Search results

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    Italian Guys/girls

    Any guys of italian descent (not born there) who use their 'italianess' in DJing? do some non-italian women respond (ie the 'latin lover' thing?) how many have experience with women of italian background?what have they been like?
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    South Asian (ie 'East Indian') Girls back to the south asian girls....
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    fun first date ideas

    I can't believe no one has responded to this...
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    The Ultimate Bootcamp

    remember - self improvment and becoming a dj is a long term commitment. dont ecpect radical changes in a few days. take babysteps and celebrate each step. it took you your whole life to become the way u r, so it will take some time to get where you are going. but take pride - you took the...
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    fun first date ideas

    the near universal consensus on 'dinner and a movie' for a 1st date in the PU community is that it is a bad idea. it is predictable and boring, and does not show the excitment you are suppossed to project. it is expensive - even if u both pay your own way (u r not suppossed to be paying...
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    South Asian (ie 'East Indian') Girls

    some good points austin. i have had much more success with these girls howver than other ones (with the exceptions of Latin Americans who I do well with).
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    % of succesful # closes...

    so what are others (honest) percentages of cold street pu's who give u theri numbers and actually go out with you? i am with the majority of the pu community who feel emails are not the way to go. as far as matching their game playing, i dont know if thats good advice.
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    % of succesful # closes...

    my problem isn't getting #'s or email - that is relativley easy for me now - i can get #'s and emails all day. the problem is getting them to actually go out with me. if i spent my whole day walking up to girls and doing what deangolo recomends, i know i can get 15 emails a day. the chances...
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    South Asian (East Indian) Girls

    South Asian (ie 'East Indian') Girls I really dig girls whose background are from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka etc. 1) I find them very good looking 2) They are more feminie and submissive 3) they are less likley to be sluts Any other men who share my taste? any insights into these...
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    South Asian (ie 'East Indian') Girls

    I really dig girls whose background are from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka etc. 1) I find them very good looking 2) They are more feminie and submissive 3) they are less likley to be sluts Any other men who share my taste? any insights into these girls, or tips? good places in...
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    % of succesful # closes...

    So the success rate of about 25% of girls who give me their number will actually answer the call, and actually meet me: IS this low on average? put another way - for every 10 girls who give their #, how many should one expect to actually not flake and go out with you at least once? 1 of 10? 5...
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    % of succesful # closes...

    I have little problems getting #'s when I ask for them. I find that it is very rare that I am overtly rejected when asking for #'s. My % is about 90%. However, the majority of those #'s rarely turn into a date. id say about 75% of them flake out. They either never pick up. If I leave...
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    Dancing Lessons

    You have the right idea! My only qaulifier is that 'hip-hop' dancing is for the teenager and early 20's crowd. I suggest salsa dancing - i have been taking a class for a while. It's a) more sophisticated and mature than hip hop b) wont go out of style c) It stresses that the man leads - which...
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    Academics, grad school...

    My interest with this post is more with the social (ie meeting women and general lifestyle) aspect of grad school. to be in your late twenties - mid thirties and 'still be in school' and limited income, may be low status. As well, it is a socially isolating type of work etc. but it...
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    Dealing with an older highly defensive woman and breaking the coldness "pattern"

    the doctor has a prescription for you: next her. You have already developed one-itus for her, and if you continue, it will get worst. You have never even went out with her even once, yet you have spent months thinking about her, and are planning ahead months in advance when you see her...
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    Academics, grad school...

    I have been to two diff schools for grad school. Again, within the education and social sciences. many of the women are the type that: wear sandals with black socks, wear no make up, wear their hair plain - no style, in a pony tail - they kind of look like hippy's. They do not eat meat, are...
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    Academics, grad school...

    Re: Re: Academics, grad school... you confirm my point 'eileen'.
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    Academics, grad school...

    what do you think about the prospects, ups and downs, mileu etc. of grad school and academic types? i am currently doing a grad degree in a social science /education related field. you must spend most of your time alone reading and writing. many of the girls seem to a) not be...
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    How to get a girl to come over?

    while you are talking to her, casually say (dont ask) 'lets go get something to eat at my place' say it like its the most casual and natural thing to do, not like u r asking her out on a date. pre suppose she wants to do it.
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    David D'angelo: AFC advice?

    I am on D'angelo's double your dating list serve. I ot this one today, personally, i think this technique is borderline afc, what do others think? How To Stop A Woman Anywhere And Meet Her This week I would like to turn the tables around and try something a little bit...