Be an alphamale every where , PEACE