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  1. R

    More ********!

    I'm trying to get you alone, Jackass! I want attention. I can tell you like me but you're too chicken shyt to do anything about it.
  2. R

    Embrace your sexuality!

    Can you elaborate on this? What SlyDJ and some others aren't understanding is that embracing your sexuality means owning it instead of being owned by it, which is perversion. To be less vague, all it really means is understanding that there are certain societal norms, taboos, laws and...
  3. R

    My SS Xperience!

    Actually, that is a line that RJ stresses over and over again to say word for word. And you're not asking her if she "feel's it", you're asking her if she "feel's that would feel that would be a wonderful experience, at least on the surface. You're giving her a command to feel it and anchoring...
  4. R

    The final phonecall

    I guess it's not in Pimpologist's post but I believe it is bad practice to try to set up 1st dates on the weekend. You basically told her you were free on both Friday and Saturday nights (you already have hot dates on those nights, silly ;)). Well now school is out. I don't know what to tell...
  5. R

    Single again! Read my break-up email.

    Hey fellows. I got an email today from my GF (we'll call her HB-MIF) in which she attempts to break up with me. I don't think she'll be able to stay away from me though, because I built up so much attraction that she worships my ball sweat. She has 2 kids (ScreamingBrat6 and ScreamingBrat4)...
  6. R

    Now that I've got the number...

    BTW, If you call and she's not there and you get a machine (and since chances are she's got caller id but you can't be sure) just leave a very brief message. Someone posted this: machine: *beep* you: "Hey, this is krd. I'm at 555-5555." (hang up) A message this short doesn't even give you...
  7. R

    Now that I've got the number...

    Hi krd, I remember your 'no results' post (archives). I'm sure we're all glad to see you post here again. Obviously you've got a terrible confidence problem, but I think you are relatively confident in yourself as a person. You are just clueless about what you perceive to be a rigid and...
  8. R

    For all you d!cks who made fun of me!

    Am I missing something here? Are you guys fvcking kidding me? Please tell me that you guys know to 'clean the pipes' beforehand. O - M - G! I hope to god you guys are *NOT* mounting your GFs with nuts the size of tennis balls. LOL, C'mon guys, if you get them hot'n'horny with your DJism then...
  9. R

    The ultimate CLUB guide

    Actually, this seems almost identicle to my club-style. Who to go with I've done quite well going alone but there is the added pressure of making sure noone notices you standing there doing nothing but watching. The main difference is you can't get settled in and get comfy with the...
  10. R

    I was sure this HB had the hots for me. Could I have been wrong?

    Oh BTW, Since I'm sitting in front of a computer and I'm kicking ideas around in my head (and I can type about 1000 words per minute) I might as well describe what I'm thinking I'll do. Hold off on asking her out. When I go in there tonight I'll say "How's school?" and keep the flirting to a...
  11. R

    I was sure this HB had the hots for me. Could I have been wrong?

    JJ, The simple fact is that I go in there all the time (because I can walk there) and there she is. I could forget about trying to DJ her, but then I go to get a drink and there she is again. Half the time I don't even want to see her or I'm just not on top of my game, and it's times like this...
  12. R

    Is there a different technique for pulling the 8s and 9s than for the 6s and 7s?

    From my personal experience and from what I've observed of the behavior of extremely beautiful women and the dudes that get them, is that challenge is absolutely critical. If you chase them they will run. If they want you, they are not afraid you will reject them and they will test you. If you...
  13. R

    I was sure this HB had the hots for me. Could I have been wrong?

    I don't think I've asked but I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a BF. I've given her all kinds of opportunities to mention him.
  14. R

    I was sure this HB had the hots for me. Could I have been wrong?

    Wow! Thanks for all the replies guys. I see what you all say about LJBFing her. what I mean is to just mention something in passing, about how she would make a good friend (David DeAngelo style) like junglist said. All I really need is to get her to spend some time with me and I can build...
  15. R

    I was sure this HB had the hots for me. Could I have been wrong?

    OK, I'll tell it again. I think I left a few things out anyway. I had been going to this store for a couple months. She was always there working the cash register. I casually started to chat with her more and more. I onced asked her if she worked there 24/7 (C&F) and she said she works every...
  16. R

    I was sure this HB had the hots for me. Could I have been wrong?

    I living in DC for work lately and there's this little shop I go to almost everyday. It's one of those little immigrant owned convient store/deli's so common in big cities. But the cashier there is a knockout. I started playing around with her and I could have sworn she was interested. She...
  17. R

    Things to remember out in the field...

    Right on, Bro! This is exactly what I needed to hear at this point in time. Lately, I've been trying to incorporate some ASF stuff into my game and it kind of throws it off sometimes. It's just not natural to me yet and I have to do too much thinking on the spot. But I was prime with just the...
  18. R

    porn makers--good Don Juans?

    MysteryWoman, your insight is lame, predictable and lacking of any kind of factual source. The reason we are discussing this is because it is a general misconception, which you, for some reason, are presenting as a great revelation. :rolleyes: The facts are: [list=a] Any woman will do...
  19. R

    Pay or not pay for dinner date

    Hell, I'll pay for dinner, but the bee-yocth is going to give up the sweet puntang, not because I bought her dinner, but because she's just gonna! :D
  20. R

    Bishops Journal

    If it wasn't copyrighted I would tell you to do a 'document' search on Kazaa by 'Artist'. ;)