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  1. J

    What Women Want (In Pictorial Form)

    "I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability." Jack Nicholson as Melvin Udall in "As Good As it Gets" after being asked by a female receptionist how he writes women characters so well.
  2. J

    4 years

    Styleman, it's obvious you're not going to do anything. Then along will come a guy like me who will start banging her before you finally got the cojones to do something.
  3. J

    How do I let a woman know I'm not her attention squeeze?

    I think Paris Hilton has a little dog that she carries around in her purse. It goes wherever she goes and does everything Paris tells her to do. Now Paris even dresses the little dog in cute little outfits, too.
  4. J

    HILARIOUS story. please read

    How fat is she?
  5. J

    Need Help With A Waitress

    If you think this is what's going to happen then you're already hurting yourself.
  6. J

    Attempted to # close a girl in class.. what did I do wrong?

    This killed you right here. No girl wants to study with you.
  7. J

    How To Be A STUD [Tips]

    Good post.
  8. J

    What to do on the 1st date with a women?

    Drinks are better. Play some pool or something instead of just interviewing each other. Always go for at least a kiss at the end of the night.
  9. J

    I want to DUMP her, but WON'T?!

    Hey, George Costanza... sit down and tell her that she's a great person but it's not working out. Stop stringing her along.
  10. J

    Online Dating First Email Problems

    I'm surprised no one's asked anything about the picture you put up with your ad. If this is bad then it doesn't matter what you say in your message.
  11. J

    girl approach

    I would venture to guess that you overuse the word "like" in real life person to person interaction as well. You should rid yourself of this crutch as early as possible in life because it makes you sound effeminate.
  12. J

    ATTENTION: these slvts actually make sense!!!

    Once again, it's just girls showing that they are too stupid to put a complete sentence together without giggling and overusing the word "like."
  13. J

    Girls online profile....some sample data for you

    This is why I don't do the myspace thing. Look up any pretty girl and you will see a bunch of dudes putting the same comment.. "Thanks for the add"
  14. J

    What is C+F???

    This is from the David DeAngelo system.
  15. J

    Is that why virgins are better?

    Put her legs up behind her head. That should do the trick.
  16. J

    Date Report: D1ck Tease

    Like JustDoItAlways said "Set it Up for Next Time." You should be able to close the deal on the next date. A lot of girls don't want to feel they'll just give it up on the first date.
  17. J

    "I love you"

    If you show an XY graph of BJ's to "I Love Yous" you will see that there is a negative inverse relationship between the two. Hence the more "I Love Yous" you say the less BJ's you will get. BJ's (Y axis) | -- \ | --- \ | ---- \ | ----- \ | ------ \ | ------- \ | -------- | | --------...
  18. J

    I sinned many a time today...

    You deal with it by not doing it with the next hot girl you meet. What do you think she'll be the last HB8+ you'll ever come across again?
  19. J

    Casual Comments Are The Key

    If you can hook up with a girl who has a boyfriend then awesome.. more power to you. But remember, that most of the guys on this board need a system - meaning "if this happens then do this". Like I said, if she brings up the boyfriend that's usually a sign that she's not interested. Sure if...
  20. J

    OK so heres why you CAN'T trust hoes. Stole exes myspace password, heres what I found

    Yep, he's fvcking her allright. Hard too. Lucky bastard. No she a ho allright. Stop making excuses for her. You sound like you bought into that whole feminist sexual lib crap. A ho's a ho.