I think 90% of game is constructing the appropriate body language that says
This is part of what all I bundle under appearance: looks, body language etc. I put appearance at about 70% of the cause of attraction.
If you have the body language of a CEO of a Fortune 500 Company you will get laid like a rock star...
I would agree if you mean also you look younger and more attractive than a typical CEO. But I would say instead of a CEO if you have the body language (and facial expressions) of a great actor and at least the threshold of the necessary looks you could get laid like a rock star. Remember I said I put appearance at 70%, and of that 70% I put looks at about 40% and nonverbals at 30%. This is getting complicated, basically I weigh looks as a little more important than nonverbals for girls when choosing you for sex.
there are so many little nuances that woman pick up on...
Yes, they really nitpick over nuances, and generally make a huge impression one way or to the other extreme, almost binary black or white judgement. They're not really mindreaders as much as nitpickers.
Anyways.. not just body language.. inflections of voice tone, facial expressionns, facial movements.. this is the kind of sh1t that we should be working on mastering.
Yes, I consider the above plus physical looks to almost totally encompass appearance. I think it's at least 50-60% of the game. Most of what we do here is mindset and word choice. I think word choice is really only about 10% of it. Although, mindset can affect body language and word choice might be small but it is usually make or break it.
Gotta be in the field though! This is the type of game I am trying to master.
Very true, you have to work on and practice these things you've realized are necessary to be successful. I'm glad to see that a physician is saying things that I long ago came to the conclusion of myself too. You'd be surprised how many people will say appearance doesn't matter.