Imagine what the killer would have done if he had found this site first, where people would actually listen to him. I'm not trying to use this senseless tragedy as a way to endorse this site but to reiterate what Wyldfire said: No woman is worth losing your mind over.
Either deal with it or stop hanging around her when she is with her friends. Don't be such a hypocrite. Us guys like to do our share of nasty talk when around our boys.
The new rule is that if you find out that your ex-girlfriend has been in a serious accident, you must wait at least six days before you call her to avoid giving off signs of desperation. If you wait that long, you are guaranteed a kiss close when you visit her at the hospital.
You can still be her friend without being one of her girlfriends. Just be cool but realize that she has probably already made up her mind about you. However, there is no point in being bitter about the whole thing. In my opinion, that just takes a lot of extra energy that could be put into...
One night at a club (a pretty bad night) I saw one woman dancing with one regular-joe looking guy. No girls seemed to be approachable and I figured, "Why not?" After she finished dancing with him, another guy who was extremely hairy, pot-bellied wearing a plain t-shirt approached her from...
And this brings me to my most important point that I always try to raise: What's the point of being with a girl if you feel like to have to put on an act to keep her?
If you don't feel the tiniest bit of jealousy when you are with a girl, then chances are you aren't that into her.
However, just because it is okay to feel jealousy doesn't mean that it's okay to show or express it.
You need to chill out and stop being so easy. You were probably a lot more smooth and relaxed around her when you were still seeing the other girl. Now that the other girl is gone, you seem a little desperate to make sure your "backup plan" doesn't fall through. You need to realize that there...
Don't be a fool. She let you know that she isn't going to mess around with someone from work. There is plenty of booty elsewhere. Hit the clubs, the bars, the bookstores, the gym, etc. Don't try to mack on your boss. She isn't down for that.
Wow, i hope she's not too hurt. A direct rejection can sting. But at least you got it over with. Sometimes, you got to be straightforward and let her know the real deal.
I was actually saying that she is probably playing games. But like Christz said, you need to figure out your next move. Do you want to play the game also or do you want to walk (i.e. walk away)?
Looks matter for both men and women. But if looks were the be all, end all, then you wouldn't see hot guys dating ugly women or hot girls dating ugly men. Now, can we please shift the focus of this thread to improving DJ skills so you don't have to settle for someone you aren't into.
We've all been there. The key is to keep yourself under control. Realize that she is now with someone who is a fraction of what you are. Definitely her loss. Take a break from girls and take the time to realize how great you are. Go out with your boys, hit the gym, watch your favorite TV...
I have two women I don't want anything to do with romantically. The first girl I was into but then my interest fell off (she got annoying). The other girl I was never interested in. She looks good (nice face, big booty) but something about her personality gives off that desperate vibe to the...
I've had friends "turn on me" as well when they got into a relationship. I guess the pu$$y is just too powerful. The best thing to do is to give him and his girl space and kick it with your other boys.
She sounds like a tease to me. The workplace is not a place to try to pick up and the work desk is not a place to bone. HOWEVER, if she initiates ALL of the moves, then it is your duty to finesse that booty.
Several Theories:
1. The 'Old Wounds' Theory - The hot guy got his heart broken by an attractive oneitits and from that point on only went after girls he wasn't that into in order to avoid the pain of any breakup that may take place.
2. The 'Dominance' Theory - The hot guy wants the...
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