subways are gold mines. there are lots of girls. they are usually sitting/standing doing nothing - it is like fish in a barell.
there r different ways to approach:
for the newbies:
- ask vauge directions, ie: im trying to get to (some big place everyone knows) they'll tell u where: u: so have u been there: what do u think etc.
or after she give u directions: so where r u from/going etc.
a little smile after EC, and say: u look bored, what's wrong, not having fun?
if they have a big bag, ask if there running away.
talk for 2 minutes, be c and f, act like its no bid deal - then say, u should give me your number, i'll call u.
if they are in pairs or groups:
hey, r u guys sisters (especially if they look really different)
- they will look at each other and giggle and say no.
then tease them a bit, ask which one is the trouble maker.
i was told a few times by girls i met like this, how immpressed they were that i was s sociable and outgoing, and directed the conversation. u give yourself great proof.
perfect for sarging, u can spend all saturday afternoon on the subway line, great practice.