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  1. L

    Ex getting interested again, need help!

    You'll get her back whenever it is the universe decides that two plus two equals five.
  2. L

    Can you help an asian guy out?

    I'm an Asian guy. I date only white women. Do you have a specific question? And no, don't base your own happiness on what other people have. That's a social phenomena that is well documented, and even causes billionaires to feel unhappy - my advice for you is to ignore any and all "grass is...
  3. L

    Girl doesn't like to be woken for sex?

    Sure looks a lot less shiny when it's not sitting on a pedestal, don't it? BigNeil, you're the only one who can tell us if this really is a problem. You've only known this girl maybe 4-5 months. She might have a quirk or two. Shoot, my girl tells me all the time that I'm the first guy she's...
  4. L

    Girlfriend ditches me to go to a dude's party

    Hey OP, Everything Iceberg said. If you're looking for excuses to break up, you need none. Break up. It's not like a divorce where you have to fill out paperwork. Sh*t, and even then... ASSUMING your girl is awesome 95 percent of the time, I'd like to make a suggestion - this will go...
  5. L

    Ex getting interested again, need help!

    You started off with "I need some advice on how to act" and then immediately ignored our advice. You're either a troll, or incredibly dedicated to being unhappy and not getting laid.
  6. L

    Ex getting interested again, need help!

    Savaris: 1) Your situation is not special. This girl is not somehow "more worth it" than another comparable girl. It has happened to all of us. Some, even twice or three times. 2) The crazy ideas going through your head are due to the fallacy of sunk costs...
  7. L

    She made out with me at Party, but no date yet.

    I read all of that, only to find out that you hadn't actually asked her out yet. You should proceed by asking her out. I'll assume you're cool enough to do that without sounding creepy or obsessive. Let us know how it goes, and then we'll have more to talk about.
  8. L

    Accept that I have limited appeal?

    And thinking that only a woman can come along and fix your problems is a fair and wise assessment of your situation? I get that you're frustrated, but I think you're misreading me when I ask what your interests are. Frankly, your love of opera, unless you are performing in it or otherwise...
  9. L

    Pithy/Clever relationship aphorisms

    ... and sometimes it's awesome!
  10. L

    Pithy/Clever relationship aphorisms

    Women are the spice of life, not the meat.
  11. L

    Accept that I have limited appeal?

    What do you love to do in life that doesn't involve women? Invest yourself more heavily in your passions, because they are the things that are real and true in your life, and will bring you the most happiness. You're on the right path, but you're focusing all on your training and forgetting...
  12. L

    A different way of looking at oneitis?

    It is rational to believe that at some point in time, the ABSOLUTE PERFECT woman for you has or will have existed. It is unwise to build your life around that 1 in a 10^10000000 chance. If you really think about it, all one-itis is logical. It's just that the logical conclusions of someone...
  13. L

    Pithy/Clever relationship aphorisms

    Hey guys, I figured a thread for quick sayings that can sum up our teachings is in order. I thought of this one: Try to be more clever/funny than the previous poster. We'll compile a best of as we go through. And.... GO!
  14. L

    Creating Attraction In A Female Friend Over Time

    I'll admit that I've slept with most of my closer female friends when we get to that "hey, so we're alone and have nothing else to talk about" moment. But... 1) I've never tried to pursue those hookups. 2) When they happen, I've never tried to cling to them or turn it into a regular...
  15. L

    If a guy is short, skinny (BC of cancer), and broke he can't get the girls.

    What do you mean "We males"? Did you build anything worthwhile? Did you shape the world? Did you create something of value? Nah, I see mostly complaints. So, yes, I agree. Guys like you don't deserve anything, because they don't do anything. I know enough people who have had it way...
  16. L

    My girlfriend chose Facebook over me.

    Nope - that money's gone. Consider it the expense of becoming a better person... or at least the expense of general idiocy. Now... are you going to do the smart thing and leave it all alone? Or are you finding excuses to get involved with this girl again because "it's totally about the...
  17. L

    Sh*t test? F*ck your sh*t test.

    In my book, there's no such thing as an "attractive, but rude" woman. Attractive women aren't rude.
  18. L

    Rate my looks?

    OP: Your looks are good enough. Don't obsess over it. If you work out, it should be for the benefits of being healthy, and the huge impact being healthy makes on your everyday life - looks are just a nice positive side-effect.