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    The Nice Guy Documentary

    You're welcome, Iqqi. It's so obvious. The "nice guys" in the vid just come across as a bunch of whining twerps. And I gotta wonder how many guys promote the "bad boy" thing as an excuse to be an irresponsible *******... Where one stands tends to go along with where one sits.
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    Prison Break

    24 also went downhill in a big way. No intel agency could so easily fall for such obvious "red herrings" as CTU had for the last few seasons.
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    Pook and Nietzsche (WARNING: May offend Pook lovers and religious people)

    It hasn't failed because women are stupid or lacking in foresight, but because they are women and men are men. A movement that originally stood for equal rights got perverted to stand for equality (sameness, if you will), and that's where it went off into la-la land.
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    Prison Break

    Yeah, they stretched it way too far to drag it out. Whatever happened to just wrapping up a story, as in The Prisoner? (wondering how many of you have even seen that 60s classic series)
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    The Nice Guy Documentary

    Good posts, Interceptor, as usual. I'm coming from a different perspective, because I bought into this "nice guy/bad boy" dichotomy too much for a bit, when I really just needed to make a few adjustments. It was not "niceness" that was the problem. In fact, I swung too far the other way and...
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    You aren't always being tested, but you are ALWAYS being judged

    Reading on ... regarding the relative lack of development of male children, I think we should look to environmental toxicity issues. Consider that very few salmon in some polluted waters are being born properly male. Consider that men's sperm counts have been decreasing while women have...
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    You aren't always being tested, but you are ALWAYS being judged

    I haven't read past the initial posts, but feel there's no need to regarding the main premise of this thread. They're right on. It's so simple, really.
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    The Nice Guy Documentary

    This is once again using the term "nice guy" when the correct term is more along the lines of "suck up."
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    What is the matrix?

    That is quite true, LMS. The currency only has the value people give it. What has real value? Resources! Especially those necessary for survival and well being. All it takes is enough people to realize this, and the Emperor's clothes will be seen for what they are!
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    What is the matrix?

    LMS, the "freedom" of which they speak is the freedom to make maximum profits with minimum responsibility.
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    What is the matrix?

    Yeah, I get it all too well. In the real world, such marginalized people often turn to crime, drug abuse, etc., even if sub-subsistence "jobs" are available to them. In fact, the minimum wage is so laughably low, very few people are even willing to work for such a low wage, and find soup...
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    What is the matrix?

    The anti-minimum wage argument is BS. Do you not know your history, STR8UP? If left to its own resources, the free market results in great masses of people working 80-90 hours per week to make barely enough to survive, just like the ****ensian sweatshops of the 19th century. The argument...
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    What is the matrix?

    There's plenty we can do about it ... if enough people are willing to do something about it.
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    What is the matrix?

    To that I would add providing a means of survival for those whose means of survival the market does not provide. Not to mention that one can argue (and I'd agree wholeheartedly) that paying too low of wages or levying income taxes on people who don't even make a living wage also constitutes...
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    What is the matrix?

    :crackup: Great example, joekerr! Like the snake swallowing its own tail.
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    The truth about most females

    A woman who really wants a guy will foil the c0ckblocks herself. And yes, dancing is a great way to stand out -- not to mention have a good time1
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    What is the matrix?

    Capitalism serves money above all else, so why should anyone be surprised that it has undesirable side-effects to life? It is truly naive to assume a system that is driven by money will automatically serve humanity optimally. And therefore, by its very nature it gives those who have the...
  18. B

    So, why don't you have a cute girlfriend?

    Being unable to resist the role of Devil's Advocate, I say what of those who cannot put a check mark to all seven of those points?