Alot of people are showing their true colors...
Don Man what you said was just plain childish.,That there is a difference between black woman and "fine ass black women". The only difference in the two are what you make them to be, and if you honestly believe that, you are a long, LONG way from being a DJ.
But even with that said, there is a difference in between white women, and "fine ass white women", just like there is a difference between purto rican women and "fine ass purto rican women". Don't think just becasue a white guy is white he can approach any white woman, or dido for any race. Black woman are no different in that sense than white, asian, japanesse, russian or green women. Women want a sucessful, or at least has the potentional to be sucessful man. Why do you people make it more difficult than that.
Do you think say... Denzel Washington would have trouble getting a white woman if that were his preference. NO because he is sucessful (and being famous doesnt' hurt) and he is confidence in himself. If you go into a talk with a woman thinking she is going to shoot you down before you start you are fighting an uphill battle.
With that said, you were right on the money about the media quote, I coudln't have said it better myself.
Also to add what you are saying, the media is in fact, majority white and you really can't blame them, they just give the public what they want and the majority of the public is white, and white men want to see collage aged busty white women. Also mixed women are exotic and are always a plus.
I have sucess with different races but I will be the first to say that it's becasue I fit more of the business person mold than the young black aferican american mold, and being a business person AND being young aferican american actually work in my favor.
Think about it. If you are going to buy a new Corvette, and there are 100 white ones and they all have the same features, and 1 black one, 90 percent of the time you are going to buy the black one because it's just as good and different.
regulus :
That's easy to answer. Black women feel superior to black men. Their mothers tell them that and the media does too. It's simply not true. To give up would seem like a weakness. Half the brothers locked up did it for a piece of coochie. They sold drugs so they could have money to attract women or they joined a gang for social proof. They refuse to believe that their materialistic and unrealistic attitudes are part of our downfall. You have to work so hard to please them that some people decide to take the easy way out. I have not met a black guy that has slept with a black woman who didn't act like a thug to do it. If you gang bang, you're inferior, if you don't, your soft. Do you think guys would spend so much money to bling if it weren't for women? No! The only thing that matters to a guy is if you can whoop his @ss.
That is the farthist thing from the truth. White and black men, and white and black women, A black woman has it worse than any. It's not even a close race. I am an African American man and what I have to go though on a daily basis pales in comparasion to what my mother, and her mother have to go though on a daily basis. Also becuase of the genre of music that black women listen to, they more times than not are digraded, which is why more times than not you see them with men and you say to yourself they can do better, or they put up with stuff they shouldn't.
I have a 15 year old cousin who just had a child. Now, I love JJ (the child ) to death, he is too cute, and I love spending time with him, but it doesnt' ch ange the fact that I have a 15 year old cousin who has a 6 month old kid and doesn't see the problem in it because "everyone else is having sex it was going to happen sooner or later".
To make matters worse, I am pretty smart, and I would venture to say that as far as Book Sense, she is tic for tac to where I was at her age, up into this year she has made 1 B her whole life, but had to miss the rest of the school year because of the child.
To make matters even worse, her mother, my aunt, makes 9.00 dollars an hour and now has to support 3 kids herself, because her daughters dad walked out the day she gave birth. (She doesn't do a bad job actually. I shoot her some cash to help out usually once a month, but again it doesn't change the fact that she is going though hell to raise now 3 kids.
Also, just to prove that you are not from the "hood", people who are from the hood, don't want to admit they are from the hood. There is nothing proud about being poor, and if you think there is, then you have never had do things like put bills in a hat and draw out which 3 are going to get paid this month, or drink water so you don't get hungry because you can't afford to buy any more food.
Even if you are from the "hood", I know there is not much you can do about your living situtation, but for god's sake grow up. People like you are what give people like me a bad rep. There is absolutly nothing to be proud about being poor.
Let me bring this to a conclusion. I am seeing a 31 year old itialain woman I met around 5 months ago. She calls me while I am leaving work, and I tell her I am going to go home and take a bath, then go and see my cousin (See above) who is 6 months. She wants to meet my family, so she wants to come. AFter trying to get her to change her mind, I give in and pick her up. So we get to my aunts house which is in the "black" part of the city, and Wal Mart is no more than 2 blocks away. We decided we wanted to play spades and the baby needed some baby food, so I said I would run to wal mart right quick. Since It is only 2 blocks away, and I don't mind walking, I decided to walk. Since my date didn't really know my family very well enough to stay with them, she comes with me.
By this time it's dark outside, and I see her cluthcing her purse and breathing heavy. I make the joke "don't worry, they aren't going to rob you". She says "they are looking at me". I said yeah, ,but not because they want to rob you, ,because you are an attractive women, if they were white men you wouldn' thave a problem? She says " I guess you are right". She then says after 30 seconds or so " I am glad you are not like them". I thought about it for a second, and I realized that although we look different, there isn't much of a difference. Everyone wants the same things in life.
Perfect Example. There is a new song out now by a rapper called T.I called 24's. Most of you know the hook.. "money, ***, cars and clothes, that's how all my ****** roll". I remember listening to him the first time and thinking he is an ignorrant black man, but after I thought about it for a second, ,I lauighted because that's how EVERYONE want's to "roll" but just not in thoose exact words. Everyone wants to have money. Everyone wants women to like them. Everyone wants a decent car and I myself like to dress. I may not say it the same way he did but again we want the same thing, we just have to very distinct ways of getting it.
Anyway what I was saying was, my "friend" didn't find me attractive because I was smart, or necessary because I make a decent living, she knows men, older men who make more on a yearly basis then I do, but the fact that I do run a company complied with the fact that I am attractive and I am young and aferican american who can hold a decent conversation made me a "catch" becaue I can offer something that most people can't, which Is what I have been tr ying to explain to alot of these shollowminded DJ's here.