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  1. S

    Girl at work

    There is definitely something. She likes you and wants to connect. It is up to you to open, she will keep doing that while her interest is high. I have the exact same situation at work as you, since more than a year. I haven't made a move because of work issues, but I kept engaging lightly and...
  2. S

    New female house mate

    I think you are doing the right thing so far. Best not to get drunk or high and become soft towards her. Women sense sh1t even when sober :)
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    When a girl holds her guy's hand

    She is telling you she is taken. Peacocking
  4. S

    Does anyone still have brad80 secret guide?

    Wtf, what happened with the guy? I saw him posting a few months ago....
  5. S

    Did I already f8ck it up - clear this up bros

    Seems normal to me, all the energy was spent on the meeting. You will get another chance, if she is cooler next time you will know she only enjoys the attention. After all, she is 19
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    old ex spilled the beans

    Next time you feel attraction or the urge, say no, take a cold shower. Maybe this will break the bad luck with women.
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    old ex spilled the beans

    OP, you admit that you attract or get bad kind of girls. Maybe try not to fvck anything with a pvssy and raise the standard a little? We all get a bad woman every once in a while, but not all the time lol
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    End of an era

    Lol Murk this is a nice problem to have, but dont sh1t where youbeat. Milk the situation for all is worth!
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    Killing the Game - Status Update

    Lol op, so you are just bragging!
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    Lay Into Me

    Talk about important things in person, not on snapchat.
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    Why is she ignoring me after ons/first hook up

    Maybe she did not like the rough sex outside that ocassion.
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    why most women want dates and relationships instead of straight banging

    A little while ago you reffered to your partner as your fiancee. I guess congratulations are in order! :)
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    So embarrassing... Mother talked about me with my ex-gf from HS at a wake.....

    It is embarrassing right now, but you will be laughing it off soon.
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    Dark hair does not look good on white women.

    Disagree, white women with dark hair are bae.
  15. S

    Am I an orbiter or not gaming her correctly?

    Since you were together and she knows you in some degree, don't employ any game, just set up opportunities for sex to happen on your terms. Otherwise yes, you are only one of her orbiters.
  16. S

    Depression Issues re girl I'm dating

    Diamond depression is a disease, the patient does not fully understand the impact on her and you. Try to figure out if this is only temporary or long term. If you want to help, guide her to the therapist or doctor. If you dont want to deal with it, leave, but do as above.
  17. S

    Executive pardon to bring Big Neil back?

    Actually I fully support this, his stories (true or madeup) were timeless.
  18. S

    I can’t believe it. I think she might have asked me out?

    Lol this is a classic example of her wanting you to ask her out. Proceed to set up a date immediately, very high probability of sex to happen.
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    When she tries to run game on you?

    You should have dealt with her after the first argument with the phone, NOT hopping to another bar. She is not playing games, she is just acting like a woman. Deal with these problems when you see them.
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    Still living with parents?

    Not at all.