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  1. D

    Andro still available

    Hey I was wondering if anyone knows if there is anywhere to get andro anymore. I used the stuff last summer, and it worked amazing. Anyways, I live in Canada, does anyone know where it can be gotten thanks
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    How important is your body to women?

    It definatly doesnt hurt to have a good body. Its easy for me to say cause I am an athlete as well (hockey) and am in good shape. Six pack big arms etc. But being a big guy, girls will like you, there is no dought women like big guys so you have no need to be insecure about your body. As...
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    Help with girl who "flaked"

    Dido Obviously this girl is close to her family/dad. You have to respect this, call her immediatly. Women usually value their family a lot and he dad coming to town is exciting for her. Let her know its cool and see if she wants to do something this weekend. Tell her you would like to...
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    HB8 that approached me at party

    trust me yung girls ie. 16 year olds are more trouble than good. They are insecure and play a lot of games. IMO you should move on to the next one. If you like her, give her a call in a week and see if she wants to go go carting or mini golf. Something light and see where that takes you...
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    The Logbook of an Aspiring Casanova

    Krassus, I need some motivation, give me some assignments to become a cassanova. I fell this is the best way to get me goin. I need a trainer. What you use as an opener. Do you use one or do u wing it. I am in the same boat as you as i want to become a DJ bigtime, having trouble getting...
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    I am a failure with women and I need help please thats why we came here

    Trust me being a virgin will not work against you. It sets you appart from lots of giys that these girls meet. Use it to your advantage. Make them feel your picking them to lose it to, they should feel flattered/honoured.
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    ex gf question....

    Just go on with your life, and if something happens it happens. Dont force anything. It will drive you insane. Your best be is to move on, but dont totally snub her out of your life. Let her know you can get along without her.
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    Bible Summary (= confidence booster!)

    Absolutly amazing post. I am going to read this whever i go out. Cudo, and thank you
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    Your Smoothest Move

    Not my most proud moment but still. I had just had a peice of ass the weekend b4 and was feeling pretty confident. So I am at a buddys house drinkin a few when these girls i barely know come over. They are boozin too. This one is a hot blonde, bout a slutty 8. So she is lookin at me the...
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    The Charming Man

    smooth move, just dont make it a habit with a women. Spontatuinty is very a very attractive quality to women. Do that **** when they least expect it. Great move tho, huge browny points. Another one is, although it might sound cheezy, i dont care women love it. Get on the topic of who she...
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    Acne tip

    I dont really have an acne problem, just the odd zit here and there, But the other day i kinda broke out so i went and picked up a couple of products. Nuetrogena facial wash for men, prevents and treats acne and Clean and clear dual action moisturizer. These work amazing, my face is...
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    Fake number

    I have a female friend and she gets picked up a bit. She uses the 867-5309, by the Police. I found that hilarious and most guys dont pick up on it. Any guy ever get that number?
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    Does one truly need a wingman?

    Do you guys really go to the clubs alone, or do you just split with your buddys?
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    Don Juans Everywhere!

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    An almost complete list of where a lot of people are from...

    From Canada, Calgary. If anyone needs a wingman give me a PM.
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    skim cottage cheese

    Its a dairy product, donk know exactly what it is. I eat it all the time with s and p. It is affordable, and has lots of protein with few carbs and low fat. great snack IMO.
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    DJ Boot Camp - Week #1

    Just about to start week one in about an hour. I realize I am a little late but I will keep you guys up to date.
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    look at how stupid i am

    I am in the same boat buddy, not so much shy just not ****y enough or to mych of a *****. I need the same help.
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    Picking up girls at the gym

    I am a gym fanatic, and I always see great looking women there. I was just wondering if you guys have any tips on setting up a relationship or even picking up women at the gym. These women are exactly my type, so I would like any help possible. Thanks. Please give examples of what has and...