Maybe the official didn't feel reason is made up.
Maybe the future in laws or the guy (money he was making, behaviour), made the girl realize she can do better than him.
I have observed recently, when I reached 40, the HUGE number of women / men that are single near 40.
Maybe one third of women...
Thanks BE and Agent for your responses.
It is definitely different for everybody, I am looking to see how other people see it, especially people near my age (40).
For me it was and is difficult to evaluate where I am standing relative to real successful people. I have a great career, enough...
My question is where is the breaking point where you realize you are successful and things start to fall into a pattern.
Is it the feedback you get from numbers, data, facts, or is it a state of mind?
I think you are correct. Let them ask, answer, but at the same time ask them back the same questions. At the end, act meh or not impressed, so they qualify themselves to you.
Seeing how women flock after a guy with a little game, leaving their boyfriends in the dust...
It was a shock when I stumbled upon this forum 10 years ago and finding explanations for this kind of stupid actions from women.
It was like Whoaaaa :)
Being a diary most likely the author took some liberty with the actual facts, embellishing and minimizing ...
But the message is clear, all the guys who come to this forum to complain about middle age women wanting to ride the carousel instead of setlling are correct.
So let me get this straight.
You broke up with your girlfriend because of 25 dollars misunderstanding? After walking out like a wuss instead of confronting and dealing with the situation?
If this is the only reason for the breakup, you have bigger problems than being 25 dolars short.
Gambino, from your description, she either is interested and plays games (blocking you on social media), or is looking for attention (am extra orbiter).
Break the deadlock and ask her out, to find out.
Life is short (and your program to improve cannot wait on this girl :) )
OP I understand you might be confused because you did what this forum and DJ bible teach, escalate, escalate, escalate, escalate x 1 000 times; sex by 3rd date or Next!
But this is only a guideline, in real life each girl is different and reacts in her own way.
You missed the calibration bit...
Sdives, I have been in your shoes two times, once for a year and now for 6 months. I chose not to act because they were work colleagues.
You will never know until you make a move. Flirt, ask out, etc.
100 percent she is interested.
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