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  1. A

    Full contact 2-3 times a week plus gym 3 times a week.

    I recently started doing full contact and fell in love instantly (is that AFC ;) ). I'm also going to the gym doing a 3 times a week routine, which is divided as follows: Day 1) Legs and shoulders. Day 2) Chest and biceps. Day 3) Back and triceps. Full contact is VERY and I mean VERY...
  2. A

    Deads on legs or on back day?

    OK, I'm confused now. Can someone link to a page showing the differences with both deads? Also, isn't it overtraining to do one type of deads on legs day (with squats) AND the other one on back day?
  3. A

    Deads on legs or on back day?

    I always used to do Straight-back Straight-leg Deadlifts on my back day. A few days ago I talked to a guy at my gym and he told me it's better to do them on leg day because they are mainly for hamstrings. I do them on back day because squats stress the legs a lot and another big compound...
  4. A

    Example of Pooks "fountain of youth" tip!!

    ^^ The same is with me Ricky. When I'm busy, doing things I need to do to improve myself and enjoying life, I feel good and strong. When I leave my life behind, she hit's me in the back of the head with a brick and calls me an ******* ;) .
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    Fear of making mistakes.

    I just went outside and tried it... I went to a pizza place and asked for a hamburguerd with ham and cheese. He thought I said pizza with ham and cheese so I said it again. He smiled at me like saying "does this ****er know where he's at??" and said He didn't sold those there. So I said OK and...
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    Feeling down about your love life? Read this!

    Oh but we have so much in common, I love me too :D ! Hey, thinking about it, couldn't that be why confident ppl go out with confident ppl and the same happens with unconfident ppl?? Kinda like they have that thing in common and that connects them?? Just rambling a bit... ;) .
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    Girls are like you

    No, girls are not like me, they have something called "pu$$y", which can be used for recreational purposes :D .
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    Can´t remember people names!!!

    I hate this!!! Whenever I'm introduced at someone, no matter if he/she is male/female, there's a big chance I'm gonna forget there names like 10 seconds later. It's incredible frustrating and embarassing to have to ask a person for their name again because you weren't listening to them!! Maybe...
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    Ever felt like crap? Stuck in a rut? Motion determines emotion... read this!

    I'm giving this one a 10 :) ! It's unique and it does work :) !
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    Working out your face?

    I like your post, it made me smile too :) ! Anyway, if you work out (lift weights), your face gets a more masculine, chiseled look.
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    Get a manicure!

    MUST.... LEARN.... TOLERANCE.... MUST.... NOT.... DELETE.... STUPID.... TOPIC....
  12. A

    The post to end all posts.... needs a name!!

    All your base are belong to us OR Send money to Aiken_Drum
  13. A

    Guide to making your own topical fat burner. (Yohimburn)

    It's pretty obvious your interest for ppl visiting that site isn't altruistic. I don't have a problem with that, but topical fat burners do nothing, they just take water from the fat, so you aren't losing fat, it's a purely temporary and escapist solution to the problem.
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    Oral sex & STDs.

    WHY GOD WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY???????????? Stupid aids, it's really starting to piss me off :mad: !!!!
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    Oral sex & STDs.

    So... can you get AIDS by going down on a girl? If so, you need to have abrasions inside your mouth or what? How does it work? Thanks.
  16. A

    Become a GREAT lover!

    MMMM, no. You need to try the real stuff, no video will make you better in bed. Besides, focus on getting ON the bed and LATER getting BETTER, allrighty??? Change your priorities, sir!
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    Getting anyone to call back!!

    "Wanna fvck???" :D
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    Best Rejections

    Moving to DJ disc, more appropiate there than HS.
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    Problem with PMs.

    I got an e-mail saying I got a pm from assasin but there's nothing in my mailbox. I also got a pop up. I checked 3 hours ago and now and nothing... any ideas Allen? Thanks!
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    Just say Fvck it...."NO"

    Great post Ashlee. And incredible response, Nick, as usual very intelligent and straight to the point. Do you have studies in psychollogy btw? I'm curirious about where you got that knowledge. Is it formal studies or your own observations? Plz add me to your ICQ, 12675344 or msger...