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  1. J

    I've just realised how horribly selfish women are...

    BannedGod, next time you like a girl, let her know from the GETGO that you are interested in being more than just friends. Don't be her therapist - I don't think that's your true calling when it comes to women.
  2. J

    Saw A Girl At A Party, Felt I Got Some Eye Contact, Sort of Danced With Her,...

    1. By "sort of danced with her", I meant that I cuffed arms with her three times and did a little "merry-go-round" dance with her in the style of a square dance. No grind session, though. 2. I know she's single because she said so when she was participating in one of the dance contests...
  3. J

    Why are more and more women preferring black or Hispanic men over white men?

    From my own evidence and experience, it's very easy for a black guy to date a white girl, and a hot one at that (I don't buy the whole 'white boy rejects' theory but if a goodlooking black guy is dating a fugly white girl, it's either because he's really shy and has no dating experience or he...
  4. J

    Saw A Girl At A Party, Felt I Got Some Eye Contact, Sort of Danced With Her,...

    Never Exchange Words With Her, But I Found Her Facebook (she's single) What's my next step?
  5. J

    How To Turn Down Opportunities to Hang Out Without Coming Off Like A Prick?

    There is a reason I put the phrase "too cool" in quotations. I just don't think this is type of person I want to be hanging out with on the regular. I guess I have this tendency to think he might act differently in a social environment where beer and women are involved. He's really cool...
  6. J

    How To Turn Down Opportunities to Hang Out Without Coming Off Like A Prick?

    I'm just curious. I've had four years of college to realize that when it comes to picking friends, you have to choose them carefully. How do you turn down a request to hang out from a guy you think might be a little "too cool" for you? Working out and grabbing a bite to eat is okay but I'm...
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    Crashing A Frat Party...At 25!

    Well I am pretty old.
  8. J

    Crashing A Frat Party...At 25!

    Is this the lowest of the low for a single, 25 year old grad student who is trying to relive his college days?
  9. J

    Owen Wilson attempted suicide [Merged Threads]

    It's funny how Kate Hudson allegedly left Chris Robinson for Owen Wilson and Owen Wilson is now allegedly suicidal over losing Kate to Dax Shephard. If all this is true, then a lesson is to be learned. When it comes to women, follow the path of the black crowe.
  10. J

    Does Every Attractive Woman Have A Boyfriend?!

    Not every attractive girl has a boyfriend. But every attractive and nice girl does.
  11. J

    Staying friends with your ex

    It's only a good idea to be friends with an ex if you know that you have other options for dating and/or relationships with other girls. If not, then it's better to cease and desist all contact with her.
  12. J

    Would You Ask Out A Girl In A 'Complicated' Relationship?

    A part of me is highly motivated to do so, but another part of me thinks that there is a greater chance of her saying "yes" if she's officially single. Then another part of me thinks that another guy is probably what is making her relationship complicated. What do you think?
  13. J

    How Often Is The "Bros Before Hoes" Philosophy Actually Put Into Practice?

    I have yet to see a guy give up a chance with a hot girl because a friend of his likes her.
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    Best Way To Tell If Your Date Is Really A Woman

    Would asking for a childhood photo be out of the question?
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    Best Way To Tell If Your Date Is Really A Woman

    I know this is quite an unusual topic that hasn't been addressed but I'm curious if anyone has any tips in this area, especially in the world of online dating.
  16. J

    Do women ever catch guys who lie about their height?

    I used to tell really short girls that I was 6 feet tall, even though I am only a little over 5'10''. I figured they would never know the truth. The closer a girl was to my height, the more honest I was.
  17. J

    When a Girl Goes From 'In A Relationship' to 'It's Complicated' on the Facebook

    What if you only talk to her on occasion for school-related purposes ("Did Mr. X change the reading assignment?") but she knows you are attracted to her (i.e. regular eye contact)?
  18. J

    When a Girl Goes From 'In A Relationship' to 'It's Complicated' on the Facebook

    Does that mean she's about to dump her man?
  19. J

    I look very young for my age, what should I do to look older?

    Looking young is a good thing. I'm 25 and I hate the fact that I'm now starting to look older than my actual age. I wish for those days when I looked three years younger. But if it bothers you that much, I would suggest wearing shirts with collars, growing out your hair (with sideburns...
  20. J

    I can't attract girls...

    Maybe you are trying too hard. Relax. Take it easy. Let the girls come to you.