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  1. T

    sell me on older women...

    For me, one of the main things is that it is very difficult for me to become sexually aroused or attracted to women in their late 20's - 30's. i just dont feel attraction to them. they may have more in common with me, be more interesting, better partners etc, but it is the lack of attraction.
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    Going for sophisticated career women

    I second P.R. Lover's comments. Highly educated, professional women are going to be more dominant, less feminin, less fun etc.
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    New guy from europe seeks advice

    Welcome aboard! My first friendly suggestion, is to change the name you are using. Mr. Bean is a low status, a-sexual, charachter that we are supposed to laugh at. To begin to overcome our socially imposed AFC charachter, we have to begin by changing our inner thoughts and self...
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    sell me on older women...

    OK men - many of you have been suggesting that older women are where it is at. i am in my early 30's. i find young girls VERY ####, attractive, appealing. I just can't get excited about women in their 30's, especially ########. For those who prefer older women, what is it about them that...
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    She's 8yrs. younger...?

    Now that's the spirit brother! Girls are at their physical best in their late teens.
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    Confirmed batchlors...

    have any of you decided that you wish to be batclors for life? If so, what is your reasoning? what do you see as the up and down sides (and leaving the toilet seat up doesn't count!).
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    Is a good listener a nice guy?

    a personel observation In my afc days, I was ‘always there’ 4 the chicks I liked. I thought I was doing well when they would call to go on about the guys the like, and how they are such jerks. I thought that they would see how diferenet I was, and like me 4 it. Uh – uh. Never worked. I would...
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    Lay Report: Too tight ass

    you need foreplay it sounds like u skipped foreplay and jumped right into anal. you have to slowly and gradually build up to intercourse. she and u have to be in the right mood. start slowly kissing (run a search on proper kissing - dont to a teenage make out on the dance floor kiss)...
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    I am taking rejections too personally

    . the two biggest macs i knew in high school were really unattractive. one looked like an ardvark, and the other like un overweight frakenstein. im nott kidding, they were not handsome men at all. but they had a 'sparkle' to them that was contagious. they had MANY friends, were always...
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    how to act when...

    . you just met her, so there is no obligation from either of you. just like if you go out with a women once, that does not mean you have to cut out all other dating. when you have only went out with a person once, it is not really your/my buisiness who they date. if you bring it up, u...
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    what r the rules if she cancels?

    i ran a search on this, there 2 general trains of thought. 1 says a) if she has high intrest level, she won't cancel. next any girl that cancels. b) says, if she makes a specific counter offer, give her another chance - things really do come up. now i met a 20 YO online (im 31), set up a...
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    On Rejection

    everyone should write this on their hand, and look at it everytime the afc in them starts telling you 'she will laugh, she wont like u etc'.
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    stop worshiping good looking girls!

    AFC's worship good looking women. they put them on a pedastal and idealize their 1 dimensional looks, becoming intamadated by them. as u know by now, u have to take girls off the pedastal. this is the major power hb's have over u, if u worship their looks, they have u, and have stripped u...
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    So a 19 year old wants to wrestle with me....

    . make sure that u pin her arms down, over her head, and tickle her. ask her 'whose your daddy?" tell her u wont stop tickling her untill she gives the right answer. make sure u spank her on the bum a few times. u will really establish your dominance in a playful way. she will love it.
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    BIG PROBLEM with HB that i met thru internet

    . when u meet a girl online, make sure as a rule to not spend too much time emailing. exchange a few emails, get a vauge sense that there is some interest, and set a meeting. its essential that u meet in person, or u will develop an unrealistic image of each other.
  16. T

    Subway pickups?

    . subways are gold mines. there are lots of girls. they are usually sitting/standing doing nothing - it is like fish in a barell. there r different ways to approach: for the newbies: - ask vauge directions, ie: im trying to get to (some big place everyone knows) they'll tell u...
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    Subway pickups?

    since i have become a student of dj'ism, i would say that 80% of the numbers i have got have been on the toronto transit system. i have FAR more success there than anywhere else. there r tonnes of university girls taking it. i ussually start with a funny observation on the moment (ie - if...