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    Asking gf's dad to marry her

    Come on guys, don't be so hard on "nooo, it's AFC, you don't need permission". It's just a cultural thing, I doubt he'd say "NO!" and even if he did, you can still can get married. It just would suck though....
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    How many languages do you speak?

    Well, spanish as my mother tongue, a good english (hope so :D) and I'm learning the basics of german. Next year, portuguese. I wanna go back to Brazil, but this time being able to speak something. The good thing is that if you have a good spanish, when they speak slowly you can understand the...
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    Moving to Another Country....Where Should I Go?

    Buenos Aires, Argentina Hi guys, I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina and I think it's a nice place to leave... if you have a passive income, that is! I personally wanna move out to Australia when I get my degree (around 3 & half years from now). Let me list the good & bad: POSITIVE: - If...
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    I'm 26, need advice from mature guys, maybe you can help prevent a huge mistake.

    The thing is that I fear that she is right for me. Yeah, I know, oneitis... I've been out of the community for a while and it's called being in love outside. Can anyone relate to a situation like this? Have you ever dumped (or been dumped by) someone who you were REALLY in love with, and...
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    I'm 26, need advice from mature guys, maybe you can help prevent a huge mistake.

    Hi all, thanks a lot for the replies, I've read them all. You've all made me see a different aspect of the issue. Yes, I think love is a very complicated thing, I'd love to NOT love her right now, it would make things easier. I think I'll do as Zunder suggested, just state my truth and be...
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    I'm 26, need advice from mature guys, maybe you can help prevent a huge mistake.

    Hi all, thanks for the interest in helping me. I'm currently in a position that it's quite complicated. Basically, I've been dating this girl for 2 & half years. I'm 26 & she's 37 (looks 30-31 though). The problem is that, quite reasonably, she wants to have children. Not RIGHT NOW at this...
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    The Man In The Glass

    Amazing, thx for sharing. Did you write this?
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    How to fight back at jealousy :

    Yeah, it has really helped me out. The main point is to shift your focus. I'm trying to radically convert myself. The point is, if a person loves you, has great sex and is a great companion to you, why should you even care what she does on her time without you? It sounds hard to grasp, but I...
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    How to fight back at jealousy :

    Wow, I just found the best text on fighting back jealousy EVER. It's written with polyamorous people in mind... so if it can help someone see his girl get kissed & ****ed in front of him :crazy: :nervous:, it MUST be able to help us :D VERY interesting...
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    Approach statistics. How many you need to do to get a date? And prize mentality.

    So, anyone has an opinion about the subject?
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    Approach statistics. How many you need to do to get a date? And prize mentality.

    I read the whole Anti Dump's Machine post the other day (one of the best series of posts by far) and found a very interesting concept. Let me quote our beloved Pook: I totally agree with Pook. I think my rate is somewhere along the above lines... 100 approaches, 10 turn into dates, 3 would do...
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    Sir_Chancealot's Advanced Sexual Techniques

    BUMP, incredible!
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    Keeping LTR IL

    Yup, I did. Very nice stuff, nice reminder, specially about being impredictable. And the thing with cheating and jealousy... be cool about her and she will feel better in the relationship... so cheating is less likely to occur... if she is a *****, she ll do it anyway, so there was nothing you...
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    How long would it take the girl to lose interest?

    No if she truly likes you. Project yourself into that situation. What would you feel after 3 months of not seeing a person you like? Perhaps when she comes back you'll need to rebuild the relationship a bit, but if you have played it right, you shouldn't have problems. Some girls do this hot &...
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    My Life's Hit Rock Bottom

    I think that the bottom line to solve ANY problem in life (including yours and my own, I'm giving this advice to both of us) is deciding what you want and then persistance. Sometimes we feel like there's no point in going on, I've felt like that A LOT of times. But in the end, you need to be...
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    The Cartography Of Hell

    This post deserves a re-bump. Congrats Jekyll, I loved it!
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    To be a bad ass mother****a or a gay-tard???

    OK, now that I got your attention, I have a dilemma. We always been told by countless """gurus""" that we should smile when approaching... but David D. says to smile rarely, like James Bond. I actually feel J.B. looks way cooler than, say, Tom Cruise with his million dollar smile :D Both...
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    Chasing Confidence.

    Think of the last time you approached a girl nervous as hell. And put yourself in her position. What do you see? Some guy who looks WEIRD. Why? Are you (or anyone for that matters) a weird guy? No way, the problem is that the nerves makes you look like you cant have a regular conversation with...
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    Full contact 2-3 times a week plus gym 3 times a week.

    I thank you for your imput charisma and I agree with what you said, you cannot be a master at both, but I'm not looking to be the greatest kick boxer, I want to be good at it and have a nice muscled body.
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    Full contact 2-3 times a week plus gym 3 times a week.

    Full contact is a very similar sport to kick boxing. My goals are to gain mass AND be good at full contact. If I trained both on the same day, I would do one awfully bad because I would be very tired from the other.